Hide/Disable_Reuse Option

I’m having a problem with the hide_reuse and disable_reuse task. The code is below but I have tried the disable_reuse before each # option and have tried the hide_reuse code at the beginning of the scene, before the choice, and besides the # option. None of them are working.

	#Bow and arrows
		*set MainWeapon "Bow"
		*set arrow "arrow"
		*set Knifemanship -10
		*goto SecWeapon
		*set MainWeapon "Gun"
		*set arrow "gun"
		*set Knifemanship 50
		*goto SecWeapon
		*set MainWeapon "Daggers"
		*set arrow "daggers"
		*set Knifemanship +10
		*goto SecWeapon

*label SecWeapon
Your second favorite would probably be the:
	#Bow and arrows
		*set SecondaryWeapon "Bow"
		*set arrow "arrow"
		*set Knifemanship -10
		*set SecondaryWeapon "Gun"
		*set arrow "gun"
		*set Knifemanship 50
		*set SecondaryWeapon "Daggers"
		*set arrow "daggers"
		*set Knifemanship +10