Hiya, anyone remember the one where it’s based around chinese mythology and you’re some sort of immortal being (either spirt or god?) and you get a message that your no quite mortal friend is in trouble so you go to find them but you took too long and they had died already but had left a child behind?
Hi, i’m looking for a game, not sure if it was released or just WIP, where we play as an alien who escaped on Earth and possesed a human because another alien wanted to kill MC alien. I don’t remember much of anything else, just that the MC kept calling humans “insects” or “bugs” or something bugs related, MC had a sibling, one of the LI was also an alien. Thanks for any info.
I’m positive that this is the one you’re looking for
Yes, thanks!
Thanks, such a shame that the last patreon post was in september 2023, I was looking forward to that chapter 2
I made an account just for this so idek if I’m replying to a comment or not but I’m looking for a Wip where at the beginning we were exploring an abandoned place with our friends ( I decided to carry the backpacks ) when we were attacked by this monster, I had to choose between saving two friends. I survive but now I’ve joined this agency where I’ve gained powers of shape shifting ( this black sludge I think ) and I fight these superheroes. I need to take this pill/solution to keep my powers in check. I’m tasked with infiltrating a supervillain network and one of the villains had horns. Our character lived in this run down place where some other character left us food. Idk if I’m explaining this well.
That’s Drink Your Villain Juice
OMG THX the fact I’ve spent over an hour looking for it and I literally scrolled past this thinking that this wasn’t the name. 1 hour and a bit wasted for me. Thx so much for ur help!!!
No problem and welcome to the forum!
hey everyone looking for a game where you are and adventurer, hunter and you have a companion that is a werewolf. i remember you can pick between using a sword and magic and eventually there was a vampire that joined the party afterwards as well. one of the only things i can remember is that towards the end of the demo you were dying and you had the choice to receive blood from the werewolf or the vampire, turning you into them.
That will be Wolfsbane
thats it, thanks!
Hey y’all I’ve been looking for this one specific IF I think I played it on CoG(or dashingdon) but I forgot the title and the whole plot. I’ve recently come across it on my screenshots and I can’t help but be curious and I’ve been wanting to play it again. this is the screenshot. does anyone know what’s the title of this IF?
thank you so much!
Im looking for a horror WIP that I read recently. The premise is that you and your friends inherit a mansion from an old man? that you knew. On the drive there you have a random encounter with things such as spiders or a radio. The ROS include a preppy fck boy type, a military background guy, his scientist sister, and I think one other girl. The main thing that happens so far is the loss of time in the house and random storms.
Here it is: Eldritch Tales: Inheritance [Horror | Haunted House | Romance] [WIP]
I think the title’s changed a little, which may be why you had trouble finding it.
thank you (: