Hero or Villain: Genesis (feedback thread)

@nocturne thanks! Those two should be corrected in the next update (going to wait a little bit, as there have been already a couple of updates since release, and I don’t want CoG to get mad at me… also as I am working on a more substantial update to expand on the RO).

@LiliArch do let me know if you have found a bug. Also, let me know if you have some specific options that you want me to include, I’m always happy to include some more dialogue options, etc! :slight_smile:

@Tpryor yes, it doesn’t seem to be released on amazon. Have you tried their app thought?


Maybe it is released in it?

Regarding Shiroi Yuki, I think this is well explained in the posts above! (thanks everybody for explaining it all :slight_smile:). I haven’t included any RO with her, as she is encountered late into the game. As to whether a vampire can RO his/her own minion, I guess I’ll leave that to each reader’s imagination!

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You need 60+ psyche since she has 60 psyche.

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@Tpryor actually, it was just released today!

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Does anyone know how to beat shiroi yuki? She just keeps throwing that ice shard at me and I immediately fail any suggestions? That and she keeps flying away when I get her to low health.

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I had the strong force field upgrade (-30 damage) and high agility and her attacks only did like 6% damage to me every turn then she was beaten after a few turns
So I guess a mix of high agility (a super speed power can help here too) and an armor ability would work

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So like, i really think that time powers are the best on ridiculously easy mode. I mean like, my enemies can’t touch me even once. My power set is like this. I choose Agility as my first attribute, Then strength as my second. Choose time powers and select the following. Max your Intelligence and psyche at the attribute enhancement screen.Next go to movement powers And choose accelerate time x 8. Go to defensive powers and choose The ability to regenerate in one day. Go to offensive powers and choose The powerful telekinetic, Channel energy into Sabre and channel energy into gun. Go to Miscellaneous powers and choose The ability to identify enemies weak points, Superhuman reflexes, Anticipate enemies movements, Understanding of all things mechanical And the ability to Manipulate people’s dreams. Finally go to other powers and choose Professional bodybuilder and professional athlete.

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I want to see the stats on technology improvements.
But inventory seems very empty. It doesn’t included any inventor’s gadgets or details on weapons & armor.


Anyone knows how to become vampire?

Edit: Found it. Sorry for trouble

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I really don’t like the fact I have a job at the start.
I prefer something more like the superhero movie ‘Hancock’ where the main hero is more like a drifter.
It does fit the motif for since my mc doesn’t wear a mask to hide their identity.

Can we romance someone?? Who are RO???


After a half-dozen play-throughs, I can definitely say I enjoy this story, think it has tremendous potential, and eagerly await what happens next with it.

[spoiler]Out of all of the available superpowers in the game, my favorite has to be the ability to channel energy into a ranged weapon. It’s an ability that doesn’t sound like much, but if combined with a high agility, high marksmanship character, this ability can make a bow and arrow or a pistol hit harder than a plasma stream/cannon, at least according to the game’s damage calculations.

Another interesting implication of this “channel energy into projectile” power is that if it works on any ranged weapon, what happens if the character with this ability gets access to something… big. Like an anti-material rifle, a tank’s main cannon, a plasma cannon, or the main battery of a space dreadnought.[/spoiler]

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@Able sorry about that, but the story I wanted to make was that of a superhero who had to balance his/her/their daily life with being a hero… I understand that by giving everybody a lot of freedom, there is also the frustration that complete liberty isn’t given, but writing such a story would be crazy in terms of length. I think that the targetting computer was missing, so I added that… but otherwise everything should be there? (or, is something not showing properly with regards to gadgets?)

@Zarathras almost everybody can be RO, though the depth of these sequences varies (for many characters they are the same fairly generic sequence, though a few are more developed, such as the SA… but the ones that are more developed are the harder ones to get to… I am now working on expanding the romance sequences for two more characters -Emily and Lyron-, though it might take me a few more days to finish…)

@RuffianDog321, seems like you found one of the powerful combos in the game. Basically, I am deeply aware that the game isn’t balanced, and that certain power combinations will smash through some paths in the game… as Thor or the Hulk would smash through much in their path!

Otherwise, I’m currently working on v.1.1. of the game, which will feature extended RO “side-missions” (with Emily and Lyron). Hopefully more of these will follow in future updates to the game, though I need to balance those with writing some other games…


[spoiler]To be fair, my high agility marksman with the channel projectile power also had times 8 super speed (Normal Difficulty). That’s my second favorite power. I also quite like the hidden benefit to using a bow versus a gun for a ranged weapon: the bow can taken overseas through airport security while the guns cannot. Plus, I found trashing the arrogant Steel Aeronaut’s robots and powered armor with a Stone Age weapon to be hilarious.

How’s this for humble pie?

Steel Aeronaut: “Take me seriously!”
Moon Crusader/Villains: “Why, you got your ass kicked by a guy with a bow and arrow.”

Both the projectile power and super speed have good reason to be quite powerful, just look at Flash from DC Comics, Misaka “Railgun” Mikoto from A Certain Scientific Railgun, and the real-life formula for kinetic energy on a moving object/projectile: one-half mass times velocity squared. Double the speed of a projectile while keeping mass the same, the kinetic energy quadruples. Multiply the speed of a projectile by 8 with the mass kept the same, and the kinetic energy of said projectile is multiplied by 64. ”Velocitas Eradicado; Speed Destroys”. Motto of the U.S. Navy Electromagnetic Railgun research group.

All that being said, my character was a sitting duck against psychic attacks, a lot less effective when denied the use of a ranged weapon, and entirely dependent on dodging to survive. A total speedy ranged glass cannon. Good against Steel Aeronaut, not so good against Neuron Butterfly. I hope to see more of Butterfly, I like her design/powerset. [/spoiler]

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Oh, I just thought a interesting plot.
Your occupation can be a cop. Be the law undercover or as a hero.
Playing around with crimes and corruption. Hiding secret identity from Cap Villardi sounds interesting.

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How do I romance Emily?


One possibility I’m wondering about: [spoiler]When Steel Aeronaut attacks the gold convoy, it’s possible to bring either White Shark or Black Cockroach for backup if you’re friends with them. Is it possible to bring both of them? If it can’t happen for plot reasons I understand, but bringing both of them instead of just one would make some tactical sense and make for an interesting scene. And a little prelude to the super-powered team route…

And since Neuron Butterfly tries to get involved in stopping the robbery as well (either attacking you if you’re a villain or arriving too late if you don’t go to the convoy) I now have a mental image of Aeronaut using her power armor’s 4-armed form trying to fight off the PC (Player Character), White Shark, Black Cockroach, and Neuron Butterfly all at once. [/spoiler]

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You can:
A- Be nice/understanding about her job and be a good employee(finish the work she give you, including 100% the patent)
B- Use your powers to make her like you.
After the halfway point there should an option to go on a date.

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@RuffianDog321, @Able I like the suggestions… the problem is that they are structurally difficult to implement. Adding characters to a scene always starts to become a massive headache (the gold scene is already a big mess of different possibilities, depending on whether you have a side-kick with you or not, etc). Given that many players have likely not made the necessary moves to have the possibility of two side-kicks, coding all that seems a bit much… Also, having more jobs would indeed be fun… but, also from a structural point of view it becomes a mess. I know many people don’t really like the having a job part of the game, but it is too structural now to the entire game (I can’t change it without having to re-write half of the game…)


I have some small ideas on how to improve some of this, which I might slowly implement after I finish my first update to the game (currently working on that, regarding extended RO sequences).

Your points make good sense.

[spoiler]One thing I’ve noticed about Emily already: Something that happens if your character is on really good terms with her (70 plus relationship I think.)

Anyways, if your character pursues Steel Aeronaut overseas, asks Emily for a vacation to do it, and your relationship is good enough, she will enthusiastically approve the vacation and ask where you are going, to which the character will honestly tell her. I can see this scenario leading Emily to figuring out the character’s secret identity, romance or not, if the character goes directly to Mongolia and tells Emily so.

Example Hypothetical Outcome:
News Report: ‘Our top powered story tonight! New York based hero (Hero Name) has defeated and captured the infamous super-villain Steel Aeronaut in Mongolia!’

Emily: “Oh, thank God that villain is finally in custody. Maybe I’ll be able to get that night at the ball out of my head… Wait, oh no, (civilian name) is on vacation in Mongolia! I hope they weren’t hurt… Wait… Wait a minute… Why would (civilian name) go to Mongolia in the first place?”

Emily: “Hold on, (civilian name) goes to Mongolia, and (Hero Name) ends up fighting their nemesis, the Steel Aeronaut, there right after? Is that just a coincidence? Come to think of it, I didn’t see (civilian name) at all that night at the ball after (Hero Name) showed up to fight Aeronaut’s minions. That’s two coincidences! And (civilian name) left work without warning the same day (Hero Name) fought Aeronaut at that bank! That’s three coincidences, and that’s too many to ignore! Oh my God, this explains everything! (Civilian Name) is (Hero Name)!! [/spoiler]

I could be wrong, but this seems to be an interesting hypothetical.

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