What game would be the best to play for this year?
Versus: The Lost Ones.
But it is from the last year.
@Eskalon from this year the best seems to be:
Hero Project: Redemption Season
Guns of Infinity
Best of Us
Choice of Alexandria
And if those are released this year:
Community College Hero: Knowledge is Power
Versus: The Elite Trials
Zombie Exodus:'Safe Haven
Community College Hero: Knowledge is Power
Versus: The Elite Trials
Zombie Exodus:'Safe Haven
(Shameless copy and paste)
Those are the ones I am the most excited for but I do agree with your selection m8. I just hope hero project wont railroad too much. Otherwise its probably still going to be an enjoyable first playtrough.
Same i cant wait i keep on checking on release date for guns of affinity because its the closest
Are u doimd a beta test on community college?