Shepherds of Haven (WIP) (DEMO UPDATE: 3 Aug 2021)

I have to warn you, it’s pretty soul-crushing to play this route… even I can’t bring myself to do it! :joy: It’s not just mean, there are some evil psychopathic options in there! :sweat_smile:



@rinari I should be fine playing the evil route. Never really had problems doing it in any game. I just have to go to my deep dark space.


You do you, @2xs. You do you…


An evil path is never bad it is more fun

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Yes. Godspeed to those who will do the evil route. =)


As long as none of the characters are like Tali’Zorah vas Normandy, or Garrus Vakarian I think I might just be able to play a full on massively evil person. If there are characters like either of those I might as well throw in the towel on the dark side.
Few characters have made me dead stop my evilness like those two.


I can be ruthless to people who are cruel and kill them all but I can’t really be bad to people who help me and are my friends or to hurt things like kittens. I just can’t do it in any game, it feels wrong.


I’ve never played the original Mass Effects (only Andromeda hurk) so I can’t speak to if any of the characters in H+H resemble them! :sweat_smile: I can only say that I love my characters (since I’m their creator lol) so it hurts me to hurt them… and you can really hurt them if you choose!


If we hurt them too much could we kill them?

There are scenarios where they could die (aka your choices could lead to a character death) but those choices are not the same as the ones that would make them hate you!


Hmmmmm…:smirk::smiling_imp: I’ll be careful.

Those who help me I can with slight difficulty most of the time, unless they are “pure as the driven snow” then at best I’ll mislead them. Hurt babies I can do, dogs easy, kittens mmmm put the kitten down gently then we can get back to the ultraviolence. Kittens are my weakness.
Every so often there is a individual that defies all logic as to why I can’t touch them.
Any char can survive me @rinari if they just wear kitty armor.
Love the demon “statue” in this game.

Of course not, they can’t hate you if thier dead…:rofl:

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Accidental choices (when you don’t know what could do that choice that looks so harmless) I asume, but if I want to kill them in purpose? The choice to do it would be obvious or not?

Well I was gonna ask you to rate how hard it is to play on a scale of 1 to shooting Mordin but I guess I can’t do that now.

That said, I don’t think I’m strong enough to play a truly evil character, so I guess that I’m gonna have to let that achievement sit in the corner : )

why do i care so much about fictional characters :upside_down_face:


You’re not the only one. I usually avoid doing an evil character. My heart just can’t take it.


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I can be completely heartless. What can I say, I let everyone die on the Normandy during the final mission of ME2 so I had a pretty lonely ship for ME3. Admittedly, Tali was the only one that hurt my soul. Garrus, buh, I never understood what everyone saw in that jerk In my cannon playthroughs of any game I play there is almost always one or two companions that bite the dust. Normally though, I do keep a few around especially my little sis, Tali.

So far I don’t think I have met a character that I couldn’t do without in this game, but that said, there aren’t any that I would go out of my way to nix except Ebert.

I’m very excited for the release after the demo I couldn’t wait

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@Nevantyr As far as I’m aware there aren’t any choices to outright murder any of the recruitable characters intentionally. Sacrifice them, maybe! But yes, the choice would be obvious in that case.

@Urban Thanks for catching that! It should be fixed now.

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Who do you think is your favorite out of the recruitable characters?

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