Guenevere (WIP)

By not sleeping with Arthur. After the initial battle in Book 1, he’ll ask you about your lack of intimacy, and one of the responses you can give him is telling him you only like women.

If I remember correctly, at least. It’s been a while.


Ahh right I snuck out to see fireworks and let him afterwards. Ok time for another replay

What if your character is bi and likes men too so she still slept with Arthur to try the relationship but eventually she saw him more as a friend than a lover? Or maybe like my Guen she liked him at the start but got turned off by how naive he acts later on. Then she became drawn to Morgana from the very beginning and found her more interesting and attractive than Arthur.


That’s one of the things I like about this Arthur - if you’re honest with him that Guen is gay and didn’t marry him by choice, he’s sorry you got stuck with him and legit wants Guen to be happy.

I think he would be okay with Guen being in love with Morgana in that case. Ditto for ace Guens. He doesn’t get it and he’s insecure and wants to be reassured that it’s not about him personally, but once he gets over that he’s supportive.


LOL I think that is a level of relationship complexity he won’t handle well. As I mentioned in my other post he’s a bit sensitive about rejection, so if you told him you actually don’t like him anymore because of his personality, he’s gonna have hurt feelings. He might even yell at you.


From a game/personal level, I do like the malleability @jeantown gave her Arthur.

Of course, when I go with a canon MC, the story sort of builds in my mind, and in this game, it is a Guen furious at her father and Arthur.


My Guen was against the marriage at the start as she didn’t like arranged marriages. However, after realizing Arthur was considerate and nice she started to like him.

Over the years however she realized he is too naive and if he continues on like that he’d ruin the kingdom. She tried to subtly tell him that’s not the way how the world works but he never listened.

Guen wanted a man who can protect her and she felt Arthur cares about his ideals more than about her (like in the scene where he refused to kill the man I forgot the name of who was a danger to Guen). Eventually the scene with the doppelgangers where he didn’t help or believe her was the last straw.


Yeah, I think it’s fair for an unwilling Guen to be pissed at Arthur. It might even be better for his moral development since it should wake him up to the fact that being pretty much sold to seal a treaty is fucked up (even if common for the period and necessary for the plot). If Guen falls in love with him and they’re both happy, that kinda gets papered over.

Interesting, it looks like your Guen’s development hinges on the 2nd part of book 2. I’d love to hear your thoughts after the release since apparently we’ll get to argue with Arthur about his decisions.


we’ll get to argue with Arthur about his decisions.

It’s funny; I’ve seen several people here talk about how they want their Guens to berate Arthur for his decisions at the end of Book II, and here I am thinking, “If all goes well on the Michaelsmount path, Ladylike Guen will want to throw her arms around Arthur and thank the Goddess that he’s all right.”


As a reader I just want to do that :joy: I know he’s made mistakes (depending on how you view it at least) but I find it hard NOT to forgive him.


I’m not going to berate Arthur for the doppleganger incident. Noone could have expected that. So I’m not certain why I should berate him other than being too trusting of our guests.


My Guen felt like Morgana is actually a better ruler than Arthur is. Unlike him, she actually listened to reason and always tried to go with a good plan. She also admired how Morgana cares about her loved ones and try to help them even when people mistrust her and don’t appreciate what she’s doing. She was also mostly a light magic user but found dark magic to be pretty interesting as well and was looking forward to Morgana teaching her. Guen still cared about Arthur though but she kinda gave up on trying to change him and was more attracted to Morgana at this point.


I plan to forgive him with my main Guen. After I storm the castle and sic my dog on the bad guy and make Arthur regret treating her like a damsel :wink:

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Yeah, my Ladylike Guen thought Arthur was trusting Meligaunt more than he ought to, but that’s about it as far as “things to (maybe) chide Arthur for” goes. She didn’t think the sheep plan was a great idea, but she knew Arthur’s heart was in the right place and therefore never brought it up during the bedroom scene. She was a little frustrated with Arthur that he couldn’t tell the difference between the real her and a doppelganger, but it was nothing compared to her worry over his safety. So if Ladylike Guen mentions Arthur’s misplaced trust in Meligaunt at all at the end of Book II, she’s most likely to say something like, “You know your belief in the goodness of people is one of the reasons why I love you, but I worry about you being taken advantage of by people who’d abuse your trust. Please be more discerning about the people you trust next time.”


You all have such complex and interesting Guens!:smiley: I found my main Guen, for whatever reason, fell pretty close to Arthurian canon. She does like Arthur, even comes to love him, and agrees with his vision. But she is very much more aligned with Lancelot and Morgana, being a pragmatist, and she let’s Arthur have it when she thinks he’s wrong.

She is best friends with Morgana, because, who wouldn’t love that sorceress! And she is probably more in love with Lance than she ever will be with Arthur. The shared pragmatism and frustration over Arthur’s naivety aside, her big thing is, Lance puts her first always, and has from the beginning, while Arthur’s first marriage and priority was always the kingdom.

She doesn’t resent Arthur, not much anyway, and would never ask him to change. He has to care about Britain first, because he is the king. She also knows Lance’s bond with her and dedication might be fueled by a spell, but she likes having someone that does put her first.

She tries to put Arthur first few a few years, like Lance, but it hurts her both seem to ignore her. Then when she has the chance to be with Lance in Book 2, she takes it without regret. Arthur choosing to go save a doppelganger when she told him it was magic, and then being sure the fake really just hammers home that she will never be first. She tries to a selfless, sensible, practical queen, but craves what she has with Lance to much.


All those Guens loving Arthur and are going to forgive him while my Guen is looking forward to getting rid of him since day one, I don’t even want to rule Britain I just don’t like him, and Lance is kind of the personification of a bunch of things that I don’t like but the main reason I don’t like him is because he keeps forcing himself on Guen, don’t matter what and even after you plainly tell him you don’t like him/like women.

Lancelot- Elliot from Life is Strange before the storm
Arthur- Warren from Life is Strange
Morgana- Chloe price from Life is Strange

I’m sure there’s better examples but I’m tired. Elliot is a nice guy whose super into the protagonist but Even if you’re clearly not interested he thinks you belong together. Warren is another nice guy but if you reject him he gets Sade and mopey.
Chloe is a cynical rebel who people tend to have a problem with because of her rough exterior but is secretly a sweetheart looking for love.


I really enjoyed what I played of this, especially the sheer camaraderie between Guen, Arthur, Morgana, and Lance, and how likable they were individually. (I was playing a very dutiful queen who loves everybody but doesn’t want to break vows, so I’m just d r a g g i n g things out.) Also, the way you could get a strong emotional connection without having to bring sex into it - Guen and Morgan are total bffs in my playthrough, and I didn’t feel like I had to sacrifice her other relationships to get that way.

I didn’t notice any hiccups in plotting. So far Guen and Lance are on a cart looking for Morgan, and I look forward to the next part.

Lovely game.


I can’t think of a less accurate descriptor for Lancelot in this game ._. He’s magically into Guen, but he seems incredibly upset about the idea about hurting Guen or Arthur over those feelings (at least if Guen rejects him). Sure he makes the pledge to Guen and dedicates his victories to her, but he also purposely stays as far away from her as possible for several years.


I… honestly don’t see it. At all. I love Life is Strange, but those parallels seem very forced.