Guenevere (WIP)

Not a big deal, but I’ve been figuring out small ways to make my Guen bipolar:

Book 1: She’s in the depressive period during this book. She’s quiet and subdued, even when doing fun things like the fireworks fiasco. Even though she wants to make Arthur happy and fulfill her duty as royal baby-maker, she can’t bring herself to sleep with Arthur. While she normally doesn’t mind dancing, she refuses to do so at the wedding. And so on.

Book 2: She’s in an “up” phase during this book. She’s much more likely to joke with people and flirt with Lance. She is also impulsive and reckless. Even though she promised Arthur she’d talk to Meligaunt, she hung out with Lance instead. At the Clone Army battle, she charged into the courtyard even though she knew staying in her room was the smart thing to do. On the boat, she went with the big escape plan instead of the simpler doppleganger plan, even though she her magic skills weren’t strong enough to succeed. She also slept with Lance, despite the fact that she’s asexual. And so on.

Book 3: I think she’ll start the book in a depressive phase, but Mordred’s conception will trigger a hypomanic phase. I’ll figure it out when we get there.

Anddddddd that’s all I have.


When I heard about Merlin BBC and it having a young Merlin, I thought it was an interesting idea…and then I came across a book about a female Arthur and got SO EXCITED at the prospect of female Arthur/Guen only to find it was young Merlin/female Arthur instead (which was pretty obviously inspired by the tv series on read), so now I’m kind of bitter about young Merlin portrayals.

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Well since we are sharing what our Gwen’s look like I thought I would toss mine in before I throw much need laurels at @jeantown for the wonderful work she has been doing on this lovely masterpiece.

Heh I have been a massive lurker for this WIP especially since you have a plethora of people helping you work the kinks out and offering better suggestion faster than I could ever type it out coherently XD. Just popping in and giving you a pat on the back, which is well deserved, and to offer you praise.

leaves a plate of cookies before vanishing


Don’t sell you so cheap, pace. Look at me I am all less coherent or logical, and people is really gentle with my rants, role-playing comments who no one cares about. And weird nicknames. Whatever you say couldn’t be worse than me. So post whatever you want and is related with Arthur stuff.


-steals cookies-


-waves hand, Jedi Mind Trick style- These are not the cookies you’re looking for…


Hey @jeantown. Is there a way to tell romantic interests that you aren’t into sex, but are still into romance? :confused: I’ve just been looking through the game, and the auto jump to chapter 2, and it seems that telling Lance you aren’t into sex automatically makes Guen not into him (but there’s still an option saying she wouldn’t love him but would like a sexual relationship, lol I don’t get it).

It would be nice to be more clear-cut. My Guen loves Arthur dearly, and would enjoy the small cute things like fond nicknames, kissing his cheek, knitting him scarfs and healing him on the battlefield, but wouldn’t be gung-ho in the bedroom, other than for him- which is another thing.

What if Guen is having sex for her partners pleasure, rather than her own? Just to please him/her?

Could that become an option at some point, just to state that? ^^ Oh, I’m being presumptuous, sorry, just voicing some thoughts.

Thanks for being awesome as always. :slight_smile:

EDIT: waiiitasecccc

I was reading through some previous replies, and you said Morgana would get plopped along to whatever questline coincided with whether she escaped or not, yeah?

So, if you send Lance after her, he can help her and do whatever she was linked to? Like if Guen escaped and she didn’t, you send Lance after her, then he’s dealing with the Frank alliance stuff with Morgana for help!

I know Guen wouldn’t know that, but in a tactical mindset Guen, wouldn’t she be able to assume where Morgana would go? Couldn’t they have arranged a place to meet if possible, in the case of separation? I dunno they’re both smart so… ^^;

Eeeee I love theorizing on this game.

Also: Has anyone stated yet that they bet the missing necklace has something to do with the magic curse/thingy? No? Anyone?


I’m completely and utterly in love with this game. It’s my favourite WIP and one of the best Choose Your Own Adventure I’ve ever seen.
This game is astonishing.
I’ve been following this topic for a few months. Only today I had the courage to sing up. I am a little bit anxious about posting as well.
I’ve played as an Evil Guen - I have to come with a better name for her - and I can’t wait to start writing about her, but I’m way too tired to do that now.


It’s ok, half the people here have a Guen named Evil Guen. :slight_smile: Creative names are not necessary here.


I’m part of the freak group that neither uses standard names, nor an Evil Guen.

…Maybe I SHOULD do an Evil Guen…

…But I feel like i’d be in pain the entire time due to how much I like Arthur…


Oh my God I know right it’s so painful whenever I hurt Arthur! It makes me hurt personally! @jeantown has done to damn well with these characters!! :joy: :laughing:


It was guessed by a few people back when Part 2 was first released. It just hasn’t been a major point of conversation since then.

I don’t! I have a ‘Dark Guen’! Completely different! (Not really.) :stuck_out_tongue:


Evil Guen is so hard to play. It pains me to be so mean to Arthur.



He’s SO naive, though! And hittable. Very hittable. And sometimes, he’s so bad he’s stabbable.

And I don’t have an evil!Guen. I’ve got a cynic!Guen who’s out to give Arthur a dose of hard reality, but not to the point of like, actually trying to kill him.

…Just cripplingly wound, is all.

But… but Arthur is so adorable and lovable!

How could you bring yourself to hit him? Or stab him!

Naive and dumb at times? Yes? He’s still so lovable though!


Lovable in the same way a puppy who isn’t housetrained is loveable. Cute and cuddly, sure, but damned aggravating.

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Eh, to each their own. Arthur’s my favorite RO in the game, but some people are meaner than I am (though I’m sure @Fallaner would disagree with that point)…

Ehhh, I don’t get the whole ‘Arthur is dumb’ thing at all.

His plan for the kingdom is extremely forward thinking for a Medieval-like era, he’s very talented with battle tactics, he was a big reader and personally tutored by Merlin.

He just has an idealistic, young outlook and wants to believe the best in people, which can cause problems. But he has Morgana, Lance, Kay and possibly Guen to balance that out.


You actually hit the nail on the head. The people who dislike Arthur tend to think optimistic = stupid. Which I can understand, but in a game like this, having an optimistic character isn’t a bad thing (as far as I’m concerned).


Yeah, that’s really common- the popularity of GOT/90’s comics ‘anti hero = smart, hero = foolish’ schtick. One is not better than the other, it’s how it’s done.

And I say that as a big fan of gritty 90’s comics, lol.


I don’t think Arthur’s issue is that he’s a hero necessarily, it’s that he’s a bit naive and earnest in a time when pop culture lionizes wisecracking worldly heroes with attitude. So he looks like a chump with a “kick me” sign on him in comparison. He’s a truly nice guy, but everyone is aware of the saying that “nice guys finish last”…