Gender-locking ROs, gender flipping, and importance of gender in relationships

You certainly seem to have been trying to say that all heterosexuals have a particular opinion, earlier in this thread. Why is it okay for you and not for mara?

Woah, honey. At least get the burn cream out before you roast someone like that.

Mara has a good point. A very clever, insightful point that I’ve never managed to out into words, except “cis het men are entitled, think everything belongs or should belong to them, and like to think that everyone else is the enemy”.

I remember Bioware forums… the Krem hate and transphobia, the Sera being lesbian hate, the Cassandra looking like a man hate, the Josephine is Bi and I don’t want a bi girl they’re disgusting hate, the hate on DA2 for for being too Bi and having too many strong women… The hate on Andromeda’s trailer for having a female Shepard… The women are ruining mass effect hate, the death threats to the bioware writers that made them quit the company… The homophobes and straight women that wanted Dorian to be changed to straight… The racists complaining about the lack of more “historically accurate” white playable characters…

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I didn’t play the game, but personally I like Casandra’s look more than Sera’s. As for straight choices, the game did drop the number of potential love interests for straight males in the adventuring party from 2 to 1 while keeping the number of choices for straight females at 3, and the number of choices for gay males at 2. Choices for gay females also got dropped to 1. So I can see why the straight male and gay female contingents would complain, although the straight males no doubt complained more vocally since there are so many more of them.

Personally, I don’t mind playing female characters, and have in the past played female characters just to romance love interests who happened to be lesbian. So it really wouldn’t have mattered to me which sex Serra preferred even if I did play the game. Nevertheless, I do think there should have been a bi female party member (not Sera!), romanceable by both straight men and gay women to even things up.


It is not that way not all women had 3. Cullen only romance elves and humans and Solas only female elves. As Bioware has said they try to include at least a choice to everyone. But this is based in character story about who character his and what is attracted too. I mean people complain when every character is bisexual, then when is fixed. I mean if you compared game overal straight man still have a big advantage. It should be complaining more about quality and less about quantity. Josephine is a great romance too not only Cassandra. So is not only Cassandra.

But this is not Bioware thread


[quote=“poison_mara, post:195, topic:23002, full:true”]
It is not that way not all women had 3. Cullen only romance elves and humans and Solas only female elves. [/quote]

I didn’t count Cullen since he isn’t a party member. Counting him would make 4 for straight females. I counted Blackwall, Iron Bull, and Solace, all three of whom are party members. And neither Blackwall or Iron Bull care about the MC’s race.

This is true. I recall the complaints. Nevertheless that system was fair at least. Everyone who wasn’t bisexual had the same number of options in DA2, not counting the Sebastian DLC.

What advantage? I don’t see any. As far as I can tell it’s straight women who had the advantage with 4 romances, 3 of whom were party members.

Josephine isn’t a party member just like Cullen isn’t. So the opportunities for interaction aren’t the same. If we include both of these characters, than it’s 4 for straight gals and 2 for everyone else.

True, but as long as we’re talking about the romance genderlocking in the game, it’s still relevant to the thread.

I vastly preferred every character to be bi or pan or mc sexual, the restrictions again were not an improvement to me. :unamused:
Anyway to get more on topic it depends on the game but, as I said, I can live with and even prefer mc-sexual ro’s in games where the romances really are optional sidequests/plots and not very integral to the game.
In games where romance is the main feature or at least where romances are very important and interwoven with the plot I tend to prefer more verisimilitude, even if that means some of the cutest guys are going to be tragically, incurably straight.

Kinsey scale

That said I also like to believe Kinsey was right.


Iron bull for me is not a romance he tries to forced me to be his sex slave in his fetish kingdom so nope… And Black wall is ugly as hell and a cheater. But in first game all was focused on male protagonist yes it is the Alistair be queen but game supposed you are male and only male can have god child. Also male noble could be king with Anora. It is difficult find a balance and most games goes full hetero male. Others are supposed made for females. Other options well have nothing

Why being gay get you nude in the scale?? THAT’S A STEREOTYPE gays aren’t. More promiscuous that’s a myth. It is like scale was drawing with Donald trump. … Mara disagrees… :grumpy mara not amuse:

Ugh, why does the collapsing text box always fail for me?
Anyway here’s another depiction of the scale, warning women included:
Obviously I like the other one better because fabulous guys. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


That’s a nice stereotyped scale but at least is only sexist… Woman in pink and dress tipical. The other scale is anti gay because goes with GAYS ARE NYMPHS THAT TRY TO PERVERTING CHILDREN HIDE YOUR CHILDREN A GAY IS NEAR… SEE THIS SCALE SHOWS IT MORE GAY MORE DEVIANT SEX

What do you mean here? Yeah, the first one only has pictures of men and leans towards some gay stereotypes. :sweat_smile:
Technically there’s X for asexual too and there’s lots more complicated scales and charts today. Nonetheless this is the one I was taught, both by mom and by the school when I was younger.
Okay this is literally the most boring, academic one that is actually reminiscent of the one the school used:
As a consequence watching paint dry was more interesting than sex-ed back in the day. :unamused:

Thanks TSSL. :+1:


(You have an extra space before the word “details” the first time. :slight_smile:)

Also, at least your school actually mentioned the existence of alternatives to heterosexuality…


Yeah, it was a pretty nice school near Amsterdam.
You mean to tell me your school didn’t teach you about bi and homosexuality? Or didn’t they have sex-ed at all?
Shame on perfidious Albion! :frowning:

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Yeah. :frowning: It was against the law here until 2003.


I’m old. It was against the law to teach homosexuality/bisexuality in schools here until 2003. I was out of school by the time that law was repealed. So no, it wasn’t mentioned at all. All sex ed we got was 1 man+1 woman stuff.


Perfidious Vinland, in my case :stuck_out_tongue:

I actually missed the main sex ed because the school district was debating whether to teach abstinence only, and the compromise during the debate was not to teach it at all :unamused: but judging from the guide to what I’d’ve had if I actually did have it, yeah, bi/homosexuality was not on the radar.

Fortunately, books exist :smile:


Really how uncharmingly quaint and backwards. It has been tied to state school funding since 1995 here. Of course some Islamic and Christian schools willingly forego that part of the funding in order to stubbornly hold onto not mentioning it or having sex-ed at all. :unamused:
I also think one of the newer, more complicated charts is the recommended standard now, instead of good old Kinsey.

You 'Murican TSSL? Huh, I never would have guessed, or maybe I was confusing you with our dear watcher of parrots again.
American policy makers tend to be weird when it comes to sex-ed, I mean the president can have “golden showers” but kids apparently cannot even be taught about basic bodily functions. :unamused:

Seems like we may have um had that in common, yeah. :expressionless:


Isn’t that the point so that people know they’re female no matter the language?

King-Consort not actually king. You didn’t get all the power, female nobles who marry Alistair do actually become queen. Plus you can have the son exist no matter the gender.

It seems like hetero girls still had the advantage back then :laughing:

My sex ed never actually talked about sexuality. We just got the anatomical functions of everything, then again my first class (out of three) didn’t happen because of time constraints.

Oh yeah and the pamphlets teaching boys how to control themselves and the girls how to say no if the male didn’t read the pamphlet.

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I have not god child my husband had sex not I. Queen has same power than a king consort. Except when she is the royal main linage. However is true in several countries as mine Spain queens had more importance than kings in general. If you are faithful you are automatically a hero, and any Spaniard even republican people say Well the queen is great could have been a good republic president. We have a thing for Queens like they are o Magnificent or terrible. Everyone’s happy our king only had women . we are like the contrary to Japan.

Edit I go to Nun ruled private school… I had two Sex education. The official government ruled who was great were homosexuals were well treated and explain graphically sex toys and what foreplay is… And the CATHOLIC ONE… LIKE WHY IS MASTURBATION A SIGN OF DECADENCE AND FILTHY? Or my favorite. Why homosexuals are poor mental handicapped people church has to cure for their own good … Like wow they were against everything like make up that in single woman provoke. Being raped.

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Yep. Check out my u-short and z-plentiful spellings :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: with colorful civilization.

adds another entry to the growing list

There’d still be teachers who disagree with this. I had one who basically said “okay, don’t tell anyone because I could get into trouble, but if you have any questions about this stuff, I’ll do my best to explain.”

I did have an earlier class that dealt with puberty, but that was mostly just “your body is about to change in all these terrifying ways!”

Then there’s the whole localization issue with how, say, traditionally a prince’s wife becomes princess, but a princess’s husband doesn’t become prince, and then if we have a gender-equal setting and allow same-sex marriage, how do we choose to localize this? :confused:

What a wonderful way to handle the burden of responsibility :unamused: