Gender-locking ROs, gender flipping, and importance of gender in relationships

That’s literally the excuse bigots use. Sorry, but it’s true. Am I going to come there and assault you? No. This is a forum. I am not a mod nor a space-time-traveller. You liked Zassuen’s post and that got flagged, so I assume at worst that’s what will happen to you.

I say things angrily and that apparently makes the “opposition” into people who are angry and livid and at the same time too scared to start an argument. Alright.

You’re going to meet angry LGTBTQA+ people in your life. People angrier than me. People worse than me. It’s best you wise up to it now.

Thanks for pinning your confidence problem solely on me. Real damning.

But, go ahead. I’m wasting my time on this thread right now. I’ve got music to compose.