Games (and other fiction) about mental illness?

Exactly! It’s something that develops before you even notice it has. By the time you realize it, it is usually too late.

Can’t catch a mental illness, even one with physiological symptoms grumble

You’re never alone. Even when you feel the most isolated, the most forgotten, there is always someone who cares. Someone who’ll listen. Someone who has been through the same or similar things.

You got this, boo :heart::heart::heart:


It would be cool to have a CS game based around dissociative disorder…

I’m not sure I even have a question here, more of a topic but it’s one that’s bothered me for a while. The representation of mental illness in fiction. A lot of the time it’s a plot device, an easy way to create horror or to make a seemingly motiveless villain. Yet I feel like this is so annoyingly prevalent that it causes real world problems. The amount of misinformation spread, even about relatively common illnesses is ludicrous. For the sake of inciting discussion does anyone know of accurate portrayals? I’m not talking just games here but any piece of fiction.