From Ashes We Rise [FAWR / WIP] Upd. 30. Oct

To answer a previous question (I’m sorry I forgot to answer):

Which characters do I want to know more about:

Number one. (@Wraith, I will afterwards deny every single one of those things I’m about to say)

Why? Well, she’s a villain, she’s powerful, could kick the MC’s ass without a second thought (at this point at least.).
Oh, and I forgot to mention my MC is the kind of guy to play with fire, even when he knows he will be burnt. (it reminds me of someone…but who? :joy: )
Personally, I can’t wait to see how the character will be developed, what her motives are, her story, everything. It’s actually my favorite character, ever since my first playthrough. Let’s hope she will be as awesome in the future, and that my MC could side with her.
(Arg, knowing the author, my MC would be more of a pet for her, though. It will be strange to see the difference between the Wraithor ™ and Wraith, the villain :joy: )

Number two.

Our dear sniper.

Because: she has a sniper rifle, of course! Kidding, I think she’s one of the few characters I’m the more interested in. I won’t say more, but she’s almost equal to Wraith in my opinion. Not in powers, or skills, but in character. I appreciate well developed characters, and I hope we’ll have the occasion to know more about her.

Number three.

Well…I think that’s all. Just those two, in fact. I don’t know why, the others are equal for me. I don’t mean they’re bad or anything, it is just my opinion. Sure, I am interested in them for different reasons. If there was a handsome villain, he sure would be in the number one, though :joy:


Somewhere in Kalathol, Wraith cringes and breaks a pen between her fingers as she was about to write down her plan.
And yes, you are a bit late, kitty x)

Also, for the others; as currently people start to draw more of their MC and Stray, I decided to make my own version of Stray (current version of him in his civilian clothes.) It turns out that he’s more of a rebellious type during the day than the night :wink:


Mutters how everyone is calling her, kitty, kitten, or pink kitty, along with other nicknames…

I’m a panther!

Anyway, I look forward to see how you picture Stray, Wraith!


Well I imagine you as both: A kitten and a panther:


Ooohhh BURN!!!
Score one for @Sammysam!
No score for the kitty!

Please don’t derail, guys x)

Have I ever mentioned that I hate drawing people?!

[details=Here’s your Stray]

I always imagine him to be quite the mischievous guy and being a hopeless romatical one on top of it. When in his Stray persona, he would ‘play’ with his ‘prey’, but during the day he’s usually a friendly guy despite looking quite grim at others.[/details]
And now… back to writing the game


That’s pretty good, no, it REALLY good are you sure that you hate drawing people?

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Maybe I didn’t want the thread to go off-topic? :expressionless:

Anyway, l pictured Stray differently, but it’s good too.


Hey don’t point the finger at me, I was only finishing what you started :imp:
And to be honest that is how I pictured Stray in his civilian clothes, a lonely heartbreaker :blush:

Hehe I approve of his hair length :kissing_cat:
That pose makes him look really laid-back~
Because you said that he’s rebellious now I’m thinking about him having some hidden piercings :smirk:

Has anyone been busy drawing Stray in his drag outfit yet? :joy:

Pfff now I’m imagining that when Stray is interested in your MC, he sabotages some thing so that your MC can’t get certain information/items and has to go to Stray to get it X3
I’m getting too many Stray feels again.


I think we have all gone down that road @Zero, I think we all have.

Welp,seeing as everyone here loves Stray to bits,i think it’s time to set off the bomb.

I think Stray’s overrated.

Jumps out the window before the mob appears


stops chasing after @AAO briefly to say…
Why would you say that, OK granted the guy can be a bit ummm…creepy sometimes but still who doesn’t love the unknown?
sits down on the floor exhausted, considering the bad things about stray before the mob can react.

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The complete opposite of normal - brilliant. Hiding within plain sight in a reverse trope. It would be perfect if he had a banker/government bureaucrat during the day and a rocker band member at night for a girlfriend… yes.

@Snowpanther - kitty kitty kitty … some nice kitty nip is here… come out n play!
Evil Twin.


Oh my, the dignity has left out poor @Snowpanther

Could we just refocus on the topic, please?

makes a mental note about choosing another username

@Zolataya You’re lucky to be my Twin, otherwise I would hate you by now :stuck_out_tongue: :leopard:


Echoing @Snowpanther, please try to stay on topic, everyone. (This counts double for @moonwalkerdragon. Pretty sure you know why.)


Now where were we? Oh right.

Since you just drew Stray I can’t help but to ask… Are you planning to draw Troy too, sooner or later?

makes hopeful puppy eyes at @Wraith


I know I know. I will raise my arms in surrender with a great amount of guilt resting on my shoulders.

All this fanart talk is seriously making me want to sketch my MC, but… /stares at backlog of work to do/. :sob:

Though, that did just make me wonder something. @Wraith, we’ve seen that an MC with blood manipulation can use their own blood, but can they pull it back inside their own body? I’d worry about anemia. :joy: …But then I’d worry about poisoning their own blood stream with gunk. Eh… Maybe you don’t want that blood going back inside ya. :flushed:

On a separate note, when you pick your hair color, it says: [Your (insert hair color here) hair fit perfectly to the costume…]. I don’t know if it’s just me or if it was mentioned before, but that phrasing seems a li’l awkward. I was like, ‘Wait… my hair is part of the costume?’ Maybe something like [Your [insert hair color here] paired perfectly with your/the costume…] would work better? Or, you could simply swap out “to” with “with” so that it’d be [Your (insert hair color here) hair fit perfectly with the costume…]