Freak: Amidst the Neon Lights WIP and playtest.... last update July 4th 2019

Ahh, sorry i was just curious

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Worry not young fan!
Seriously no worries, i know its been a while. Been a crawl for longer than id like.



So after playing this again there is so many questions I have.

I’m also coming up with way too many theories for this using existing evidence within the text. Like the name/designation First is probably not just a designation but has significant meaning. There is a lot of implication of what that could mean.

But more importantly, I love the personality options. (Will there be more personalities that will be added later?)

And then the character’s lack of modesty and understanding it. It hope it becomes an option later on not to care about their modesty or to care. Although if they have changed then I don’t think they will change anytime soon. But who knows.

For characters I’m hoping to see more of Luger if possible. Because he’s pretty awesome.

I also love the fact the character doesn’t speak. I find it kind of endearing for some strange reason.

I have noticed a few weird word placings but that’s more my opinon and they are minor.

Anyways keep up the good work.


Is it possible to add a save system for the next update???

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Ive tried and failed more times than i can count. I dont know how to add it without breaking the game entirely.


First. Well ill leave the name to speculation :slight_smile:

Im thinking we’ve enough personality quirks otherwise we will spend more time figuring that out than experiencing the world at large. First chapters are basucally an extended character creation screen done story style.

If luger shows up or not we shall see. If i told you it wouldn’t be as fun.

Yeah the silent protagonist tends to add a depth to it. Ive always loved the idea of it. Like in video games when the main character is built by you but is voiced by another sometimes you find yourself disconnected ever so slightly from the story.


For the save system, did you make sure to put the *sm_init mygame | 3 after the *creates but before the actual game starts in the startup? After that all you need is to check the box in dashingdon.

I was kinda hoping for the save system too.


as a mute character i can imagine a lot of link parody’s when i discover it.
walking around in green tights and attempting to push over pots
my excuse i just hand them a zelda game

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Really excited to see this is still be worked on is one of my favourite WIP, love have a mute MC aswel

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I have a question about the personality system, does the first and second choice combine together or does the second personality choice overwrite the first? A example is if I choose the brat and then optimist trait, will they have both a bratty and optimistic personality or will the brat trait be overwritten and discarded?


Can there be an innocent trait?

There’s an Earnest trait if that’s what you mean.


Yeah, and add the Optimistic after the plane crash, your First will be as innocent as a baby. I personally go for troublemaker and smart ass for my First.


Haha I go for Troublemaker and Smart ass for the perfect snarky antihero. :smile:


Its a stacked trait.
As in
Fall under actions and reactions. These three dictate behavior.

Are social and communication traits.

Then there is the traits for dangeeous situation.
Which govern how first reacts to risk.

Followed by the modesty traits.
Nudist (its how i labled the code dont take too literally lol)

Lastly Firsts threat response
Do no harm (Spare)
Respond in kind (necessary force)
Harm (stop them)

So we have a stack of five traits which a combination of will create a drastically different ‘feel’ for each character (or so i try to implement)

Thats not including the physical characteristics that will come into play.


so many first ideas, so many times played this demo…and yet i still play it often.
why must i be cursed to love such good story?

seriously though love the story, wide variety of play styles and its enthralling enough that i’m probably in the triple digits on how many times I’ve read it.
i feel very attached to my mc and care about all of the characters i develop dislike for some of them dependent on play through. one minute silic is cool in this play-through the next scary bad evil make the glass go away, and magpie must die to im sorry im sorry i dint mean to punt you its just a reaction!
i think the only ones i haven’t had a shift in mindset dependent on playstyle is Empathy and Dr. Mom.


It takes a little work but i do luv tge result of the trait system here.

Ps: been doing some editing and code repair. Yep till toiling away.


Sera the nudist super hero lol. This takes me back to some earlier conversations in this thread.


Fantastic. From beginning to current end, have me entirely hooked.

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