Freak: Amidst the Neon Lights WIP and playtest.... last update July 4th 2019

Where is Morrigan?

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Added her
Good catch

Someone - read: First - needs to give her a hug, stat.


This will be fun.

Changing the subject, when will First win a fight against a named character? Right now First is this powerful Freak who loses to everyone.
He loses to Moleculo, Vyde and Ten, he feels very underpowered.


I don’t think First really “lost” to Moleculo or Ten, TBH.


Huh? Moleculo may have shot down the plane but First whooped him embarrassingly.

Ten and Vyde weren’t fights in the very least. From a statistic point of view if First would stand third or fourth place in terms of combat ability. Besides everybody loves an underdog its no fun without a little challenge.


Wasn’t him who knocked out First?
"You shoulder checked Moleculo aside with more force than you thought possible-but you didn’t make contact with ‘him’. The air grew heavy and squeezed into a space directly in your path forming a solid mass.

POP!!! "

Well, both Vyde and Ten still whipped First’s ass without breaking a sweat.

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I know I already said this but please please please add a save slot please I love this game.

No, the plane landing on them did.

I don’t consider those scuffles a fight, though you seem to be itching for one.

You’re going to have to give me time to work on it :frowning:
please don’t forget that I’ve a full time job ontop of writing this


Not that part, this one:
"You shoulder checked Moleculo aside with more force than you thought possible-but you didn’t make contact with ‘him’. The air grew heavy and squeezed into a space directly in your path forming a solid mass.

POP!!! "

They might not be fights, but First couldn’t stand against the two, if it was a fight First would lose.
It’s the most fun part about having powers.

Bug report:
I went shopping with Empathy and after I chose the clothes, Vyde was there with me.


That was Lollipop, and First was still wiped out from the whole incident. And First cans still suffer a concussion, if you’ve noticed in the obstacle course too many knocks and they will drop, and Lollipop can compress air creating solid mass or explosions of air with being able to generate bomb like or directed explosions like getting a tank shell in the face.

Moleculo was whooped.

Being hit with a bat was little more than a distraction and the sonic device hurt but the fight was stopped before it began. Ten has a head start (ten seconds of precognition) but is physiologically human if he gets tired he can’t avoid anyone its why he uses weapons and gadgets. If First were to take a full swing at him he’d sheer him in half.

Vyde is living plasma, no fight against him is fair. Not till First gets some more training(ei develops a resistance to nuclear level energy output which is possible over time). Among the remaining named characters the only serious threats are Hightide and Kreagan.

I was about to mention the Vyde and Empathy paths crossing over due to a coding snafu, thanks for bringing it up.

If you’re patient you’ll get to be a bad ass, I’m just asking for a little patience and a watchful eye on my many mistakes.


OKAY ladies and gents, I’m gonna be quiet for the next bit cause I’m finally home and at my computer and not struggling texting from work WOOT! I’ll be working on the days revelations so until you hear otherwise this bunny is in OVERHAUL mode.


What do you mean by that? :confused:


Possibly because they were abused physically as children which could explain why they have physical intimacy issues

Erm you mean Morrigan would be against touching? Morrigan - “EW COOTIES!!” :joy: :joy:

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Something like that I just meant that it would be a logical explanation about her Hesitation in physical interaction

I know I said I’d be quiet but couldn’t let this go lol
Morrigan prefers physical relationships over emotional ones which are often more trouble than they’re worth.


Okay now that makes sense to me

Ok makes sense but a little sad for First :frowning:

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Yeah good point that