Freak: Amidst the Neon Lights WIP and playtest.... last update July 4th 2019

I like to pretend the first series of x-men didn’t happen.
And I’m watching them chronologically starting with Captain America then First Class and so on;)


Hey Thor was decent. And if you’re watching marvel movies, watch deadpool too.


Big question
Would our mc be able to see whts under ten’s mask
Or is he the the secret invisible man----- I don’t think anyone here is old enough to know tht movie

That would bring telling and there are some things I’ll keep to myself;)

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I have a suggestion… Can you please please make a save option or something? It’s really annoying playing it get halfway through then start over due to internet refreshing


I’ll have to learn how first and foremost. But it’s a good idea.

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In my ruminations of making it a bit more straight forward in the gender identity area of things. I’ve made alterations but I’m also considering reintroducing an intersex option at the beginning. Androgyne. But I’m debating that at the moment. It’s and easy change. But I was wondering how well that’d be received


Oh my god, they’re not the same thing!


Forget it then…

I wont I’ll just screw it up

Pardon me for using a term I’m comfortable with describing someone like myself


I think @Laguz could have said it nicer, but they have a point. I think, with adding options like this maybe you should research a bit so you can 100% say you know the difference between option a vs option b, or just not add the option to begin with. The choice is obviously up to you.

I’ll put some links if you do want to research but what @Laguz meant was, having Intersex and Androgynous options would be great but they are not the same thing.
I could be wrong but from my understanding, Intersex is to do with sexual identity while Androgyny is to do with gender identity. So, Intersex is a person who is biologically male and female, having partial or complete sex organs for both sexes, Androgyny is a little more complicated as people tend to disagree but my opinion is, that they are biologically male or female but they do not identify with one gender or the other. A person can be both Intersex and Androgynous but they do not mean the same thing. - don’t know if it is a complete list but it is one of the easier to understand lists of terms. - list of some gender pronouns you could use, and a few answers regarding things like how to ask someone what their pronoun is.


To be perfectly honest of all the available terms they are sadly lacking. I don’t mean by textbook definition…

Nonbinary, intersex, both sound so cold robotic and lifeless. When you use those words it doesn’t even feel like you’re talking about a person any more.

My attempt was to use a word that felt like you’re interacting with another human being… BUT got slapped in the face and told I was wrong.


I suffered something similar in my wip. So I started a campaign of knowledge reading all stuff available and learning something about myself in the process. So I decided that nb is a term that includes many different types of people since people that identify themselves spiritual with animals to people who are neither or change. So I let the term as it is. to include those people. In fact I will let them choose animal names. But I want explore with other concepts in my fiction.
So I created a third genre a Trinity of genders and try to portrait how that could change a society of mages comparison with the no magical Victorian society.

My third genre is not real is a not sexual genre similarly to the old angels concept but this being people and so like that mortals.

Maybe you could do something similar, The concept of transcendence, union human being machine and maybe that make the beginning of a third genre in the future. I mean those themes are controversial, but Those are themes I want to explore. If you want to explore stuff like that always you explain is not supposed to reflect actual people and let nb still being as they are and be included. You could create a fictional genre. I mean that’s what I think.

I was attacked too so I understand your pain.Still I would telling the story I want adapting to not be racist.


let me start by saying i love this game.
I have only heard one of those words before but never new what it meant and the other i never heard before.
so If you do put them in the game then please put what they are in brackets next to them or a paragraph after saying what they are.
this is your world you are building so can’t you say in this world they mean what you want them to mean.
well this is just my opinion after all.


You’re allowed to feel that way, Snoe. However, gender identity, sexual identity etc is a very complicated thing, you can’t decide to change a definition of something just because you had good intentions.

I agree that is is a little robotic sounding but it’s not as easy as saying “option A sounds better than option B” or “light sounds better than bright”. Yes you was wrong, at the end of the day Intersex and Androgyny are not the same thing, so you either need to try and find a different definition that you are comfortable with or just not include the option. It’s like knowing that someone is called Terry but calling them something different, like Harry, because you prefer it. It’s offensive. (I hope that made sense lol)

You was not attacked nor “slapped in the face”, I tried to politely explain why you was wrong, if that upset or offended you then I am sorry you feel that way but I still stand by what I said.


Too bad, they’re the words chosen by group consensus of these people, used by these people to describe themselves, and are the standard used in polite conversation and the media.

What, do you want us to go back to “shemale” and “hermaphrodite”? I don’t give a shit if they’re “robotic” or “lifeless”. They’re our words.

I don’t give a crispy, single shit if it makes you, personally, feel uncomfortable. I don’t give a shit if the words I have chosen to refer to myself make you feel like you’re talking to a robot. I don’t want to exist by your standards of what does and what does not feel “human”. I am already human. I deserve the respect to be treated with the words I have chosen.

And since non-binary and intersex are words chosen by said minorities to represent themselves, this goes for a majority of nb and intersex people.

If you want to personally refer to yourself, as a nb individual, as androgyne, okay. If you are intersex and don’t like the word, okay. If you want to call yourself androgynous, okay. If you’re nb, and you want to call yourself androgyne and androgynous, cool. But you do not mix these terms around to fit your own little idea of what sounds good to you while simultaneously ignoring the fact that intersex, androgyne and androgynous are three totally different things.

EDIT: As clarification for a few people upthread, intersex is a state of the body, which has nothing to do with gender, androgyne is a nb gender, and androgynous is a state of being or dressing in a way defined by equally male and female visual traits.

We’re telling you to use the words we’ve chosen, and you’re ignoring us because they don’t feel “good enough”, personally, to you. That is dehumanisation.


First time playing this wip. I want Lydia back! My poor mc is worried about her! :frowning: I like all the characters and their personalities. All so unique! Story is good and interesting too! Hope to see more of this :smile:


I think it’s one thing to tell someone who’s got no experience what they can and can’t call people.

I thought @Snoe was intersex.

So have we got people here telling him what words he can and cannot use? That he’s wrong to dislike having, what he sees as such cold terms, applied to him? Or is he allowed to reclaim slurs? And if so, why is he asking permission from any of us and are we even allowed to grant that permission?

I’ll repeat this again


No, this is because Snoe is referring to other people. By calling, for example, non-binary and intersex words that make people seem “lifeless” and “robotic”, it’s demeaning us.

I’m fine with what Snoe uses to refer to themself. That’s a given right. But when it impacts other people here, or insults us, that’s the problem.


I was referring to the words! Not the people! If you think I aimed to insult anyone you have no idea what kind of person I am. Did it ever occur to you that maybe you could discuss something peacefully before aggressively grinding them down.

I don’t mean to hurt anyone…



Frowns a bit while read the above conversations :worried:

Words are such a tricky thing; it’s something that people make to help define things, but there are others who will naturally feel like certain words really aren’t enough to define who they are or a situation in general. And though this may bother people a bit, words may be created by people to try to explain things easier, but everyone will always have different views on them.

I don’t feel @Snoe was trying to insult anyone; just that they were stating their view on the matter.

And while I can see why it is frustrating @Laguz, I also feel like one should also show more patience in their explanations rather than write a response in a tone that feels a little defensive. Not everyone is going to know such ideas or why certain words are important firsthand because (let’s be honest) many of the words created to define such things are still relatively new concepts, not in mind but in words.