Fallen Hero - Update 18 December 2016

Wouldn’t it be more evil to actually use the name Sidestep as your super villain name? Like you successfully convinced them that your another sidestep that’s why you destroyed any trace of the old one and use the name to mock being a hero.
And probably play with Ortega whispering to him these words after you defeat him “I’ll destroy the Real Sidestep next” and his eyes open wide in shock and before he can say anything you knock him out with a satisfying kick.


Common knowledge is that Sidestep is dead. Like, buried and burnt dead.


…I want that option now too. D:

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So how exactly do we fight someone who can’t be damaged like Lady Argent?
I was thinking psychics at first, but all it takes is them hiring a telepath to ruin that plan. Poison, but then you run into the problem of how to deliver it, not to mention her insides might be as invulnerable as her skin. Sonic weaponry might work, but we don’t have that. Radiation is too risky. Could temporarily make her flee the battlefield by using the nanos to eat all her clothes, but that’s temporary and runs the risk of her just not caring. Armor piercing rounds might not break through the skin, but the kinetic energy might be enough to damage the internal organs, especially if it’s a headshot, though again we haven’t gotten confirmation that the insides are weaker than the outsides.

Does anyone else have ideas? I feel like this is what Superman villains have to go through


I keep thinking back to telepath- I get peeps may not want to show it, but if MC was a distance away, maybe they could take over Argent again, and keep her looking normal, while scanning her brain for any weaknesses- surprised that wasn’t an option when invading her brain as well.

It’s also noted that she does feel pain, even if she doesn’t take damage. Get Mortum on making some machine that activates her nerve endings simultaneously or something?

Those nanothingies you stole might be useful aginst her because although those don’t eat living things lady argents skin is metal so I think you can hurt her through those


We can hurt her all day long, but it doesn’t change that if we’re not doing any actual damage she can just keep coming. We could literally fight her all day and never be any closer to beating her

And you’re able to put in a back door to her brain while framing locust, but again, all they have to do is higher another telepath and our primary way of fighting her is negated

Is her skin literall metal? In that case, taking her down would actually be laughably easy with the nano

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Nah, but if you incapacitated her by using all her nerve endings at the same time, she would- theoretically- black out, due to the pain. You could then go ahead and drill a hole in her skull. (Diamond tipped drills, anyone?)

Telepaths are noted to be exceedingly rare though. I think that because they don’t have any on the team, any who do exist either work against the Rangers, or don’t have the ability to fulfill Sidesteps old spot- which MC has now long surpassed.

Hm, I like the idea, but her skin is probably organic to a degree as well, isn’t it?

One could possibly mentally destroy her. …take out Herald, so on. Or, get in a fight with her, grab some of her hair as DNA. Get Mortum to science up something with it to fight her, so on.

Is her hair indestructible or are we able to pull it out as easily as anyone else’s?
And for psychological warfare, she may just get angry instead of depressed.
Telepathy are rare, but not nonexistent and they only really need one
Overloading her pain sensors though…that has promise. Maybe the sonic weaponry I mentioned earlier could do something like that

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I feel like that’d be way too big of a giveaway. There’s only 4 people (not including the MC, I suppose) that are aware that the real Sidestep is alive and kicking. 2 of them (Herald and Ortega) were already at the party and got their behinds handed to them by the MC. Lady Argent shows up shortly afterwards, leaving Steele as the last suspect… Steele and the MC. That’s a very short list for them to go through. [quote=“Interestedparty, post:773, topic:16217”]
Does anyone else have ideas?

My MC’s main goal would be to retreat. Lady Argent was able to puncture his suit and make him bleed. That is not a good thing. My MC would do two things: 1, subtly manipulate Argent into thinking it’s Locus under the suit and 2, trick her into chasing after an illusionary clone. Sure, the news might capture that on footage, but my MC would be able to make his escape, upgrade his armor, and resurface later.

My main concern/curiosity is what on Earth the Farm is. Evidently, it’s the reason why the MC’s powers have spiked in power, but… it’s also the reason their body is apparently riddled with scars. It doesn’t help that the MC seems to start shutting down a li’l bit when they think about it. Dang it, MC. Tell me what happened! Let me empathize with you! :sob:

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Then why wouldn’t they have one already? :confused:

Her hair might be indestructible too… Hmph.

I like the pain sensor one best at the moment, honestly, yeah. ^^;

My MC laid the groundwork in Argent’s mind already So my MC would use that “backdoor” into Argent’s mind. Since the Rangers are already using the “retired” MC to help, she’ll continue to influence Argent’s mind over time so eventually Argent will succumb to those fears we’re already working on.


Guess she won’t need conditioner like the rest of us :confused: Just imagine trying to cut it though… ha! use her hair to strangle her … there we go :wink:

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HOW DID YOU DO THAT? :open_mouth:

Has anyone considered Mortum turning against the MC?

Mortum would be at that party, whether you went with them or not, yeah?

They now know that Puppet is a go-between for the latest big-bad on the block, and Mortum is essentially designing all weapons and armor for this person.

Mortum could easily use this as a get-out-of jail free card for whatever his backstory is, or simply for their own agenda…

EDIT: Hahahahaha! Pretty sure if she had absurdly long hair, that would have been noted somewhere.


Ya … but I already intimidated him by taking away his gun when he threatened me. But we know he’s going to betray us.

and as to what I did… my MC constantly tried to maximize her “Daring” stat, so anything related to that stat she did. I don’t want to give more spoilery info :stuck_out_tongue:

Hmm, well whether we can hurt her depends on her exact biology. If her skin is organic, the nanovores won’t work, if it’s some kind of organic metal allow, it probably won’t either, but if she actually have an outer layer of skin made of pure metal, it could work. In the latter case, eating away that layer might or might not be very painful, but it should at least make her more vulnerable to physical attacks.

Actually, on that topic, we really have no idea how Mortum programmed the nanovores, do we?. They could have defined organic based on organic vs inorganic compounds, but that seems a bit unsafe considering the human body does contain a fair bit of inorganic compounds as well. It could be based on living tissue, but we already saw that they didn’t work on the wooden chair. I feel more experimentation is necessary…

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I just did a daring run, but I also did an arrogant run. It involved me getting attack by something in Argents head? and I was very confused so I just shrugged and kept going.


Yeah, but what if you romance Mortum? What then what then? :hushed:

That’s why I had my puppet romance him, so that he would have a more base reason to want to continue working for my :wink:
Even if he decides it’s not worth it, I’ll have a big tip off when he starts getting distant from the puppet, so I can kill him before he can betray me and mitigate the damages


He’ll want you to dress up like batgirl - since he’s so infatuated with capes… idk tho … I still think he’ll betray the MC - just something there makes me think he’ll sell out eventually.

Dramatic scene.

Dark stage.

Puppet walks on with passion, their eyes bright and feverish.

Mortum in the corner, twiddling their thumbs.

Thunder rolls.

“MORTUM” cries Puppet.

“Y-Yes, ma cherie?”


Lightning flashes.

“…No…I…I am a fraud!”


“I like capes!”



So out potential weapons against Lady Superman are things that’ll overload her nerves to cause a blackout (sonic weaponry or other such indirect attacks), psychic powers, and seducing Dr. Mortum into doing it for us.

Have we considered poison yet? Is it just her skin that’s indestructible or insides as well?