Fallen Hero: Rebirth is released - discussion thread! (Book One)

you can unlock the achievement for ‘taste of metal’ , you only pick the right options for it . The MC still get disarmed though .

That’s a fascinating theory! I had assumed that (blurred even though it’s not technically a spoiler) MCHad been used as a lab rat for the farm (cough cough regene cough cough), so they had shaved their head (I don’t know why they would but in like movies and stuff a lot of test subjects have shaved heads) . I thought this because my hair is twelve inches, and is about to my shoulder, and six inches is the longest hair really grows in a year, and they’ve been free two years…


Yeah… i got it a while ago… with trial and error. More on the error side tought.

Hello everyone,
I seem to have run into some problems, maybe bugs, with my copy of this game from Steam.

I am trying to play myself as a redeemable person, but it seems that a lot of the choices are grayed out despite trying to be a good person, such as:

“Smiling” when a certain someone comes up to you in the restaurant
Saying that You don’t want to remember what you’ve lost when in the elevator.

There is no way for me to unlock these choices, despite trying to play as a morally-decent character.

Any tips?

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I believe this is on purpose to reflect the character’s depression

If you’re talking about Ortega, if you chose flirting with them in the past you get the blushing option, but if you chose being friends you can smile at them

You get that when you tell Ortega you aren’t a telepath anymore


Smiling depends on what you said your relationship with Ortega was (I think you have to at least be friends, like genuinely? I don’t recall) and I’m not 100% sure what you mean with the second thing but if you’re talking about saying to Steel everything just reminds you of what you lost, you have to lie to Ortega and say you’re not a telepath anymore

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I sorta wish that you could have either a) not fought them or b) told them who you were, lol.

Honestly, I might be alone in this but if my MC’s puppet woke up, HOO BOI. My MC would nottt like that at ALL.

My MC saw the puppet as kind of…everything she could never be? So it was nice to become all good-looking and nice every once in awhile and take care of them and feel pity for this unconscious person who didn’t actually constitute a threat, but if that paragon of perfection and charm all of a sudden woke up and was actually walking around interacting with people? Yikes.

It would turn into another low self-esteem-induced jealousy thing of “I can’t be them so I hate them”. Kinda like with Herald.


Maybe then ur Mc can kidnap the puppet and use them as bait against oetega

Hmm, true. But honestly, she’s too soft for that too lol She’d probably just choose to stew in her own crippling doubt and insecurities instead :joy:

Boy, she’s just a big ol’ MESS, aint she?


Cmon th Mc is a lot of things but lazy is not one of them. So kidnap the puppet and attach them to the wrong end of a giant lazor canon made by Mortum inc then send Ortega pics with the text “can you dig it? :grin: jerkface :hugs:”.

You know u want to. All the kool kids are doing it !

You could even do this without the puppet waking up. So whe the puppet is rescued… dun dundun Betrayal! Its such a classic.

I mean, to each their own mc, dude.

But no, she’s not lazy, just depressed and not very forward with her feelings. Not quite evil, either. At least, not yet.


Re-reading the story again, and took the time to actually keep the “My char is a re-gene” idea while reading for a change. So some more stuff on the “The MC is a Re-gene” theory.

Remember this part ?

"Human ingenuity might have enabled the GeniTech Corporation to reconstruct humanoid beings from the ground up. But giving them a mind, much less a soul? That is impossible.

Circumventing this limitation, the Re-Genes that the Special Directive employ as weapons are outfitted with artificial minds: advanced AIs that can mimic the acts of people, but aren’t truly alive.

Or so the story goes."

Mind blown!:scream::scream::scream::exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head::scream::scream::scream:

Could MC not just be a clone or somesuch, but also a sentient AI ?

On retrospective, this might be a bit farfetched :stuck_out_tongue:

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Good to know that Book 2 is now approaching playtesting! My ravenous hunger for this next installment is just one step closer to being sated. :grin:

Yeah, I still would not believe that the Protagonist is a Regene. We have seen what the Regene are like, and that is not our Protagonist. If that were true, they would have to be some sort of new, advanced, prototype version meant to simulate an indistinguishable human. But there is no reason to believe that is the case just yet. And, honestly, it would be kind of disappointing if the Protagonist is a Regene. Just doesn’t seem… very creative to me.


Either that, or that theory someone posted ages ago about the regenes being normal human children taken from the streets is true, and what that piece of text is implying is, there’s no such thing as AIs and what’s inside the regenes are the very much living mangled minds of human beings.

On another note, does anyone else wonder what’s up with Ortega’s abdomen? If you choose to look at Argent’s memories like a creep you get to witness a conversation she and Ortega had after you meet the new Rangers.


“You know that’s not how it works. You’re…” Ortega gestures, and to Lady Argent, the focal poles on ${his} hands make soft glowing patterns in the air.

“A risk to the team,” Argent states sharply, crossing her arms over her silver chest. “A liability.” Someone else’s words. Marshal Steel’s perhaps?

“What’s that look for?” Ortega looks hurt, but all you can see is the way she focuses on ${his} abdomen, on the softly pulsing patterns there. What is she seeing that you’re not?

“Are you sure I am the only liability here?” The words are blunt, and Argent’s eyes shoot back to Ortega’s face, the energy patterns fading until they’re only a trace behind Ortega’s annoyed features.

“That’s not what we’re talking about.” The words are hard, and you recognize the look on Ortega’s face so well. The one where it’s no use to continue the discussion.

“Fine,” Argent says with a sigh, apparently recognizing the look as well. “But we will. Soon.”

“If that’s what it takes to get you to agree to this.” Ortega lets out a sigh of relief.

“It’s just that I find ${chim} a bit creepy,” Argent admits, and it takes a moment to realize she is talking about you.

So, at first I thought it had something to do with the MC, but the way the conversation shifts when she decides to bring them up means the first part is about a certain subject, and the MC being creepy is another matter. So what’s going on. Why is Ortega a liability?


damn you Steel! Shake fist in anger You will pay one day !


Sorry , so…

well ortega is called ‘charge’ . And even in the hospital , she got tubes coming and going in her back , also her hands have ‘stuff’ . She does say that her augment are ‘Inside’ . So probably in this scene , Argent is seeing Ortega where something isn’t hidden or she know where her stuff are more then we (or we do but wasn’t mentioned yet ) .

Steel has steel legs . Argent got a body that seem to reconstruct itself , Ortega gotta be recharged like a battery at a machine (and the last scene with Steel make me wonder if she wasn’t bed ridden and being Augmented or boosted was her only salvation) , and…Herald is the only one who seem ‘Boringly normal’ as a bieber lol .

The ‘Liability’ is steel probably not trusting Argent . He say that about anyone he doesnt trust . So he push them emotionally and just bark order and go ‘Prove me wrong yada yada’ . Argent probably flipped this ‘I’m not trusted cose of steel’ Liability (remember ortega say she is not a team player , and thats probably why Steel dont trust her and said she was a liability ?) , she flipped the ‘Liability’ back at Ortega to her probably many augments or body injuries . wich is a low blow…if thats the case…Shake fist…you will pay argent !

ahem…anyway…that’s what I think…now , back to consoling Ortega with Smoochie dream :kissing_heart:

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ya should scroll up…I also posted some stuff…

one of them is…


during the museum date with ortega and puppet . if you ask questions (instead of asking how she feel about MC) , she does say some stuff about the regen . Like the army made them , and that she doesn’t believe they are controlled by AI even though the rumours say they are…

IF the MC is regen , I’m on the fence on this one . If the MC does get hurt during the regen fight (wich I always wreck cose I’m a sadist ) , when she patch her body , there are some hint like ’ There is no hidden the truth when you see your naked body’ . But clearly she doesnt have the decoloration of skin and visible tattooe all the regen have , so I do think she has something…marks maybe ? scars of where tubes were put on her ? (like the heartbreak women had ?) . is she a regen too ? if she is , she is a different perfected model . If she isn’t , I still think she was made (cose saw again something in the same dialogue , remembering where you were probed since the beginning) she is a lab rat either way , the way I see it .

For those who caught the attention of the farm: they referred to the MC as a ‘cuckoo’.

Cuckoo: a species who lays their own eggs in other birds’ nests, disguising them as normal eggs. When the egg hatches, the nesting mother will believe the young cuckoo is her own child; the young cuckoo will grow faster than its fake-siblings, hog all of the food, and maybe even murder the competition.


omg!!! GENIUS!!!

cose when I saw cuckoo…

well in my language is also mean ‘insane’ …y’know that guy is so cookoo ! make motion to the head .

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