England 1519, in the Court of Henry the VIII - Tudor Intrigue - Ready to begin testing?

Apologies… I spoke about stuff I had written before it had actually reached the update! I’ve broadened the romantic options.

One option will always be a poet who is everything you could ever want for in a woman or man, except that your poet-lover is poor.

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Thoughts on writing the Economic Options

I need to stop writing first, and researching after. I had a lot of colonial exploration ideas written and then realized when I was writing that England is still a few decades away from projecting serious power overseas.

But I figure in this alternative history, with an intelligent noble leading English merchants, England can fast-rack on the path to colonization or the slave trade, or making London a financial center. The slave trade in particular is pretty unsavory stuff… I’m not sure if anyone will want to take that option but I did my best to make it a slippery slope.

The economics and trade is not as heart-thumping stuff as seducing the King, but it might be for some people’s tastes.


I say do cross over slavery because hell look at this sir Francis Drake was slave trader. Honestly how you handle it in the game I felt it appropriate PS can we get knighted at any point.

I’m honestly fine with the slavery stuff (not because i like slavery) but because my belief is, the more realistic it is the better.

In terms of feedback, I don’t really know if you want any, but in the passage when attending Oxford, with the friend with the books from Italy:

“What book are you reading? It isn’t hearsay is it?”

“If by hearsay you mean Lutheran… than no. But in its own way, it is far more heretical than anything that German monk has written.”

I think by hearsay you mean heresy? I’m not quite sure.

And, as you said, the matter of slave trade is fairly unsavoury, but if alternatively you could simply use attendants. I’ve read somewhere that Catherine of Aragon brought over some black servants and they were quite prestigious (I don’t know how true that is, but it seems relatively believable).

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Think is chattel slavery did not until close post hundred past this game.


feedback is always welcome…
That’s an embarrassing error… glad you caught it.

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So after your mentioned that one of the ROs will be a poet or poetess I decided to see what the flirt option was about. I was happy with what I’ve seen of Elinor and can’t wait to see the next level of our relationship coming, but here is my concern with her initial scene:

You meet a young woman who is captivating. Her name is Elinor. While not of a wealthy family, she is well educated and is writes poetry of her own. You are able to exchange your interests in both Latin poetry and poetry in English. You gravitate to one of the other women and you are pleased to find out you have much in common. You both love poetry and you both find the posturing of the men attempting to woo who quite irksome and insulting. You become fast and close friends sharing intimate conversation about your hopes and dreams. Her name is Elinor.

Unfortunately, this Elinor cannot stay long in London but must return to her family’s estate in the countryside. She is not from a wealthy family and her father is growing will. She fears she will be left with nothing.

You promise to keep in touch by letters and that you will try to help. Over the next few months, your shared letters help you cultivate charm, wit, and sentiment. But eventually, your relationship becomes strained due to the distance between you but Elinor still has a place in your heart.

In the top part it seems like she got 2 introductions that got put together. Also I assume her father is ill, not will


Thanks! I’ll use this weekend to clean up some glaring errors.


I just read Sense and Sensibility for the first time so I thought I’d throw in a few allusions. Moving onto Wolf Hall which is far more on point for this.


Despite usually liking to play my own gender, I have been playing as the son and trying to romance one of the Boleyn girls. However every time I do so, I get an error message.
Also this just occurred to me. Any chance the female main character can romance George Boleyn?


Is there a way to make the king not have anne as mistress cause I can’t find it.

Romance Bugs - Fixing the romance issues… Sorry. That’s been one of the more (annoyingly) complex parts of this game. Medieval high diplomacy is far more simple!

To oust Anne - I’m still balancing that out. I just did a quick run through and lost out to Anne… I’ll make it easier.
right now, you must get the King’s favor high (cheer for him at tennis, help him out with diplomacy…). Successfully helping the French will also help your marriage prospects. Right now it is a pretty narrow window to charm the King, walking a tightrope. I’ll open that up a little more over the next three weeks.
Right now things that will help you win the King
*cheer for him at tennis
*help him prosecute Buckingham
*succeed diplomatically (high charm + sense)… helping France is doubly beneficial as it undermines Hapsburg control of the Pope
*Improve status with Lords and other nobles;
*Virtue is also very important in maintaining his Majesty’s affections. -… This is the problem… to many things lower virtue and not enough opportunity to increase it. I’ll address that.

I’ll balance that out some more.


Cant believe i missed it for so long i going to jump right into it now

In the endgame, will we be able to back Lady Jane Grey and stop Mary?

…okay, I’m thinking way ahead. But the game looks interesting.


Hey I found a way where I was able to marry the king so no problem.

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could you tell me how?

To marry King:

It took me several tries… and I wrote it. (it’s supposed to be hard at the beginning!).

It is very important to be pro-catholic, and pro-French, don’t lower virtue too much.

Early missions: Choose Head, not heart. Tennis- > cheer for king (don’t bet); Poets -> French mistress -> Church, see Cardinal
KEY Choose Diplomacy ->Pro French for the first diplomatic missions.
Second missions - Estate - stay with mother to increase virtue; Go to university; Host nobles - > Queen Mary; Flirt with his Majesty and write a poem, don’t throw yourself at him and lower virtue
Attempt to engage in trade
Pusue relationship with His Majesty -> Select Legal Scholars -> Choose Cardinal
I think(!) that will lead to marriage.

But as the game matures, there will be dangerous trade-offs to concentrating (and becoming dependent) on romance.

This will all be adjusted and tinkered with over the next few weeks.


can we possibly rekindle an old flame with the King later on even if we fail the romance with him in the beginning? or do we never get another chance with him?


What are different romantic Pathways for the Earl we plays as? Could II just claim the throne or does he have to marry the queen sister?

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