Elementals (WIP) Update! 18/6/19

I like that! Playing an element described as “destructive” really makes me want to go full on destructive in the academy. Lily is just a perfect partner in this crime.

I do kinda feel sorry for her sister if we make her worse though :joy:


You can always give Lily some better targets. Some targets for which real destruction would be much better applied as for Ella. So you don’t waste your destructive talents, you know?

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Ciro as our target. We set his hair on fire while he’s trying to flirt with a group of girls.

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I’m playing a true neutral character, doesn’t mean I can’t make a few people suffer :smiling_imp:


Better yet set the hair of the girls hes flirting with on fire and make it look like he did it/planned it.

In the end you will torture the girls and make him seem like a massive jerk. Kill two birds with one stone.

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Then light his crotch on fire when the girls leave. Why? because we can.

Better yet stealthily cut his pants making him walk around with a bare arse without his knowledge.

People will laugh at him and he wont know why. Then again I am always one for psychological torment rather than physical.

Uhm I actually wanted to hint at: Overthrow the council, the government, the headmaster. Set the world at fire.

We would have to destroy their hair with a blast of air to do that. Ciro can’t control fire after all.

That’s why Im saying making it look like he planned it and wanted to come out of it the hero by putting the fire out.

You know hair is set on fire and then he puts it out. Rumors quickly spread that he had a fire user set it on fire so that he could get the girls to like him more. Not the most unlikely story.

Or, you could also wet his pants. :smirk:

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That’s to complicated. It also would mean that the guilt could be divided between him and whoever helped him. Why risk that? And it is an unlikely story, more likely that the fire users are just jerks.

True although imagine him flirting with the girls and them BAM a strong gust of wind happens and their heads go along with it.

…you know what? Just go berserker at everyone. Just carry out a massacre. That should satisfy your needs better as some pranks could.

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I did meet him :grin:!!!

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Nah that would be a bit much and put the blame solely on our character. Bit too inefficient as well. In the end psychological is better than physical.

It’s only as inefficient as you let it be…

Hey there~

Just ran through the game, liked what I saw. I’m finding myself drifting towards Dante, heh… Looking forward to what comes next.

I did notice things, some of which are below. But, uh… I’m not certain how in-depth you’d like these sorts of things to be, so… Yeah. Here’s what I got:

(Oh. If formatting seems wonky, it’s because I’m on my phone and don’t feel like messing about too much with that sort of thing. I can fix it, if necessary.)

So… Silly me, I didn’t connect the ice choice to water. I might just be used to ‘ice’ and ‘water’ spells being separate things, like in Final Fantasy, and i know that ice is just frozen water, but… I don’t know, I thought choosing it would lead to purely ice magic, so I chose air instead.

[How long was I unconscious?]
“Just over 2 days.” The headmaster replies solemly." (solemnly)

  • I could get into a bit about dialogue tags, but it would actually be much more than a bit, so i’ll spare you. also, headmaster has been capitalized to this point. it seems to alternate further on in the story, too. for what it’s worth, at least from what i remember about AP style (which isn’t much, so don’t quote me, and, also, i know that AP isn’t exactly applicable here) these sorts of titles only need to be capitalized when followed by a name.

“a double brown sofa”

  • I had to google what a double sofa was (which is a personal problem, i know) but may want to switch up “double” & “brown”, since it’s a double sofa that happens to be brown and not the other way around.

“Rose leaves you to go sit with (a) pale blonde haired boy”

  • i’m not really certain how much this matters in english (given that it’s a French word) but ‘blonde’ is the feminine form; ‘blond’ is masculine and also (according to Google) the more commonly used adjective.

"Ciro glares at her through (with) dark blue eyes before turning to you grinning. "

  • explanation!: he’s using his eyes to glare, so he glaring with them. were he wearing glasses, or if his bangs covered his eyes, he would glare through those.

[when glancing about the classroom, first class]
“Said herb lands directly on the black hair of a petite girl sitting at one of the front desks.”

  • this is the only time on this page that the yellow flower is referred to as an herb. (or do i pronounce the ‘h’? ‘A herb?’ Doesn’t feel right.)

[paying attention]
“You spend the next twenty minutes taking notes…”
-so… this definitely falls under ‘nitpicking.’ but sometimes numbers are written out (like in the above example) and sometimes they’re digits. it’s a bit distracting to me, but I will admit to being a special case…and simply leave this here.

[battle class]

  • Not really a mistake, but is there any particular reason Abby’s the ‘brown haired’ girl (don’t have it in front of me, can’t remember the specific wording) whereas her opponent is the ‘utterly average’ boy? jw

[ciro walks you back to your room, after the infirmary]
“Ciro nods his head and you both walk to your room in a silence that is neither comfortable or (nor) uncomfortable.”

  • also, you don’t necessarily need to add “his head” after “nods.” i think most will understand what you’re getting at without it.

[the second day]
“Your blue eye’s find the small glowing alarm clock beside your bed and your eyes widen, suddenly you feel very much awake.”

  • unnecessary apostrophe

[after fire class]
"…as though she had simply dumped her hair in a rainbow. "

  • dunked? drowned? (the way it’s written, i’m having visions of her cutting all her hair off and dropping it into a giant rainbow-y vat.
    …i kind of like the image, to be honest)

[law class]
“‘Er- no controlling elements in-front of mundanes.’”

  • “in front” doesn’t need to be hyphenated. also, i think i recall seeing ‘mundane’ capitalized at least once in the story. i can’t remember the context/don’t know if that instance was a fluke. just throwing it out there, i don’t really have anything to say on it.
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The negatives of murdering everyone clearly outweigh the positives. Plus it’s not like my MC dislikes everyone in the school even with how evil he is. Lily for example is awesome. That and there is literally nothing to gain from the murder of everyone and I doubt there ever will be. Unless you enjoy the act that is.