Dragon Racer (WIP) - Updated 1/30/17 (post 615)

No that the mc will hold a grudge for not receiving the same magical training Shader has access to, because of that stable boy thing, in spite of his potential and also for the fact that Shader is kind of a jerk when we first meet.

I understand the jerk part but like @Lithophene I actually believed that it was because of something else. Because I’m not interested in romancing him I do like him least out of the trio though, and I’ll probably feel that way until I learn about his past a bit more.

I never thought that the MC would hold a grudge about it though, I mean for someone who has hardly any training and is magic based then they are actually really good. I think they’d be proud of how far they’ve come. If anything I feel like a MC would be a bit cocky when regarding Shader and magic if he wins the duel against him.

Also I always wanted to ask this but never has. Does anybody like Allison? Or agree with her views on dragons?

I agree on her view of dragons, but I find her annoying as hell !!!

See I’m the opposite lol. I don’t agree with her views on dragons but I do actually like her as a friend.

Can’t recall meeting her, is she still in the shortened demo? If so she hasn’t left much of an impression on me yet.

Yes but if they don’t receive some quality training any time soon they’re plainly not going to be as good as they could have been.

Allison isn’t in the demo
You meet Allison the day after fighting shader

Ahh my shortened version strikes again :sweat_smile:

I then feel like you should just go combat then. But I do see what you mean. Basically the MC never had a teacher and literally had to buy parchments and beg traveling magi to help them out while Shader actually had a teacher . . . I’m not going to say anything but . . . I mean . . . you’ll find Shader wasn’t so different.

/walks away/

When I can have magic combat is boring, it just stings knowing that you’re not going to able to live up to your full potential because of crappy training.

You can get training. You can’t get a full class load at first because of work, but you can choose to attend the same magic classe as Shader and he hints at practicing together. At least he did for my rider who had a good relationship, maxed magic (or as close as I could get) and won the magic duel. Of course that is at the expense of other classes and opportunities with other riders. But no one said the life of a mage was easy

So keeping your magic up basically means you’ll have glaring weaknesses in almost everything else because of lack of available time to dedicate to a well-rounded training schedule and the pay still means you can’t close the gaps with better kit either so we’ll basically need a crap ton of luck to win anything in foreseeable future.
It also leaves open that even if do manage to win anything we’ll still remain the charity case as there will still be no open regular spots and my mc is not going to take an “extra” spot if it doesn’t offer any of the perks (and pay) the others get, if the only “benefit” of it would be that it finally gets him out of the chores. He’d rather remain a stablehand than suffer that blow to his pride too.

If he does manage to win despite all these handicaps that trophy is going to get SO demolished and if the announcers call him stableboy he’d probably turn down any prize too and hard at that.

No game let’s you be good at everything. My rider focused on magic first and riding second. Everything else? Eh who needs it, I’m a fuckin mage on a fuckin dragon. That’s winning in my book.


True, but the circumstances here mean you’ll be considerably worse trained and outfitted than your “teammates” until it’s “too late”.

I’d at least need lore too, I don’t want my mc to appear an ignorant yokel.

Not necessarily. The other riders already favor us and take every opportunity to help get us extra training and practice. We also have several other advantages over Saren, like dragon tongue and magic. I’m sure once we get our chance we will be able to vastly improve our situation.

And yeah I got caught up in my hyperbole. I prefer playing smart characters too.

For all our mc’s know that could be months or years away. (okay now I’m engaging in hyperbole, but still) and it chafes that we’ve got to win any of the “pro” races “honourably” so we can’t even repay Saren his kindness so any “victory” over him there, especially in something called the “rookie showcase” would feel rather hollow, I think.

I get it. If you want to scroll through 5000+ posts on the Children of the Gods wip you can find plenty of my angry mc posts over there for that game. So I’m no stranger to playing a character who feels mistreated. But for whatever reason my primary play through on this wip left me with a much more zen rider.

Probably because it is impossible for me to stay angry when I have my own dragon. It just makes me feel too awesome.

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Nope, currently not seeing how that would happen from where I stand after having played the shortened demo. By the time we do get our chance I don’t see any regular spots opening up for us and like I said I’d consider an “extra” spot with next to no perks and pay a possibly even worse slap in the face than the rotten deal we’ve currently got.
Plus by that time we’d probably be permanently stuck with the humiliating “stablehand” epithet which would just make me punch smug announcers in the face.

Why should that be a problem for you? Especially once you start winning.

MC: “Hey, Saren, how does it feel to be schooled by a stablehand?”
Saren: “…”
MC: “Maybe you should have been cheating better.”
(Obviously, this begins the Saren romance.)

Unless, of course, this is one of those depressing “realistic” underdog stories, where the underdog actually can’t win…


I just don’t like it, about the only thing remotely “fun” you can do with it would be to wear the outfits, manure included to fancy gatherings later on, for the rest it’s a terrible epithet that we’re stuck with.

As we do seem to receive worse gear and training I still think we’ll need a ton of “luck” (maybe random dice rolls) to start winning anything.

wait-Sarens a romance option?

If he wasn’t you know there would be people begging for him to be. Since I’m not seeing much begging I’m assuming that he is.

How’s that for logic?