Donor: A Vampire Victim's Tale [GAME RELEASED!]

True, but the only difference is that lions and tigers kill to eat the flesh, while vampires kill to drink the blood! Also, I was thinking more of the curving shape of the fangs once they were extended. Also, some snake fangs are retractable… ahem, as I was originally saying before; I was only thinking of the shape of the snake’s fangs, not the size…

Actually, that’s one of the reasons why I actually like the WiP. It’s pseudo scientific explanation of the vampires actually makes it seem like it could actually be a thing. My biggest “complaint” would be that you could use that same kind of “disease” explanation for other supernatural beings, like werewolves, if you put enough thought and energy into…


All I can think of now is Bunnicula with big ole honkin lion teef… cute

Also agreeeeed. It’s fun to have a little more than just [jazz hands] ☆☆magic☆☆ to play off of sometimes-- speaking of, @Elena_H, do you plan on elaborating more on Lenore’s thoughts about the au/string universe theories in-game?

Uhhh also pt. 2: (thoughts on all the decapitation business in case anyone is squeamish)

🤔🤔🤔 During most trauma situations involving the neck/throat, people typically die either from complications involving stress to the hyoid bone or exsanguination before the spine would ever become involved, so it's usually a fairly lengthy and painful way to die.

It seems that with vampires, it would focus more on ripping of muscle tissue-- so maybe blood loss would be the actual cause of death? lol vampires sure do have an MO huh


I just came here to add “Mack the Knife” to the possible Rich songs, ran into decapitations (@rose-court, @Elena_H there was this story about a chicken who went two years without a head so all your theories may not be too fa off) , vampire snake fangs and how to break a person’s neck.

About the vampire-using-a-straw thought process and the snake fangs technically aren’t our MCs already a glorified capri sun what with the tube in their arms?

:scream: Am I too late to push the agenda that @Elena_H knows more than she’s letting on and vampires actually are a thing (and now that everything is revealed, people will suddenly disappear from the forum, I’m on to you!! :eyes:)

I’ll leave you all with the mental image of Rich shoving a silly straw in MC’s throat, because that’s what Hellraiser sound effects taught me.


Touche :wink:

So werewolves are probably always going to strike me as “magical,” (the transformation just happens too quickly for me to buy a scientific explanation) but there are a lot of pseudo-sciency explanations for zombies that do resonate with me, such as the fungus in The Last of Us. (<-- in case you aren’t a gamer, this is a video game reference)

Oh, there might be another mention here or there, but I wasn’t really planning any further elaboration. And here’s the impetus behind this decision: Quantum Mechanics (while fascinating to me, personally), isn’t necessarily going to interest anyone else, and it didn’t feel like a fitting tangent for something as frivolous as vampire fiction. So my hope was to add a reference or two into the story and then let readers draw their own conclusions as to how much Quantum Immortality influences the MC’s universe.

:ballot_box_with_check: Okay, moving this over to my ever-expanding list of ways I don’t want to die.

:rofl: Excellent point. I guess the straw’s included.

Keep it down!!! :shushing_face: I don’t want Rich and Paul taking away my internet privileges again…


Having them be in that half wolf half human state permanently (not going back and forth) and still having their human brain intact but with more wolf like instincts kicking in (especially during a full moon) would make it more believable. Also, make that the disease can be transmitted via saliva, and that it actually takes weeks, maybe even months for the transformation to finish, and that there isn’t a high survival rate during the transformation phase or that most victims die after getting bitten…

I am a gamer, I have heard of The Last of Us, but I have not played it…


So this would definitely work better in my mind, but the question is: Could you even call them werewolves anymore? Seems like this would be an entirely new (albeit more believable) wolf-monster :thinking:

Can’t stress enough how absolutely brilliant the premise of this game is.

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It would still count as a werewolf since they are just half human half wolf hybrids… In fact, the original concept of werewolves are completely different from what we know today.

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TLOU is so glorious and painful and I can’t wait for the second… and uhhhhh yeah cordyceps are very suspicious to me since playing it. Such freaky concept art!

As far as the quantum immortality, I look forward to the tidbits, no matter how small! That scene in the diner really surprised me-- I didn’t expect her to bring it up, or even really have a knowledge of it. You like to keep us on our toes. :wink:

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No kidding! I must geek out on this when I have time…

In a way, I wish they hadn’t made a sequel (as much as I’m looking forward to it). I mean, how the hell do you follow that opening number???

I kinda like to think of QI as the MC’s “superpower,” which sets her on a level playing field with her captors. :relaxed:

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I think I found the vampire’s favorite comic

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So, @Elena_H I come here to bug you and see if we can know what is going on? :eyes:


@Meira_Litch You aren’t bugging me!

Sorry, an update is looong overdue. Here’s what’s going on:

  1. I’ve been sucked into a massive project at work that’s been requiring me to work overtime on the weekends. The good news is that it should be wrapping up this week (fingers crossed).
  2. I got really ambitious with chapter 9…
    • There are 2 games, including blackjack and tic-tac-toe with AI.
    • There are 5 endings: 1. become a vampire, 2. become Paul’s minion, 3. become Richard’s pet, 4. remain trapped in the basement for the rest of your life, 5. death (Paul may get hungry and eat you or he may feed you to Charles) which I’m still piecing together.

With all that said, I’ll post an update this weekend (even if I have to add a placeholder for one or two of the endings listed above).

:heart::heart::heart: Thanks for checking in! :heart::heart::heart:


Yodels happily!!!

Also, definitely thought that last option said ‘Paul may eat you with Cheetos’. I was like damn bitch at least make it classy
also pt.2 silently freaking out because Richard was potentially right about helping turn Charles (sweats)


LOLed at this for real. :rofl:

FYI - This ending is almost impossible to get. I’m pretty sure the only person who’s ever going to read it is yours truly :stuck_out_tongue:


Looking forward to dealing with those pesky vampires in chapter 9 :sunglasses:

Quick question though: is there no ending, where you can just escape to Hawaii to never hear from your bloodsucking friends again? And the ending where you get a kid is included into the list you mentioned?


:palm_tree: Well, I’m not sure about Hawaii, but there’s definitely one where you get away and never hear from the vamps again ('cuz you’ve killed 'em). It’s just not available until chapter 11.

Yes, that’s the ending where you become Paul’s minion :smiling_imp:


Made a huge push on chapter 9 over the weekend, but unfortunately I still need a couple more days to test.

Thanks for bearing with me. :sweat:


Don’t be upset, any amount of progress is awesome! That you have the dedication to work on such a large project at all in your free time is incredible. We’ll be here :smiley:

also where ur kofi @


Just noticed this :stuck_out_tongue: What’s a kofi???

@Elena_H It’s a tipping service for content creators! Pretty neat service. The premise is that your fans can buy you coffee, tho you can use the tips for whatever you like really!

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