Donor: A Vampire Victim's Tale [GAME RELEASED!]

YAY! Sounds like I found the sweet spot on the modifier settings :ok_hand:. Dying once, imho is ideal.

You can definitely make it through the game without killing anyone! :innocent:

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Is there any ending where something horrible happens to Richard or Paul?


You hit the nail on the head. It’s intended to be a brother/sister relationship, albeit not a healthy one.

Paul’s backstory is that he comes from a large family with lots of brothers and sisters. And now that they’re all gone, he’s always on the lookout for people to take their place. This is why he feels so strongly about Charles, and potentially Lenore as the game progresses. The MC is also without a family, so she and Paul are a natural fit in this regard.

Hope that answered your question :slight_smile:

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Yes, you can kill both of them “horribly,” I promise :smiling_imp:


I freaking love this game. This is the only game where I aim to get a bad ending so I can see the epilogue.

Whatever empathy or comradery I felt for Charles went away on chapter 7. He may have his issues, be I have no look out for number 1 too and he is a liability

I noticed thatRichard and Paul seem to mourn for you no matter your relationship with you. What do you think about varying it a little depending on your relationship stats with them. Like if you have a low relationship status with Paul he barely pays for the cremation, instead of the coffin that he pays for your current bad ending.

Also that scene were Richard is about to bite you when you tell him to end it was kinda hot. I know they’re asexual, but that was borderline sexy scary


@Elena_H - you were asking how many tries the laundry “game” took to solve for your readers… for me it was two.

Your game progresses nicely and I am enjoying seeing the protagonist evolving the way she is.

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@Victoriya Thank you so much! I’m actually going to make reaching each epilogue an achievement.

As far as modifying each epilogue based on your relationship status - I actually had the same thought for this epilogue, and I probably will go back and change it up depending on whether Paul/Rich like you. But I’ll probably power through the rest of the first draft before I circle back around.

As far as the scene with Richard being scary sexy - :blush: Yeah… Still not a romance, but I admit that scene kinda pushes it a little.

Thanks again for the feedback :heart: I’m so glad you’re sticking with the story!


@Eiwynn Nice to see you! I’m so glad you’re still reading :hugs:

Phenomenal feedback on the mini-game! IMHO 0-3 deaths is probably the right amount. Also, not sure if anyone’s noticed, but Richard’s boredom/irritation level is directly based on your relationship with him. So some variation in difficulty is to be expected here; definitely in your best interest to have neutral stats going in.

Thank you!!! :grin:


Ok so first I gotta say, I totally would be flattered if it were me! Second, while I was working it just dawned on me one way you could mention the other eye balls and still have a “place of honors” for Lenore’s eyes; you could make it a point to write down that he places her eyes next to his late wife’s eyes (assuming he started collecting eyes right around that time). Just a suggestion.

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@VioletHikari lol if Rich has his wife’s eyeballs in there, he’s getting too creepy even for me :stuck_out_tongue:

I might go ahead and use this suggestion when I go back through for the final edit. I need to give it some thought, though. Because Lenore would be sure to notice the eyeballs on Richard’s display case in chapter 2, and I’m not sure how she’d react to them this early on in the story.

Thanks for the idea! I’ll keep you posted on what I ultimately decide.


Not unless he keeps the display case in his room.

Well, about his wife’s eyes, you could always make it so that he took them from her after she died because it was the only thing he could keep from her at the time. That way it makes his creepy fetish more of a creepy/sentimental collection… type of thing…


That’s an interesting idea. I’ll play around with it. Still not sold on Rich keeping his wife’s eyeballs, though. :crazy_face:


Well I keep dying. 202020

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Oh no! @Phoenix_Wolf What’s your boredom/irritation level going in? If you give me that, I can tell you what to choose and why.

Been thinking. I’ll update the script to let players bypass the game if they die > 5 times. And if you manage to beat the game in fewer tries, you get an achievement. Will post the fix tomorrow.


I’m almost thinking maybe his sadistic and and semi-crazy tendencies (including eyeball gouging and keeping) kind of developed and worsened as he went along. (I mean I lock of hair I can understand, but someone’s eyes that you were responsible for killing looking lifelessly at you from a jar in your room? Shivers.) Maybe after his wife died and there was no stabilising influence left in his life. It sounds like he never wanted to be a vampire and was possibly even turned against his will (or as an option between death or that.) A downwards spiral to what he is today, just kind of clicks for me better. (Although I could be completely wrong! Maybe he was always a piece of work and that’s why he was turned.)

Perhaps have the by-pass option worded so it doesn’t look like a failure per say? Maybe add a choice after 5 goes that says like- Appeal to Richard’s hatred of Charles. By killing you, you’ll be giving him exactly what he wants. (Or what ever you think is appropriate) and then have Richard show enough restraint fixating on what he’ll do to Charles when he next sees him until Paul can return with an alternative. So yep, bypasses the test, without making the player feel like they’ve necessarily failed. Just an idea :slight_smile:


Found this game, and iam in loveeee :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Some grammar error made it a little confusing, I want to know if it’s okay if I post some of the parts where there are grammar errors or confusing parts — but if you have someone or a couple of people you hired to do that for you alreafy, I will understand and not spam this chat form :hibiscus:
I got to the mini game ( didn’t die once, thx god) I was confused : Did I have to keep every thing 50/50 to pass? Or nothing above to 50 or close to 64% on one side?
But I love the mini game, will there be more?
And is there a chance we get to read about what happen that night after we left to Paul’s apt. I will like to know what Rich did or was doing

------ thx you for am amazing game

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That’s my thinking too, although readers are certainly encouraged to imagine whatever they want. My “take” on this character is that he was never a nice guy, (maybe he even axed a couple of people while running his speakeasy back in the day) but he was far from a sadistic killer. Then he was turned, and his already questionable moral compass gradually spun completely out of control.

I was actually just going to auto-enable the “I’m sick of waiting” choice so that it’s an option from the start. Hopefully, that won’t read as a failure? This way, readers will still have the option of playing the laundry room game until they win (for the achievement), but with a safety net.

If that rubs people the wrong way, though, I’m going with your suggestion about appealing to Richard’s hatred of Charles. Love it!

Thanks so much for the great idea :smiley:


Please please tell me if you see spelling/grammar errors. If you’re worried about spamming the forum, you can PM me directly. The original novel benefitted from a line/copy editor. But now it’s just me and Grammarly, which is a great tool, but it misses a lot due to choice-script conventions :frowning:

Just within 1 and 99, actually. Although this was probably a lot harder for some players as the starting boredom/irritation values are directly based on your Richard Relationship stats (all combinations can pass, though, I made sure!). And I’d like to add more mini-games, but I need to determine whether there are other places in the narrative where they’d be a good fit. I’m really glad you liked it!

Yes! What happened in the laundry room comes back to haunt you later…

Thank you for the amazing comment! :heart:


Wait, why would what happened to Deidr… Diedr… Deadr… Daedr… CHARLES GIRLFRIEND haunt us? It wasn’t our fault that Charles was a dick and doomed her life! I mean, I can understand feeling guilty and bad for her, but it’s not like we had anything to do about it! If Charles had just gotten the Supplement like he said he was, then his girlfriend (what’s her name?) would be alive right now!

Sorry if I sound like a heartless bitch, but at this point this is how I would be thinking if I were in Lenore’s shoes… honestly, that form of logic would probably be the only thing keeping me sane at this point… I don’t know…