Does Burn(t) have an ending?

You always end up dying whatever you choose. Deos This game has a real ending?

Yes, it has. I don’t know how many or only one, but there is at least one good ending.

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The closest to an real ending I can find in the game is the one where the MC wakes up and finds out that the apocalypse was just a dream.


Yup, I think that’s the only good ending I got when I played this a while ago. (Lots more ones where you die though).

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I Think the same dont even know why this game is published

IIRC the game is a metaphor for how high-school is like a zombie apocalypse.


Good ending? You went mad and turned into one of those zombie things. Trapped in memory and dreams, swimming in and out of reality.

Yah, but I didn’t die? Zombie thing is better than dying isn’t it? Maybe… Possibly…
(Honestly this was so long ago that I don’t exactly remember what the ending I got was.)