Dawn of Heroes (WIP) (Updated 04/14/24)

So I’m working on a choice of how to attack a facility and thought I would show why combat can take so long to write in this format (CYOA). I had actually forgotten about eyebeams before writing this part, so I now have to go back to other fights to make sure I add text for those that I know I missed.

There are several things I need to keep into consideration to make sure that the text matches the build. This is a one-sided fight at that. Once I get into more even footing fights, this will sometimes turn into branching paths when not having the right statistic ends in setbacks.

*label Fire
*if HasFireEyeBeam
	I begin to feel the familiar burning sensation behind my retina before the air between me and the first gunman ignites.
*if not(HasFireEyeBeam) and not(HasFireMeleeOnly)
	Fire breaths itself to life within my figure tips. The first gunman starts to let out a cry of confusion but is cut off as I pitch a ball of flame.
*if HasFireMeleeOnly
	*if PlayerSpeed >= 50
		My rate of movement catches the two men off guard. I close the distance faster than expected.
	*if PlayerSpeed < 50
		I start to close the distance letting my hands light aflame. The orange and red flames better illuminate the dark landscape. With the sudden change of light, the two squint and look away. Before they could let their eyes recover, I was at the first gunman.
	Fire burst forth from my palm as I slam it into his abdomen.
The blast of fire launches the man from his feet slamming him against the wall.

All of this for a single paragraph. :slight_smile:


So the fight text will change depending on flaws? say if you choose no flaw for an element and you still choose melee only will the special if melee only text still show with the same stat checks, or you need to have the flaw specifically? because if the melee flaws for an element always has a speed check, it would suit my speedster a lot

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Looking at this gave me the idea that maybe add a preset hero build like superman with Lazer eyes, max super strength, maybe level 2 super speed, enhanced hearing and sight along with x ray vision

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It depends. This example does not use a combat engine. This example is just using the normal story mode. I have a combat engine built into the game/story that you have seen in the Lugh route, which gives you the option for when to use melee.

The speed check, like all checks, depends on the situation. In this scene the enemies are armed and aware of the main character. The rate of movement would make a difference for how the scene should play out. Optionally ranged attacks work better.

The premade builds are meant to be simple in build and not overly powerful. The custom build should be enough. I would also not be sure how to label such a build. I’m not going to put “Superman” as a build name.


There were some setbacks in the amount of writing I wished to get done, but I am still working on Chapter 9’s final route. I have been thinking over some changes to Chapter 1’s end, potentially making things a bit more chaotic and exciting beyond just the lighting attacks. With powers starting to manifest, not all powers are useful or able to be controlled immediately. I’m thinking that first night could have a lot more going on.

1.28 Week’s end update

  • Fixed a bug making it so Powered Armored builds did not get options in combat.
  • Word count is now over 80k

Still working on (everything after the first four are not in any order):

    1. Chapter 9 final route.
    1. Heroic Identity Costume Revamp
    1. Battle text for hidden fight in Chapter 8 CEO route
    1. A new Job: Factory Worker route most likely
  • Alternative Chapter 7 encounter
  • Chapter 10
  • Custom gadget system
  • Adding more power options/uses to the story

Made some good progress in the last few days on the final route of Chapter 9. Finally getting to working on the third part of the route, when you have met up with the new hero and are working together. I do not suspect that this part will take long to write. The body of the chapter being in part one and two.

2.4 Week’s end update

Still working on (everything after the first four are not in any order):

    1. Chapter 9 final route.
    1. Heroic Identity Costume Revamp
    1. Battle text for hidden fight in Chapter 8 CEO route
    1. A new Job: Factory Worker route most likely
  • Alternative Chapter 7 encounter
  • Chapter 10
  • Custom gadget system
  • Adding more power options/uses to the story

Sometimes you get insight for having the right senses, but is it always a good thing?

“It may not be locked.” I explain. “If that is a safe, there might be air in there, but won’t be a way out. Locking yourself in will just be a death sentence. The point is to keep people out, not trap people in.”

“I like this one, Cat.” The mysterious male voice says again. “Can we keep him/her? I know you are not one for stays, but he/she is growing me.”

“Cat?” I question.

The woman’s body immediately tenses up and fists ball up. Did I strike a nerve? Her gaze does not leave my profile. The pulse of her glowing armor’s veins increases in rate. I may have overstepped.

“He/She could hear that?” The voice questions. “There’s no way.”


I have managed to get a lot of writing done. While I still have the dynamic combat to write, I have nearly finished writing this route. Once I am done with these last few paragraphs I will be working on the dynamic combat. This route easily past up any other chapter/route when it comes to wordcount due to variations from choices, flaws, and powers. I’m not sure if it is a long chapter, but there is a lot to it.

2.11 Week’s end update

  • Wordcount is now at 90k

Still working on (everything after the first four are not in any order):

    1. Chapter 9 final route.
    1. Heroic Identity Costume Revamp
    1. Battle text for hidden fight in Chapter 8 CEO route
    1. A new Job: Factory Worker route most likely
  • Alternative Chapter 7 encounter
  • Chapter 10
  • Custom gadget system
  • Adding more power options/uses to the story

A day late to posting this. I am still working on the dynamic combat of Chapter 9 final route. Wanting to take a break as I find combat a little draining to write. It was a nice break to put my mind to the costume system. While it does still need refinement and I may go back over things I have updated the costume options.

My thought process was that I wanted a layer ‘armor’ which is not really about providing statistical protection to the character, but instead it is the part of the outfit that is the hardest to remove in combat. Like how Superman’s suit only gets beat up in really rough fights, but the cape might get damaged far more often.

So then there is a second layer that can go over this armor that is more likely to take damage.

I can definitely add more options for outfits, I have enough in there for now to get the point across and to cover quite a few typical super hero options.

2.18 Week’s end update

  • Redid the costume system

Still working on (everything after the first four are not in any order):

    1. Chapter 9 final route.
    1. Battle text for hidden fight in Chapter 8 CEO route
    1. A new Job: Factory Worker route most likely
  • Alternative Chapter 7 encounter
  • Chapter 10
  • Custom gadget system
  • Adding more power options/uses to the story

I was hoping to get more done within this last week, but did reach a goal. I took a step back on the combat writing and came to the conclusion I was making things too complicated for what was needed for this scene. With that in mind I was able to finally get through the final route of Chapter 9. I was well on my way to getting through the CEO hidden fight before things slowed down writing wise.

I’m sure there are technical and spelling issues I expect to get to, but I have updated the demo.

I will probably jump between that fight and something else for the story to try and make sure I don’t burn myself out on writing combat.

2.25 Week’s end update

  • Chapter 9 final route

Still working on (everything after the first two are not in any order):

    1. Battle text for hidden fight in Chapter 8 CEO route
    1. A new Job: Factory Worker route most likely
  • Alternative Chapter 7 encounter
  • Chapter 10
  • Custom gadget system
  • Adding more power options/uses to the story
  • New draft of Night 0


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Finally a battle that my result in injury. A battle that the main character may not win.

This overwhelming relief was short lived as Jordan continued his/her march forward. His/Her full charge diminished to a brisk pace. My skin crawls as the realization my sixth sense kicks in. This will not stop his/her. I try to back away from his/her approach but was too late. He/She grabs my wrist and with a twist of his/her waist throws me like a discus.

Sometimes winning a round does not mean you avoid getting injured. This is an aspect I am placing in dynamic combat. The main character may win the round, contributing to winning the fight, but that does not mean that there is not a cost for that round’s victory. Victory might become muddy.


Slowly getting through the combat for Chapter 8 fight. Been taking breaks to work on a short scene following Rowan. At first I was thinking this would be the beginning of Chapter 10, but it might be one of those fill in Chapters instead. I will think more on this.

3.4 Week’s end update

Still working on (everything after the first two are not in any order):

    1. Battle text for hidden fight in Chapter 8 CEO route
    1. A new Job: Factory Worker route most likely
  • Alternative Chapter 7 encounter
  • Chapter 10
  • Custom gadget system
  • Adding more power options/uses to the story
  • New draft of Night 0
  • New draft of Chapter 9 - Game of Tag Route
  • Floating fill in chapters

The story so far seems good, theres still a few spelling and punctuation errors through out, as well as point of view/tense errors. Some points of the story shift from present to past. The chapters seem to be quite short as well, would love to see them expanded upon maybe in the future.

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Can you add more save slots


Thank you for the feedback! I do want to add more to a lot of the story. I had planned last week to ask which chapters are feeling short, but after reviewing some I am starting to figure that out on my own.

If you find issues, I would appreciate pointing out any that you find.

I have tried, I think the code for it has a hard cap of 3 slots.


I have started writing Chapter 10, but am finding that it is much shorter than expected. I will probably do a rewrite on it and add what was to be the next chapter to the second half of it. I am starting to do more writing from not the main character’s perspective. These floating fill-in chapters are things I will start to focus on as well as earlier chapter rewrites. Which chapters do people feel need more length the most?

3.18 Week’s end update

Still working on (everything after the first four are not in any order):

    1. Chapter 10
    1. Floating fill in chapters
    1. Battle text for hidden fight in Chapter 8 CEO route
    1. A new Job: Factory Worker route most likely
  • Alternative Chapter 7 encounter
  • Custom gadget system
  • Adding more power options/uses to the story
  • New draft of Night 0
  • New draft of Chapter 9 - Game of Tag Route

This part of your code *sm_init Dawn Of Heroes | 3 is what you have to adjust. The three is what you change to increase the save slot count.

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I understand how to do it, but the last time I lifted that number nothing had happened. I guess it worked this time. Six slots are now available.


Hi I love your demo! The characters so far are interesting, looking forward to get to know them more :eyes: Also the powers’ customisation is cool and varied. I took a peek at the code and, damn, I really appreciate the effort you put in the coding :sob: :+1:

Some errors that I found:

Chapter 4

I believe this refers to O’Reilly? In my playthru O’Reilly’s a female






Chapter 5

myself, I, my


Chapter 6 (CEO)



I played as woman and get called handsome :sweat_smile:



Chapter 7

Is there something wrong

Chapter 8 (CEO)



Chapter 9





my command, giving me

Hope this helps!