Dashingdon: Free ChoiceScript Game Hosting

@BenSeawalker No, currently there’s not an API. It wouldn’t be too difficult to work one up, though.

You would like to be able to create/update scene txt files remotely, I assume? Members of the site would have to opt-in to allow for it and I would need to provide a unique ‘secret’ API key to use for each particular game (so that your system could authenticate game & key), but I don’t think the underlying code to allow for it would be all that complicated.

Let me know what you intend to push (and the format) and I’ll hash out what I can do to accommodate on this end.


What’s this?
A joint-operation between various scripting tools and dashingdon.com?

My keyboard is moist.


From tears of joy, right?
Ok, got it!


A RESTful API would be ace.

Something like…?

  • user
    • get gamelist
    • get name
    • add game
  • game
    • get name
    • get desc
    • get scene list
    • add scene
    • delete
    • rename
  • scene
    • get name
    • get contents
    • update contents
    • rename
    • delete

A get stats/metadata method would be useful too, containing things like lastModified time etc. That wouldn’t be essential though.


Everything @CJW mentioned seems more than adequate, I would also suggest calls for image files as well. It’s been awhile since I’ve used your site, but it seems like users can upload their artwork for the title page at least.

At the current rate of development, it’s going to be a few months before I’m ready to start using it. So don’t feel you have to rush to get it done.

@BenSeawalker & @CJW

Here is the rough draft of the API documentation: https://dashingdon.com/easy/documentation/

Let me know how that looks for what you may need. Delete and rename stuff isn’t in yet but if you’d like to muck around with the API please PM me and I’ll send you Developer and Creation API Keys for testing.

Once it’s in a good spot these API Keys will be issued to whomever would like them via the dashingdon.com backend. Game API Keys will also be available for existing and new games automagically. Already have all that worked out thankfully.


@dashingdon I’m extremely impressed with the documentation and code examples. Well done!


There have been a few updates to the site - namely, you can now change your password to whatever you like via the Manage Your Games screen (there’s now a little blue button at the top center of that games section). There have also been a few aesthetic changes that I hope help with displaying the growing amount of games on the site.

I have the latest CS code in the system and tested and I will be rolling it out next week most likely. The games with custom stylesheets will not have the ‘animate’ option that comes along with this version of the CS code, unfortunately. They do not play nice with the animation so only games with the default CoG stylesheet will be able to use that new feature. Please adjust your game options accordingly over the next couple days as I work to get the new code in place for all existing games.

Let me know if you experience any issues. Thanks.


Thank you for adding the change password feature!

That said, I tried changing my password and found that the feature isn’t working for me. It didn’t give me any kind of an error message, but nothing happened when I clicked on the ‘Change Password’ button inside the pop-up window headed ‘Change Password for Dashingdon’.


Oops. Well it should have worked, only I forgot to put in any feedback. Your password actually should be changed now. But I reckon I should put in some sort of notice that it’s been changed haha :sweat_smile:


I wondered about that, so I had logged out and tried to use the new password, and it didn’t work. The old one did, though. Firefox on Mac, latest version/OS, if it’s helpful.

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Okay, I’ve put in a response now. If you would kindly check again when you have time and let me know if there is still an issue, I’d appreciate it. Thanks

Yes, still nothing; no response of any kind when I click the button, and the password stays unchanged. I tried logging out and in again and clearing my cache too.

Edit: I was able to get it to work on Safari, confirmation message and all. No response on Firefox though.

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Ok thank you for testing! Much appreciated. I’ll have to sit down and figure it out :thinking: Unfortunately won’t be for a couple hours that I have time but I’ll get it sorted on FF as soon as possible. The ‘change game name’ and ‘API keys’ functionality use the same system so I will have to get it sorted before I roll those features out as well.


Is this code on github yet? I think it’s totally awesome you did this and want to contribute.

Ok, I fixed the ‘change password’ issue on Firefox. I didn’t declare the event out of lazy habit and Firefox expects it (while most browsers let it slide). Oops.

@Flurrywinde11 There is an earlier version on GitHub here https://github.com/DRElliston/dashingdon but it hasn’t been updated in a long while. Unfortunately, the code is in such chaotic disarray that I cannot imagine pushing it in its current form. I need time to overhaul it before contributions would even be possible.


Thanks. Let me know when the latest version is pushed. I was excited to find out about the api, and what I want to do is make bash scripts for the curl commands, enabling me to automatically update games on dashingdon.com when I commit to git.

DashingDon.com will be participating in the July 12th day of action for the battle for Net Neutrality (starting today, a little early). There will be a one-time per day pop-up (one on the main page and only a single time across all game pages) urging visitors to take action if they value unthrottled, unregulated, and uncensored access to the Internet.

If you are interested in helping or curious about the cause, please see here: https://www.battleforthenet.com/july12/

Thank you.


@dashingdon I went to log in to Dashingdon and got this:

I was able to figure out what happened after playing with the window size for a while, but it wasn’t immediately obvious because the page registered as fully showing on my screen (no scroll bar). I was on an iMac, current OS, using Firefox. Just thought I’d let you know.

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I uploaded a bunch of files to Dashingdon to test my game, but have since renamed several scenes and condensed some things to fewer files. However, the closest I can come to deleting those old files is uploading blank ones with the same names. Since haven’t made anything public yet, I considered just deleting the project and remaking it, but after testing that strategy with a different name it looks like I can’t create a new game with the same name, even after the original has been deleted. Am I stuck with the superfluous files/a different game name?