Cyberpolice (Minor Update: 19th of March 2024) (WIP)

No update today.

Was super busy so I couldn’t work at all today.

Maybe so, but I’d still like to offer some unique content to each of the backgrounds. :slight_smile:


No update today.

Alright, I’ve essentially done one chunk of the update now. There’s three chunks(let’s call them setup/payoff/aftermath, to be spoiler free).

With the setup done, I’ll be moving to the payoff chunk. It’s probably the most time consuming, I’m guessing, so I doubt it’ll be ready in just a week, at least two weeks I’d guess, maybe more.

The aftermath chunk shouldn’t take that much effort, but I might post the update once the payoff chunk is done, since I don’t want there to be too long a time between the last update and this upcoming one(posting the setup as its own update isn’t really feasible, which is why I won’t be doing it.), and it’s been over two weeks already.

As I’ve mentioned earlier, this’ll be the last real part of the story before I move to the much talked about Major Update(although I’ll still make the one-night-stand section before that. Technically that section also includes a pretty plot important party, but I’m not sure I’ll be implementing it in too much detail for now, probably just a barebones version).

Once I start working on the Major Update I expect the update frequency to be much higher since it’s much “lighter” to do than the stuff I’ve been working on for a while now. (more self-contained)

In any case, things are looking pretty good at the moment.


No update today.

Decent start on the next chunk, so progress is being made.


No update today.

Nothing special to say, progress is progress.


No update today.

As above. :smiley:


No matter how much i want to replay my game. I wanna wait for the major update since the saves could results in a bug. But I’m definitely keeping an eye on this.


No update today.

Slowly getting there.

Hope you won’t be disappointed once the day finally arrives. It’ll still be a while until it’ll be ready, even if I start working on it relatively soon.


By the way is that ice cold hot vice president an RO?

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Mari Badr or Janice Brand?

I don’t recall her showing off in the polls for RO’s but Mari won that poll in like third or fourth place if i recall correclty

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I’m not sure which one is which, can you give me a recap on who’s who?

Mari is that oddly upbeat designer human that is the mascot for Amgrs idk whats their name aka the company with Janice and all, she is the one that talks with Stillwater and talks about the symbifriends along with Ambrose

Janice is the marketting person that comments about how she didn’t knew the victim and wants you to fuck off if you don’t have questions

I was referring to Janice and IIRC she is one of the possible options. :thinking:

I can’t comment on that but seems unlikely, closest thing would be Mari Badr and that’s it i guess?

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Too bad… Mari gives me the creeps. Knowing that she knows more about me than myself.

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At present the top favorites for romance candidates are Mari Badr, Carrington, Stillwater, and Mouse. (So no Janice Brand)

I think I can pretty much promise those at this point. (unless there’s a massive change in preferences sometime soon. Theoretically anyone’s a possible RO, depending on popularity and how interesting it’ll be for me to write it(I’d prefer to do characters that’re pretty different from each other even if two similar characters won the popular vote, so to speak))

As for others, that’ll depend on how easy it’ll be for me to make the actual romances. I much prefer a detailed, deep version of them than a shallow one, so I can’t really do too many of them(I’d also like to pair them up with friendship/rivalry variants). Unless, I suppose, I do “major” romances and “minor” romances, or such, or if they end up being way easier to implement than I’m currently imagining.

However, for the one-night-stands it might be different, since I imagine them being one off scenes with maybe a few lines here and there later on to refer to them(unless they’re tied to a romance at the same time, in which case they’ll be more relevant). I could do a bunch of those with relative ease for all kinds of characters. We’ll see how it goes.

Still, I have a feeling the votes for the RO candidates will change by the time I’ve implemented all the subplots and so on, since at present there’s a bunch of characters that’ve barely been seen, but who’ll have lots of more screentime in the subplots(or in planned but not yet added scenes of the main plot). As such, I’ll probably “lock in” the actual romances only after pretty much everything is done(despite what I said at the beginning of this post! :slight_smile: ) , but again, we’ll see how it goes.


One night stands :flushed::tada:

Why do i get the feeling that you’d go ham and there’d be like 4-8 chars to pick from once done :joy:


No update today.

Once more things proceed decently. Might be taking a break tomorrow, not sure yet.



I just hope Stillwater won’t change from his spot as RO because I love him too much to handle him not being romancable😆


No update today.

Yup, no work done.

Oh, I’m pretty sure he will stay where he is. He and Mouse are pretty much dominating the male top spots, and even though I suspect some of the other options will gain way more popularity once everything’s done, I really doubt they’ll be able to change that. :slight_smile:


If i had to guess then i would day Ulrike(?) Or whatever is the big guy name in the NTPD precint is going to be a somewhat strong contender if you have plans for him

Hell if it wasn’t for the age thing, then i would say Ambrose too since he is just a more watered down Stillwater with cynicism lol