Curious Cuisine (Superhero/Cooking)

I just played the demo today and wow. It’s a great surprise. I didn’t expect to enjoy myself so much. Plus, I really like the interactions between the parent and the child. And the way people talk about the city, it’s alive, right ? I’m really curious about the benefactor and why they had an opportunity to come. So no, I didn’t read all the posts. I didn’t see the possible spoilers. Still, I had a lot of fun with your demo so thanks ~. And take your time, we’ll wait :heart: Good luck ~


Short notice:

If you’d like to get a cameo, drop m a message.

Don’t over tax yourself you don’t want creative burnout

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Cameo or not cameo ? So hard ;w; Ok not cameo. I’m going to learn how to be patient ~. Plus, imagine all the news we’ll read in the next udapte :heart:


Why didn’t this find this earlier.
For a title like that, it’s pretty well.

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That’s the most beautiful backhanded compliment i’ve gotten in a while %D

But seriously: I’m currently ‘alpha testing’ the next WiP update. should include some big changes


I prefer the term front-headed insult, but don’t take it the wrong way

And here's why

You’ve already won me over.

My first question is how did you get my address.


My curiosity was definitely piqued by the name, and when I got in the demo I found out it was the best thing ever. So, thank you for bringing this into existence.
I love being a parent so much, I’m looking forward to spoiling and caring for my kid as much as I can. I love the idea of a café, cooking in a game is not something I see often and I’m hyped about (especially if upping my sweet stat means baking!).
Another thing I love is the addition of heroes. You see all these games where the MC is a superhero, but it’s nice seeing the pov of someone going through their life as a sideliner.
I forgot names already because I played the demo a couple of days ago and then forgot to comment, but cute person at the fountain talking to my kid? I like that one. Seems like a sweet kid, I would trust my child with him. And I already know I like Heatstroke, although the first time I played the demo (I played it multiple times) I skimmed through first and imagined an old grandmotherly lady. Needless to say when I read through properly I was ecstatic I was wrong. She’s gonna be my wife.
Anyway, all the characters so far seem so nice! Apart from what I’m guessing is your rival, but keeping calm until I exploded was worth it, I could see the scene in my head and I was dying laughing. Take that, rival.
I’ll be looking forward to what this game will become! I’m intrigued!


Happy both of you liked it. :smiley: I’ll do my best.
(currently testing the mechanics behind the cooking contest rounds)
still giving out cameos for the other stuff


Sorry that I don’t have the 3.5 hrs to read through the comments, I have a WIP to criticize, so excuse me if rude, but what is the purpose of the Hiatus?

Personal stuff, stress explosion.

I’m better now.


Would you laugh if I said that, for 0.001 of second, I thought there was a legitimate New-york, business case, terrorist, explosion?


errrr… no, just stress.

But as said, I’m better now. Screaming at code though. (eeesh, the cafe investigation Istg)

EDIT: also, granted, I just nearly killed Francis…


Well I’m glad you are feeling better

Please tell me you are going to edit out the “nearly”.

P.S why would you scream at code, and why do you write?



(edit: because sometimes the code just refuses to cooperate, and i write cause… guess I wanna share ideas with people who might enjoy it?)


No, people don’t matter, they all die soon or later, just make it interesting, create plot-holes, and I can call you Gachery Cergi.

EDIT:Sorry about that, bad taste.
And Salad

People do enjoy tgem

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moves Francis to safety


Didn’t get that pun


Should I put tags?

Sidenote: Legit, you could make this into a Netflix Original