Curious Cuisine (Superhero/Cooking)

So when is the next update to go beyond movie night?

Ive kinda figured it would be a watch but not change the past kind of bonus chapter. Anways, im loving the new romantic options. Im itching to draw naught and super :thinking: about lightning dude. I cant picture his body since electricity.

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Oh, currently Iā€™m coding the visit to APORIA (which would allow you to unlock the superpower glossary) and the shopping tour (youā€™ll be able to pick one), as well as the producer party.

Iā€™d be honoured by another pic :smiley:

What happens to your character (and their RO if you decide to play that way) is not set in stone. :wink:

As for powerhouse: Heā€™s mostly human appearing, even though underneath his costume some bits of him (hands, mostly) are more energy than flesh.

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Ok because last time I played me and the kiddo watched sailor Moon and the game ended so looking forward to more.

Brief rundown of what you can expect (in order)

  • Meeting the mayor
  • Visiting APORIA/Go shopping
  • Moving your stuff into your new home
  • Getting interviewed and getting invited to a party
  • Trying to find an outfit for said party
  • Attending said party
  • Signing up for a Cooking Contest show
  • Getting your kid enrolled at school
  • Naming your cafĆ©



Heads up: visiting APORIA/go shopping got a bit longer than anticipated.

I think once everything is typed up and coded proper the game will have around 115k words, give or take 10k.

Gonna try to update something before April.

In the meantime: what kind of hero and villain classes and how they work in CoCi would you like to know more about?


Iā€™m interested in knowing if you have found a balance between respectful parent and complete equals besties Iā€™m more of a sibling than a parent type thing.

Also I like plot surprises which is why the details you mentioned about coci I can live without :slight_smile:

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I think the balance is something very hard, as everyone defines it different. So i canā€™t answer that.

Well i guess its hard to define boundaries and such if our kid is generally good anyway. You have to wait until they screw up to see whether you are the parent or equal. Oh btw on the subject of the GPS we probably wouldnā€™t have that talk until after one of us (probably parent because no powers) gets kidnapped. At the very least we need a Weasely clock


Hereā€™s what I think the new RO Naught looks like, Iā€™m pretty sure after the gloom, assuming he survives, heā€™s 27, so I bumped up his features. Canā€™t wait for the next update!


squeeeee so pretty :smiley:

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Are there classes that are more attributed to either heroes or villains? Or classes that are exclusive to only one side?

What power class would our parent and kid MCs belong to? Do we get to decide these based on stats or choices?

Major Spoilers

All powers are available to both heroes and villains.
What powerclass the kid and parent (if the parent gets powers) are in isā€¦ half picked by the game, half by the player. Thereā€™s bits in the game that affect some invisible stats that influence the pool you can then pick your powers from.


Makes sense.

Last question, what are the most and least common power classes among the current CoCi population?


Most common would probably be elemental/energy manipulators (pyro- or hydroknetics etc). Rarest amongst those are aether-, chrono- and meteorokinetics.
Rarest overall?
Possibly power thieves and clairvoyants.


what is thisā€¦power thieves? is the effect permanent?

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Nope. But itā€™s very dangerous for everyone involved.

Also, little trivia:
There are (so far) 24 kinds of energy/matter manipulation powers.


Oh nooo! How am i supposed to pick one out of this many choices :scream: :exploding_head:

A thing to worry about now :grin:

Are there cooking Powers?