Curious Cuisine (Superhero/Cooking)

  1. Basically the backstory is mix-and-match. Some of it is what you picked in the beginning, other bits are yet to come. But most of it is up to the reader to imagine.
    Trivia: For a while I toyed with the idea of hinting that alcohol abuse played a part in it, regardless who did it, but scratched the idea because it felt too restrictive and preachy.
  2. For the player? I hope, truth be told, deciding on a path in regard which story to follow.
    For me? Writing and coding those stories.
  1. I like the kid romances equally, but, admittedly right now Francis has some of the most adorable bits
  2. That’s even harder to answer. Just as with the kid, there’s a fav romance for several ways one can play the parent.
    Major Spoiler: As Sergi gave me the OK to have a hidden, almost fanfic-y mega shoutout easteregg, I’ll admit that possible romance is right now my fav to write, cause those chars deserved better. I swear this makes sense in context