Curious Cuisine (Superhero/Cooking)

TW: Abuse for this one. (Also spoilers)

Powerhouse & Bacchanalia
  • Name: Joshua St John
  • Codename: Powerhouse
  • Gender: male (cis)
  • Age: 39
  • DoB: ???
  • Race: white
  • Hair: light brown if grown out, but he keeps his head shaved
  • Eyes: green/brown (right), electricity (left)
  • Height: 6’1
  • FaceClaim: ?
  • Costume: Gold and black bodysuit with silver piping, no mask.
  • Chimeran: Energy-Chimeran (electricity). Left eye and right arm are pure electricity.

There’s not much known about Powerhouse before the events of Nightfall.

He’s always been regarded as overly pessimistic, snarky and quite a bit of a loner. He is, however, very full of himself and his ego is one of the best ways to get him to cooperate.

He delights in being a hero (as snarky as he is), but tends to overwork himself, especially once children are involved. There might be something in his past (that Switchblade and Kaleydoscope knew about) that’s the reason for this.

He was also one of the main reason for the CHIPPER (CHImeran and Powered People Equity Regulation), which finally prohibited employers etc from putting Powered Individuals (especially Chimerans) at any form of disadvantage.

It might have been that CHIPPER caught on faster than some other laws of similar nature One due to CoCi’s very nature, and Two, who would genuinely want to mess with someone who can turn one’s organs inside out, acting as if oneself is by nature superior? (Unfortunately, there have been and are people who… don’t have much common sense or human decency… but they’re getting fewer)

Powerhouse retired after Nightfall, settling down to become an electrician (St John Electrics), but he keeps a wary eye on Switchblade, who went to work at the newly founded APORIA.

Rumors have it that he turned to the EMPeror to help him with his right arm, which was turning more and more into uncontrollable electricity.

  • Name: Chloe Fairchild
  • Codename: Bacchanalia
  • Gender: female (cis)
  • Age: 24 (possible)
  • DoB: ???
  • Race: white
  • Hair: blonde
  • Eyes: gray
  • Height: 5’4
  • FaceClaim: ???
  • Costume: Gray hooded cape, domino mask.

Bacchanalia was one of the youngest Powered Individuals fighting at Nightfall. She’s been a shy and quiet young girl with the bizarre power of conjuring and manipulating alcohol (she never liked that).

She tried to prove herself as a hero, but vanished before the final battle.

It’s not clear what exactly became of her, but given the circumstances of her disappearance she might have willingly joined Odium.

She was said to be easily influenced by others, so many do believe in that theory.

Digging deeper into her history afterwards revealed that she had come from a quite unhappy home and had caused her parents’ (mother and stepfather) deaths through alcohol poisoning.

Her biological father is working hard on redeeming her name.