Crème de la Crème Discussion and Romance Guide (Spoilers Within)

Weekly update: October, Week 2

Week Wordcount: 4120 words
Total Wordcount: 122735 words
Average Playthrough: 24271 words

What I’ve been doing:

-Finishing the code for Chapter 5 including a wide variety of code for people noticing if you’ve been romantic with people other than them; you can do some polyamorous romancing, though not with all the characters, and I’m excited to get into that tangled web soon.

-Editing previous chapters: adding in things like talking to a romantic interest about polyamory, clarifying what stats may be useful for tests in the choice wording (a bugbear that I’m working hard to overcome), cutting bits that don’t work, and lots of minor corrections. I really like editing! I can’t remember if I’ve said so before, but it bears repeating: I enjoy refining and polishing what’s there, and it’s a very different mindset than writing, so it can be refreshing.

-Writing Chapter 5, and the first dinner upon returning to Gallatin after winter break. All the dormmates have changed over the holidays, and it’s up to you to figure out whether you think that’s a good or a bad thing…

Here are a couple of snippets from Chapter 4 about going home for the holidays. (The first one is the result of a choice where you greet your parents dismissively; you can be affectionate, if you like.)

