Crème de la Crème Discussion and Romance Guide (Spoilers Within)

Weekly update: December, Week 4

Week’s Wordcount: 7189 words
Total Wordcount: 198K words

I was all ready to post something apologetic about not having managed to work much over the holidays, and then calculated my weekly wordcount and…well, you see the numbers. I entirely underestimated how much I did, in a good way.

What I’ve been doing:

-Writing Chapter 7: Completed the early scenes of the chapter, as well as four major branches. I’m about to draw the branches together to make two, which is what will happen next week. I’m super pleased with my progress, not least because I wasn’t expecting to get so much done over the holidays, and right now it’s looking like Chapter 7 will be finished in good time.

As of this post, the teaser poll is still open so if you haven’t voted yet, please do! As an amusing side-effect, because I set it to show results upon voting I can’t actually see who is/are leading, which adds another level of suspense to the whole thing!