Crème de la Crème Discussion and Romance Guide (Spoilers Within)

Oooh interesting XD

Ohhh, I’m not sure but I think even with the 2nd option, it’s possible to make her resign quietly?

But just to be sure pick the 1st or 3rd?

Gallatin will close forever only if the MC asks to I think?
Not sure

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I’ll try with the 2nd option and if all options fail I can always rerun XD

Okay now what should I do XD ?

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Goodluck XD
And it probably won’t all fail

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Oh you did it
Congrats XD

The 3rd option is the one for resigning quietly I guess

What about the 2nd option then XD?

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Maybe, but I’m guessing you need good relationship with teacher for that?

(Starting to look painstakingly obvious that my main MCs just all publicly did it for their own reasons- XD)

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Lol XD but don’t you need intrigue to do so ? For the third option I mean. But I have a 40+ relationship points with the teachers AND lady renalt so…

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Just check it and nope XD
2nd option don’t need good relationship (unless you pick the ask for support from teacher after that)
3rd option don’t need Intrigue XD

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Ah… thanks a lot though in the end of my play through I managed to keep the college afloat but lady Renalt was fired though :sweat_smile:

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Thanks too :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I’m glad the college is intact

She didn’t resigned quietly but got fired instead?

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Yup ! And mr. Griffith became headmaster

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Lady Renaldt should have just accepted the deal of your MC :sweat_smile:
Or they wouldn’t have needed to be fired

Still congrats XD

Actually I am still confuse bc I went to mrs Benton for help she did nothing and all she did is complain that she knew something was up

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Mrs Benton will help the MC by talking to the miners
(if passing the stat check)

maybe she did idk I was actually trying and rushing to see how the mc and Hartman will be if I paired up

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awww thank you ^^

and @Elemental I think that happens if your reputation or relationship with her is low enough I think? since an MC with a higher stat will have a different scene

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If she apologized and said it was too big for her to help then it’s probably a failed stat check but if she said something around planning to talk to them then yes
She did helped and it will increase your backing XD

Ohh XD
How did it end?

Actually it end with me standing up to her father and he narrowing his eyes at me then going with Hartman up in her room to make out so it was pretty alright :rofl::rofl::wink: @WhoAmI


Ooooh :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Sounds romantic and spicy XD (too bad it got interrupted though, maybe they can continue it later on? :eyes: )
What kind of standing up?
With intense willpower or immense sarcasm? :laughing:

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