Couldn't extract another token (using #)

Replace this:

with this:

*set lists_char (lists_char + 1)
*if (lists_char > length(lists_listname))
    *goto endofthisone
*set letter lists_listname#lists_char

I think. :thinking:


Oiy! or is it oye!? ioy? um :smiley: :smile: :sweat_smile: :laughing: :grin: :astonished: YOU DID IT!

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What happens if you remove the $? {} can be used for calculations, but the $ prefix is only used for printing a value.

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I feel very dumb.
Here’s what happened. When I set lists_listname to mylist, it would take on the contents of mylist which is completely perfect. but I kept thinking of using it as a pointer and I thought it actually had the contents “mylist” instead of the list. at least I finally figured this out.

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Yeah, that looks about right. But I really think that using a pointer (or I guess it’s technically a reference, but whatever) is unnecessary for almost everything you’d want to do in CS, and certainly for this. (Now, if you wanted to make a list of lists, then you might need pointers. :thinking:)


Well, I’m not going to use it as a pointer now. I never was. I just thought I was.
Yes, a lists of list would need to be pointers or be ‘read’ a different way than other lists because otherwise you would never know when a list began or ended.

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