Community College Hero: Knowledge is Power (old WIP thread, now closed)

The Detective can only get all rewards if they sleep with Hedonist, the Sharpshooter can’t get all rewards even if they sleep with Hedonist.

The Soldier can easily get A on the other too, the Acrobat can only get an A on Defense if they raise their Hmm.

That is what make the Acrobat equal to the Soldier, because they can raise Hmm and train Defense to raise 2 stats. The Sharpshooter doesn’t have this luxury.

The Soldier is the most powerful class alongside the Acrobat, it is not about how cool they are, it is about how well they do on the game.


“messed up”, “broken”,
“that is gimped of you to cheat in pool”

I used the term correctly.

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Even if the Detective has to sleep with the Hedonist to get all the rewards,they can still get all the rewards.

Also I have to agree with @Xukundi .Powerful or not,Soldier just doesn’t click with me as much as the Detective or Acrobat does(and,judging from the polls,it seems I’m not the only one who thinks this).Maybe that’s why I thought it was weak;I didn’t really pay much attention to it.

Either way,we all have our classes.We all have our own opinions.And it seems that I was wrong about Soldier.There,I said it.Now can we move on?

I like this. We were able to have a calm and collected discussion without hating on the opinions of others.

That sounds freaking awesome, i wish we could’ve called it that

I considered reducing the ATs from 4 to 3 for Part 2 but it would have caused a ton of work and screwed up variables. We discussed the pros and cons at length in the private thread this winter.

All the old ATs are going out the window in Part 2 anyway, so I didn’t see the point in tweaking them.


Well,on the bright side,it makes a really nice hero name.

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Thankfully, that kind of hateful discussion is less likely to happen simply because this isn’t YouTube.

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A bit generic but not bad

So true my friend, so true

To be honest,that can describe most of the hero names of the students in the program.So the name fits right in.

So what do u guys think the Captain California training will be like now that our lives and the respect for the hero community hang in the balance?

He’s going to teach us how to fight with surf boards.

Not even The Pink Cavaliers wooden sword can stand up to the radical might of the surfing board.


1: Surfing

2: Smoothie Making 101

3: Sky Diving

4: Tofu Dishes 101

5: Beach Party Set-Up

6: Beach Volleyball and Football

7: Midnight Swimming among the Waves


8: Betraying your friends for fun and profit.


Gentle Reminder

Please do NOT post anything about Part 2 on Facebook or other social media. I really need the help of CoG forum users, but I simply cannot have spoilers ruining the fun for people who are awaiting Part 2. All Part 2 discussion should be limited to these forums. Thanks!!


That just made my freaking day

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Why do all the love interests have brown eyes? Is this on purpose because it seems kind of unlikely.

Tress has green eyes, and I’m not sure about Uni.

And Uni has blue eyes. And did I mention DG’s? I figured the goggles obscured them.

But yeah all the guys have brown eyes I guess. Well, not Hedonist. His are a dreamy shade of chalk white.

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I don’t see them mentioned. The goggles do obscure them, except at the end of Part 1.