Community College Hero: Knowledge is Power (old WIP thread, now closed)

I seriously hope we get the chance to fight Hedonist.
Not only would players be pleased, it would be interesting to see how far we get. Unless you’re a Nullifier in which case u just might barely win with his face bloody and him on his knees.
Am I the only one who wants this?
I bet we could even think of a set that’ll make sure it doesn’t seemed forced.


@Eric_Moser Will we be able to customize our Dr. Stench Gear when we obtain it? I was mainly hoping just color. Blue and black all the way, I say!

And I just played the demo again in what was a little while. The game is going in all the right directions for me. I appreciate all the wide array of choices, and so does Nightwatcher. You continue to hit the nail on the head, just like the first game. I can’t wait for the third installment, where I’ll hopefully be able to whoop The Manipulator’s arse!


I just don’t understand why people think will be easy to defeat Hedonist in a fight. He is a Zenith Grade 8 and he has years of training (even without his powers, he still capable of kicking the MC’s ass). Hell, he could fight Manipulator toe-to-toe and she was forced to run away. I think the only path that could defeat him, is the Doctor Stench’s path, because he is defenceless against any type of gas attack
Even if you could defeat him, he still a hero, bearing him would only lead you to jail.

I dislike the guy, but people here are obssessed with him.


Oh, I wanted to kill Downfall. Still do.

Oh, wait, The Hedonist? Yeah, I hope he gets his arse handed to him on a silver platter, too.


I mean I don’t know that anybody was serious that we’ll actually get to just do whatever we want to him; of course it’d be difficult, he’s established as a big time hero and good fighter, you’re right.

But he’s still an honestly awful human being in a real way that very few characters are, and so far the story hasn’t given us very many opportunities to hate him. We can not like him, but we can’t take it all that far in the opposite direction, so of course we’re gonna talk about the dude finally getting what for.

Seriously screw that guy. I want Tolly and the Smarts to let me sit in when he gets fired. I just wanna see it happen.


Wanting him to get fired for his behaviour is something that I understand and support. But people here don’t want only that, they wants physically hurt him, that is completely different.


Why? He’s a fictional character, people want their retribution for his bad behavior in different ways. It isn’t like anyone is actually being hurt, the point of the discussion is just people having fun talking about a character they don’t like in a game they do like. It’s harmless, and we know it isn’t going to happen the way we’re talking about anyway, I don’t see any issue.


Oh, I definitely wouldn’t mind it. Maybe I can team with with my boys, Crook and Stunner.

Of course he can beat The Manipulator. I can too.

After many more gear upgrades, but still.


I’m going to be honest here and say that I don’t understand why the Hedonist of all people is getting this much hate. Oh he certainly deserves some bashing but not this much.

If we really go over what he did it amounts to basically “Hey I know I’m a teacher and supposed to be a responsible adult but if you sleep with me I’ll give you a better grade than you earned”. Which is pretty douchey but not evil. Let’s remember that Downfall seriously injured a student and Null’s teaching threatened to turn the students against each other. Powered students that could injure each other and cause property damage if provoked.

What I’m saying is that while the Hedonist is an ass, he’s not even close to being the most immoral character in this work.


Guys. Guys. Guys.

Lets all forget about Professor Lawsuit-Waiting-To-Happen and talk about how amazing Professor McCormick is. Seriously, she’s the one Professor who actually seems to care both about the students and the school.


No, I don’t think you are. Even better, if your MC’s stats are good enough it could be an absolute curb-stomp battle.

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Professor McCormick is both best teacher and best girl. Really hoping MC and McCormick can just sit together and drink tea or something while wearing slippers and sweatpants. Don’t know why, just feels like a good scene


McCormick and Tolly are my MC’s SchoolMoms. McCormick is such a great character and I always get 100% on her tests specifically to make her proud, I love her so much. I just wanna be her TA and sit in her office and let her talk to me about old stories with old friends and walk away with an intimate life lesson that I’ll carry with me forever


Well for starters, no one said it would be a cake walk.
Secondly, he won’t be a grade 8 after having his power drained and he has shown no evidence of being a martial artist. Honeslty with his personallity I wouldn’t be suprised if he didn’t think he needs skill to win.
But not only is the MC a pro boxer(granted Eric has yet to confirm the wieght class but still) with weapons, but he will have the potential to take some of the power he drains for his own thus putting the odds in his favor. It won’t be easy, but it’s gonna be one heck of a fist fight.

As for going to jail, who says fighting him can’t just be part of a final exam???
It all comes down to how well it’s set up.


That’s a good point I hadn’t thought of before. Do we know when he got his powers, who he was before that? I could see it going either way (that he’s a capable fighter in his own right regardless of his powers, or that he relies on them completely and is only really successful because he’s untouchable) but it’s something that’s worth thinking about.

(tbh I’m kinda hoping the nullifier power doesn’t include the ability to like, “leech” some of the powers of the person you’re nullifying, that’s just a little close to Downfall for my liking, but that’s neither here nor there)


What Nil and Downfall do are both far more justifiable, especially in the context of a superhero training program. If you’re going to be fighting villains, learning to take hard hits and investigating leads is actually valuable, unlike being coerced into sex.


You don’t think that there’s a far better way of teaching how to investigate leads than turning all of your students against each other? Like say, how they do it in real life? The Hedonist hasn’t done any actual harm. At least none that we the player have seen. Yes, offering a boost in exchange for sex is shitty and probably illegal. But no matter what you choose, you aren’t harmed in any sense of the word.

Personally for me Professor McCormick and Tolly are my favorite, they both care about their students and Tolly is really funny to me but caring also

This is a huge, unignorable caveat. We don’t know what happens to the other students. And what’s your definition of harm that something that could potentially be rape isn’t hurting anyone? I said earlier how students could feel forced into the sex regardless of whether he’s physically doing anything to them, and emotional trauma is still trauma. You’re right that the damage done by Downfall and Nil shouldn’t be downplayed but you’re very wrong about how traumatizing what Hedonist is doing. Especially given that students couldn’t even publicly come forward–Tolly is stuck with Hedonist because frankly, if he were to go public and say that these students were lying for attention and he never touched them, their lives would be ruined, not his. And this is all assuming he isn’t carrying any STIs, which he might well be. Think he’s off getting tested between student evaluations? Didn’t look like it to me.


Oh trust me, I hate Downfall more. Flat out assualted my girlfriend. That’s a sin against Nightwatcher. If I could beat her senselessly with my bo staff, I would.