Community College Hero: Knowledge is Power (old WIP thread, now closed)

I get the impression that if he had been broken up with he wouldn’t stay loyal. He doesn’t seem the kind of guy to care after something like that–or, at the very least, it’d be very common knowledge.

I’d absolutely believe that he came on to one or both of them though.


They don’t have to be traitors per se. They could just be incompetent as in they couldn’t do x job good enough and failed, therefore meaning that your trust in them was misplaced. Trust could also be misplaced because they disappointed you or something.


That actually occurred to me the other day as well. It doesn’t have to be someone with malicious intent–maybe someone said the wrong thing to someone, maybe Crook’s drunk antics accidentally come back to bite you in a bad way,, I think it’d be hard to do it with a character and have the player continue to respect them all that much (at least for me), but it’d be much preferable to having a character who turns on you, your school, all your mutual friends, your morals, etc, if you don’t get on well enough.


Well, remember, the students ARE adults.


And the Hedonist still is in a position with power over them. Which he exploits. Shamelessly.


I mean, what he’s doing is sleazy, but not illegal. I got an A first round (Not first try obviously) for both his midterm and the joint final as detective, no bjs necessary. Even got “asked” to be his TA (not that I was really asked).

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There is NO WAY to get an A in the mid term test without succumbing to his ‘extra credit’ scheme,unless you’re a soldier.(so yes,a bj was necessary)

You’re right about the final,though.You can get an A from him if your relationship is high enough.


You sure? Cuz I just chose “Block the best I can” assuming I’d fail like always, and I did the flip move successfully, then got shoulder tapped into the ceiling. When it was over, he said something along the lines of “Glad to see you were paying attention, you get an A”. Then after that I got all the dialogue from the others where Stunner or C-Wom was talking about how he came onto them, discovering (or assuming) that DG, despite her protests, had in fact slept with him. Although to be fair, I didn’t think it was even remotely possible to get an A in the joint exam, but apparently that requires a whole mess of things, as well as a very specific chosen set of options. Anyways, no idea why I rambled. I just know I got an A in all courses for both midterms and finals. Never really got hit on by hedonist. He gave me a dirty look when I didn’t join in mocking Mob. Maybe my stuff bugged or something?

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It’s impossible to get an A without being a Soldier or giving in to his advance. You can only get a B with the Acrobat and the others will get a D.


We’ve had similar discussions to this before, and I stand by my old points–Hedonist isn’t only coming on to the MC, and we don’t know what situations other students are in. Just right off the bat, he’s huge and intimidating and make it just feel scary to say no to him; he isn’t quiet about his connections to Savior and students could be under the impression that pleasing him will raise their chances to get in (or hell, he could potentially even lie to Tolly and the other professors about whether whoever he’s coming on to is a “problem student”); maybe their grades are bad enough overall that getting a low one in defense will cause problems for them … just because something is technically legal doesn’t mean it isn’t an awful, unforgivable thing to do. He’s taking blatant advantage of students–who might be technically of legal age, but this is still a man in his what, forties? Coming on to eighteen and nineteen year olds that are already under his power to some extent, given that he’s a professor who’s being trusted with their well being.


Professor Bad-Touch is a problematic fav for me. His personality is really appealing to me (I am a sucker for sleazy charm) and in any other circumstances I would love for him to be a RO. Just… what he’s doing with his students in bad. Very bad.

The best I’m hoping for is for him to redeem himself. Prove he’s actually got the students’ best interest at heart.


I don’t know, I’d really him rather not redeemed. He isn’t apologetic, he isn’t ashamed of any of it, and I don’t know what could possibly happen to him to make him realize that it’s a bad thing. The closest thing to regret I can see for him is regret that he got caught and in trouble.

I mean, I don’t think he thinks of himself as harmful, he probably thinks he’s doing these students a great favor, he’s clearly arrogant enough for it. But let’s not forget how he acts during the Dr Hover crisis–unless the MC is one of his favorites, he completely ignores it. A student’s life in actual peril and danger, and he’s content to just leave him to his fate because he personally doesn’t like the kid asking for help enough.

I see the appeal of a sleazy charm character, but Hedonist is just so actively awful that I think trying to redeem him would be insulting.


I think I didn’t really make my point right. I don’t want him to turn around a be a great guy. He probably won’t ever be a good PERSON but that doesn’t mean he can’t be redeemed as a character. In fiction you can have characters who do bad things but still be amazing characters.

He’s still part of the story for a reason, I’m sure Eric has some ideas for him and I’m excited to see it!

… Or he could go totally villain. That could also be interesting.


Ah, okay you’re right I misunderstood you.

To be honest I still disagree to some extent–while I’m sure Eric does have plans and ideas, I still just don’t really see any depth to his character, at least nothing that could explain what he’s doing. But, I’m not writing it, and I won’t try and say it’s impossible that he could gain some more interest.

I would absolutely be interested in seeing him go full on villain though. Truth comes out, he gets fired, he snaps, MC gets to beat him up …


Oh my god, I would absolutely love to fight him. I want to kick his butt.

Honestly my favorite part of the demo was being able to stop him during the defense class. He got so mad, it was wonderful. Though it was his fault for making me defend my boyfriend Mod. Ain’t no one touching my Mod.

Either way I’m personally excited to see what get done with him. I both love and love to hate him.

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If by ‘redeem’ you mean ‘getting kicked in the nutsack’,then yes,I’ll GLADLY help him ‘redeem’ himself.


Just make sure you use proper footwear while doing it so you don’t hurt yourself! Safety first!

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Sure, steel-toed boots and in the best case his powers got nullified.


Eric, I’ve heard you have a beta for Community College Hero 2 and it’s currently open? If I heard this correctly, is there a way I can play it?

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Here is the link:

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