Community College Hero: Knowledge is Power (old WIP thread, now closed)

The thing with Hedonist as a romance option is that the people who don’t like him don’t HAVE to get with him, but there are people who would like to see his romance play out. I do like the suggestion that people who want to romance him shouldn’t have sex with him at first like Jack’s romance from ME, as well~

(Also I really hope Crook becomes a full-fledged RO ;w; My MC can’t get enough of him lmao)


Lol my birth day is always a holiday , until or unless all Christians got extinct , lol mean no offence it is on Christmas and my mom bring Christmas cake instead of b’day :cake: , …

Not again …Lol it has been here since this post has started and i m sure that our eric will be pissed off with bringing it again … Still to clarify this problem again , he is not forcing you to have sex with him you know …, He is giving the option only when you fail and it is not like he is forcing anything from you , and to be truthful I think it is happening in some schools and colleges , even in some in my country , just go for the positive side will you …( He is trying to raise awareness , if that will reduce your problem and any future problems of someone …) .

It isn’t up to you what bothers people, and while the Hedonist is being considered as an RO is a good time to bring up the other side of the issue as long as people are saying they think he’d be interesting. It’s absolutely within poison_mara’s rights to be offended enough to stop playing, and I’d be surprised if she was the only one who felt that way, she’s probably just the only one who’s in then thread speaking up.

(Edited the tag out because I saw she said she didn’t want it discussed more, sorry if it still shows up as a notification!)

If the point of the Hedonist was to call attention to the issue of sexual harassment, he would be punished within the story. As is, there’s been no discussion of what consequences he might face, it’s perfectly and entirely valid for people who take issue with his story to be concerned about where it’s going

The issue with that, as we discussed above, is that the way the first book is written, that would make it impossible for people who don’t like the Hedonist to lock themselves out of his romance


You are welcome to your interpretation but there would be a legitimate case against Hedonist in the very jurisdiction that this story takes place in. This is not even involving the Code of Conduct in educational regulations in place there.

This is exactly why it is problematic because it does happen, is happening and will most likely happen in the future.

Just this weekend, one of the most elite Prep schools in America has disclosed sexual assault and predatory practices dating back decades that were either swept under the rug or ignored.

As @MockTurtle states above, this subject matter is a complete outlier to the story’s tone and focus so far and it arguable does as much harm as it does good and might turn away as many people as it attracts.

Edit to clarify: [quote=“MockTurtle, post:3294, topic:12179”]
I’ve already expressed my ideas about some of the tone problems of the game and I highly doubt that this superhero adventure series is the right place to explore that kind of relationships.

It really is that black-and-white.

Again, the only reason this circular subject is being commented on again is because it is brought up by those who feel the need to justify the possibility of having this romance in the first place.


Okay no more Hedonist talk please. I’m trying to focus on getting out the next update.


@Eric_Moser, sorry for asking this if this has been answered before but are we going to get to interact with the “big players” like Lady Ash, Mega Cat and the Smarts in the latter parts of the chapter or is that reserved for Part 3?


“I hate the hedonist”



Thank God!!! I was getting tired of that Hedonist talk myself​


Some interaction, yes, but I haven’t decided exactly how much. Most of the time spent on the campuses will be with the Savior/Prestige students. However, I have to properly “introduce” some of the top level people to avoid a log jam of introductions in Part 3.


Ah! So we’re going to get an insider with the students (and maybe staff) of Savior/Prestige. That’s pretty cool.

i’m not expecting a conversation between the MC (and maybe the rest of Speck) and the Smarts/MegaCat in the Chapter 7 & 8 but if they were in the same area as the MC would be nice.

Cool :slight_smile: im super interested in what the prestige students will be like, i hope at least one of them will be romanceable

I can guarantee that one of them is romanceable! You just need to romance Stunner in the first game.

I think people need to tone down their romance expectations.


@Urban, yes I can’t really do any more romances. Thanks for appreciating that. I am trying to provide extra depth as opposed to breadth.

One of the nicest compliments I received about Book 1 was from a young lady who said she felt like almost every scene felt “complete,” with generally a few choices and a few hundred words between each choice, giving the scene time to breathe, and that, after the rather exposition-laden introduction, there was a minimum of “telling” and mostly “showing.”

This is how I like it; so each time I add a character or an angle, I have to devote a good amount of time to setting it up. So at this point, I have more than enough to work with, trust me.

And speaking of “exposition-laden,” I do feel like the scenes over Winter Break are by far the weakest in Part 2, and I will work on deleting some of the “telling” and trying to add more “showing.” That probably means I need more scenes with dialogue with Mom and other characters and fewer “you did this” type of summaries. Also, as advised by a very thoughtful reader, I’ve decided to move the “winter break” scenes to after the conclusion of the Crook/UnTamed Wyvern fight. That way, readers, new and old, get to read a (I think) rather good extended action scene to start things off. This is extra important for “free sample” markets like Android and Steam.


I don’t think that would or even CAN happen. I mean, this romance would be like Jury’s in Hero Rise: short and completely uninteresting (compared to others).
At best we can hope to join the schools for an issue or two but even that would be hard (Eric would need to basically make 3 issues in 1 and perhaps a common one for all with some different lines).
That means he would have to make a romance for 1 issue with a character we saw for at best 5 issues. Forgive me but this feels pointless as it would be rushed.

Stunner is a student of Prestige and a romance.

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Is it possible to have a friend(s) from either school though? i know being everyone’s best friend isn’t possible (or ideal) but i do like having amicable relationships with others as much as I could.

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I think he meant a new student, which is why I did not take Stunner in consideration.

Personally, I think the romances should stick the group of friends and just that.

No Hedonist/Smarts/Mega Cat/Nil/Prestige and Savior students or any of that crap.

Just add ones for Stoic and CW and you’re good to go.


That i can agree with. No need to make it complicated. Imo romance shouldn’t be as big a focus as the MC and his friends surviving the shit storm approaching them