Community College Hero 2: Knowledge is Power (Would a Game Guide for CCH1 & 2 be helpful? post 1941)

Don’t know for DG but in the first one you already got some action, and from I’ve read here Crook indeed don’t hold back anymore (not even regarding his wife and kid apparently)
And the yay Stat is your popularity

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still outta likes



Literally, in chapter three(-ish?), you’ve got the option of ba-ba-bangin’ in a seedy massage parlor (that serves ham sandwiches that I refuse to touch).


You probably need stench armor to touch those sandwiches

Dirty girl got me drugged and i can’t even remember what happened. She also grinds your crotch during her party. But other than that not much.

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More like a hazmat suit.

Is that for crook or dg?

Crook. I don’t know about DG.

Well, I mean…I romanced Stunner and I got plenty of smut opportunities…Atleast in the first game. I need to finish the second game.

The mc can sleep with mob and I think with the unicorn girl in the first game too

Roll roll roll in the haaaaay.

Lol can’t you become his pet without you know…having fun with him

yup thats the path i took

There’s an achievement for using Unis horn as a sexual accessory. Never got that scene though.

Oh yea how do you hack the laptop? To learn the weakness

Be a detective with a good GPA

The scene is implied a’ can be summarized like this

You go to a concert together. She doesn’t have the horn on her and you tell her that you like the horn. When she takes you back to her place she slightly teases you to obtain your last name and then let you in for a crazy night

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Off topic, but I’m just letting everyone know there is now a dark theme for the forum. You won’t have to let your eyes suffer during the night now everyone.


Ye boi.

Here’s a link on how to set it up, it’s super easy.


In the beginning, when fighting the wyvern, what stat do I need to make my detective mc use her camo? I did it once before, but this time she used her smoke bombs and I got hit.

Probably need to react with your strongest stat brooding charming joker traditionalist. But that’s just my theory…