Community College Hero 2: Knowledge is Power (Would a Game Guide for CCH1 & 2 be helpful? post 1941)

Can i ask if you resisted the urge to shout “Allons y”

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Almost, but more as the Doctor tries to talk, and BS tries to interrupt/apprehend, and the Doctor gets mad and yells, relevantly, “I. AM. TALKING!”

Question for the CCH theorists out there: California was said to always be in the same suit possibly because it contains the radiation, but what if it’s an exoskeleton? He has a yoga mat in his office (perhaps for physio?) and tries to do difficult exercises (handstanding on one finger) because he can’t normally do that? What of he’s actually paralyzed without the suit because of how much radiation ate him away prior to having the Smarts fund the outfit?

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I honestly don’t remember any of that. Wondering what I did/didn’t do to miss this…

But, I have a different, unrelated theory.

Nil is Deviant. Deviant only cares about getting secrets and the chaos of sharing them. This fits Nil’s personality, and desire to help you if you’ve earned pet status in part 1.

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What if it’s nothing to do with radiation at all, but he got severely injured and instead of using their tech to heal him, BS gave him the suit to keep him on a leash?

Bigger tree: Twins.

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What’cha mean, “Bigger Tree: Twins”?

I will push my agenda for a third party pulling the rug from beneath everyone (even if it’s to run everything from the shadows) and call out Nil/Deviant as that Final Boss.

I will also quote myself (because I’m arrogant like that, I’m learning from Booksmart):
“There’s power in being in control of secrets and being able to push things every which way you like. The Deviant likes to cause chaos, and no better way to do that than slip the right words or “secrets” in the right ears.
Being able to throw everything into chaos is power. Knowledge is power. If you control that, you control the masses without ever being seen. This episode has been brought to you by Game of Thrones.”

Edit: methinks the more we wait for the third game, the crazier our theories. Plot twist, Booksmart has already taken over the world and everything is a dream sequence. Mega Cat still remains a bunch of cats in a trenchcoat.


They’re twins


Or 1 chat in a bunch of trench coats?

Mayhaps? I eagerly await CCH3. Hoping more character input that doesn’t auto lead to failure or embarrassment this time around. :stuck_out_tongue:

But back to the paralysis theory.
It cooooould be

Those details of Cap are mentioned in the tactician path when the MC visits him to get more information on the Manipulator.

Ah! Okay, I had gone Powered path. Which almost turned me off of the game because of the repeated humiliation on the PC. But I figured it could also just be me.

I was tracking the pre release thread of cch2. They were all talking about the mc being able to find Papa Stench’s equipment and finding out some latent Z powers. I was excited af for the release. Then I played through. Firstly I played the tactician path and I loved it cuz I was kicking some real butt in all the classes knowing how to utilise the power of my teammates. So I basically “was” playing the tatician. So it got my hopes up and then I chose the way to redemption (finding the hidden stench equipment) but the I realized… i spent the whole playthrough tracking the mc’s father’s cell mate (some guy called Gavin) finally I traced the location but until then I had already slain the wyvern( it was great​:metal::metal:), befriended the Manipulator and become the community college hero. I was real disappointed of not being able to find the dr. stench suit. Damn, I had two major disappointments this year - both were dangerous cliffhangers. First was avengers infinity war and second was cch2 (both were still great but can’t ignore the cliffhangers​:stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::cry::cry:)

Community College Hero, You break my heart! But I’m still obsessed with you.

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Just saw this artwork on deviantart by Karl Sia and does it look amazing or does it look amazing :grin:


@Nithin_Madhu Could you link the page with the picture instead of doing what you did? Makes it easier for people to go to the artists page and comment and like where the artist will see it.

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Sure here you go.


He is actually a user on the forums too (@ karlsia) (I didn’t tag him because I am talking to him on Twitter at the moment).

But yeah his stuff is rad. If you click on his DeviantArt gallery, you’ll see other characters like DG, Nil, Uni, and Origami.

I need to post a poll about something Karl-related anyway…



To work with Karl Sia on a project, (his gallery is here: I would need to monetize the project and be fairly confident of at least breaking even, and hopefully making a modest profit. Going in with the thought of losing money is a non-starter, and I don’t want to “waste” his skill on a product that doesn’t excite folks anyway.

I am super busy right now, and so whatever would happen would be a few months down the road. But I can take this time to do a little market research. Which of the below would you personally be most likely to support, assuming it was a one-time thing? Feel free to comment below with more thoughts.

    • T-shirt
    • Poster
    • Digital Wallpaper
    • Something Else (please explain below)

0 voters

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FWIW, if you do a design and sell it on your RedBubble it’ll be available as a t-shirt, poster, and all the other products that site has, so not all the poll options are or have to be mutually exclusive


I know, but my margins on Red Bubble are very small. With those margins, and considering what I’d have to pay Karl, I’d have to sell…well let’s just say a LOT…to just break even.

Of course maybe the answer is having the wallpaper be the “main” product, one I could distribute on Patreon or something; and thus get 90% or so of that revenue. And then just put the image on Red Bubble as the “back up” plan where I only get a small sliver. Hmmm

I wish there a platform that would help process smaller, one time transactions, but then again that’s not a great businss model so its hardly surprising no one does it.

And I do not want to have to track tons of tiny paypal transactions. That would be a logistical nightmare, one I would not pursue.