After transitioning from Dashingdon to Cogdemos, one of my players has a strange problem where the game “ends” for them when they run into a layered fake_choice, when playing on their phone. (the same as when the game runs out of files, like when the currently available material has all been played)
For instance, this is one of the parts where they’re having the issue. (I’ve tried it on my own phone and I have no problem with it, so it’s very strange. Also, the Dashingdon version apparently worked fine for them)
#"Lots of people there in the train station."
"Naturally. It's the nexus of Neo-Terminus. Most things that come in or go out pass through here."
#"Does that include illegal things?"
"Yes. It's an important location for criminals trying to smuggle contraband. With so much traffic, it's impossible for the police to check all of it, so we rely on the train station employees. Unfortunately, they can be bribed. Chief Chaska has been trying to put mandatory security check-points in the train station, but Deputy Mayor Rutherwood has been quite adamantly against it."
#"Is it safe there?"
"Of course. It'd be bad for business for everyone if there were problems. The criminals leave the place alone, and we do have a sizeable force stationed nearby at all times. Pickpockets, of course, are common. At least as far as the crime statistics of our city are concerned. Compared to the rest of the world the rate is quite low."
#"I guess this is the final stop for the trains, right? Since it's Neo-Terminus? Get it?"
"Ah, I do get your joke. Forgive me for not laughing, but it's one I hear often enough from outsiders."
*goto AwayWeGo
*label AwayWeGo
Stillwater drives out of the parking lot and into the surprisingly sparse street.
From what I’ve understood, the cut-off point is at the *goto, so “before” the label and before the *finish. This isn’t the only place where the problem exists, and the other example they gave was in the middle of the file, so it’s seem probable that being close to the *finish isn’t a problem or anything.
What makes it so strange is that it doesn’t happen every time there’s a layered fake_choice. (from what I can tell anyway, since they shouldn’t be able to get to this part of the game without running into one before this, or the other part where it’s reportedly happening).
Anyway, I have no idea what might cause it so I came here to report it.