- New ChoiceScript Game Hosting

Just checked it and it’s happening for me, too. I think it’s due to how I have it sorting by lastupdate date. Multiple games can have the same date, so it may be shifting them around when the page is changed.

I’ll take a look at it and see if I can adjust my query. I may need to sort by lastupdate, then by game name or ID. Give me a few days to play with it and find a solution.


I’m getting this error when going to favorites:


SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column ‘name’ in ‘order clause’ (Connection: mysql, SQL: select * from game where exists (select * from users inner join user_game_favorite on = user_game_favorite.user_id where = user_game_favorite.game_id and user_id = 7587) and (not exists (select * from users inner join user_game_restricted_access on = user_game_restricted_access.user_id where = user_game_restricted_access.game_id) or exists (select * from users inner join user_game_restricted_access on = user_game_restricted_access.user_id where = user_game_restricted_access.game_id and (user_game_restricted_access.user_id = 7587 or game.user_id = 7587))) order by name asc limit 10 offset 0)

I cleared the cache and cookies beforehand.

Try it again. I had a brain fart!


It’s working :slight_smile:

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This should be fixed now.


It’s fixed. But now I’m getting this error when opening Guenevere page (

Scene files are not allowed to be viewed.

It worked fine 2 days ago. I’m not sure it’s because of the updates you pushed or something else.

That’s from the updates. That work around to get to the scenes has been blocked so authors who don’t want anyone to view their scene files can actually get it (I noticed people were working around it to get to them and decided to fix it).

Is Guenevere done in an old version of choicescript? I’ll check the database. If she chose to share the scenes, you should be able to get to them.

@lo6otia Try this link instead:


Hi all,

Previously, my CoGDemos worked with the save function, but now they don’t. Perhaps I have missed something?

Can anyone help?

Best wishes,


Can you provide a bit more info? Are you getting an error? If so, can you share it? Is it local or server saves that don’t work? Is it a specific game?

Any additional info you can provide will help. :slight_smile:

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Pinning this thread in the Game Development category for ease of navigation throughout the forum. :heart:

Hi EvilChani,

I get the message ‘Failed to Save’ on both local and server saves. However, after checking again a minute ago, the server saves option doesn’t appear.

  • A quicker ask, does the choicscript checkpoint system work on CoGDemos? I haven’t implemented it yet but might do it soon.

I have public and private builds of A Shirek of Ash and Fire and it happens to both, although it worked when I first posted them a couple of weeks ago.

Big thanks, I appreciate your time

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I just searched for your game on the public list and found it. I started a game, went through a few screens and saved locally with no problem. I then logged in and was able to load the save. Went a few more screens and was able to save to the server.

When you tried to save, were you on the initial screen? If not, what sort of device are you using? I’m on PC, and haven’t really tried on mobile in a while (I can’t read a damned thing on my phone because the print is so small!), so I’m wondering if it’s a mobile thing.

If the server saves aren’t showing up, it could be that the system logged you out. After two hours, it does that, and you have to log back in. I’ve tested it at 6 hours and think I will set it at that later today.

If you’re on mobile and it’s not showing up, that could be a view issue and the button is getting hidden.

As for the checkpoint system, yes, it should work. We’re using the newest choicescript code on the system, and I tested it when I first set everything up. At the time, it was working fine, but I haven’t tested it since. I can’t think of any reason it would have stopped working and I’ve had no reports of it.


Hi again EvilChani,

I think the server saves wasn’t showing due to the system logging me out. It showed up again now.

I am on a PC. It still happens, same error, on both server and local saves. It is not the biggest issue if others can still play and save, though I wonder what the issues is?

Might it have anything to do with plug-ins and needing to update my browser?

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Thanks for the info.

It could be something to do with your browser, but I’d like to figure out what’s causing it, just in case it’s not an isolated issue.

What browser are you using? Have you tried clearing your cache and cookie for cogdemos? Can you try it from another browser? And/or a private instance of the browser?

I’m still thinking there is some bizarre cookie issue on the site, but can’t narrow it down. The dev thought the last update handled it, which is why he advised me not to change anything in the choicescript code (which I did, but it was a minor change @alecto set up, and I know she knows what she’s doing).

Are you using the CSGT plugin (the one that allows you to use the back button and such)?

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Thanks for getting back. I know this must be annoying.

I am not using the CSGT plugin.

I use Microsoft Edge and have also tried it on Duckduckgo. I’ve cleared the cache too, but my browser does need to be updated. I’ll fiddle with all this and get back to you I’ll also try it on my decrypt vacuum-tube laptop.

I’ll have to get back to you tomorrow as it is getting late. I’ll try to clear everything else in my browser tomorrow, try a new browser and let you know if the issue is repeated on my old laptop.

It’s a great site and does a good job of managing the scene files, giving us more control over them than before. Like I said, it did work. I’m sure it is just a trifling thing, which could even be on my end.

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After transitioning from Dashingdon to Cogdemos, one of my players has a strange problem where the game “ends” for them when they run into a layered fake_choice, when playing on their phone. (the same as when the game runs out of files, like when the currently available material has all been played)

For instance, this is one of the parts where they’re having the issue. (I’ve tried it on my own phone and I have no problem with it, so it’s very strange. Also, the Dashingdon version apparently worked fine for them)



#"Lots of people there in the train station."
	"Naturally. It's the nexus of Neo-Terminus. Most things that come in or go out pass through here."
		#"Does that include illegal things?"
			"Yes. It's an important location for criminals trying to smuggle contraband. With so much traffic, it's impossible for the police to check all of it, so we rely on the train station employees. Unfortunately, they can be bribed. Chief Chaska has been trying to put mandatory security check-points in the train station, but Deputy Mayor Rutherwood has been quite adamantly against it."
		#"Is it safe there?"
			"Of course. It'd be bad for business for everyone if there were problems. The criminals leave the place alone, and we do have a sizeable force stationed nearby at all times. Pickpockets, of course, are common. At least as far as the crime statistics of our city are concerned. Compared to the rest of the world the rate is quite low."
		#"I guess this is the final stop for the trains, right? Since it's Neo-Terminus? Get it?"
			"Ah, I do get your joke. Forgive me for not laughing, but it's one I hear often enough from outsiders."
	*goto AwayWeGo

*label AwayWeGo

Stillwater drives out of the parking lot and into the surprisingly sparse street.


From what I’ve understood, the cut-off point is at the *goto, so “before” the label and before the *finish. This isn’t the only place where the problem exists, and the other example they gave was in the middle of the file, so it’s seem probable that being close to the *finish isn’t a problem or anything.

What makes it so strange is that it doesn’t happen every time there’s a layered fake_choice. (from what I can tell anyway, since they shouldn’t be able to get to this part of the game without running into one before this, or the other part where it’s reportedly happening).

Anyway, I have no idea what might cause it so I came here to report it.


Question. If I delete my cookies cache etc. Are my saves gone. (Like with dashingdon) Or do they stay?

Hi @EvilChani

I had another check just before I nod off.

I get the same problem on my old laptop using Google Chrome. But, I can save other games so it seems the issue is not a general one.

I wonder, could this be a problem with game size or the number of variables? (Just speculation on my part. A Shriek of Ash and Fire is getting pretty big now in both wordcount and number of variables)

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Thanks for the additional info. I’ll see if I can troubleshoot the issue. I may roll back the change in the choicescript code. Perhaps I should’ve listened to the dev… but I think there were issues before that, which is why Lauren put in that PR.

If you are saving to the server while logged in, they will stay. If you have local saves, use the export function in the save menu–you can export your saves to your device, clear your cookies and cache, then import the saves back in and you’ll have them (the export exports all of your saves, not just one of them).

@NumberedEntity I don’t think the game size should be a problem. That’s really odd. Is it at a specific point where you stop being able to save? I’ve only tried near the start of your game and had no problem.


Only tried the save soon after the start. I have completely saved over the entire scene file set several times, since I often go back through and add new bit and variables- don’t know if that matters. I would delete the game and put it back on, fresh, but I don’t want to lose my view count!

I’m not really sure what the issue is. At present, I do have tester starting options which allow players to start later in the game, so players are not forced into brand new starts when/if they perish.

Does the new (as from last year) choice script checkpoint system work on CoGDemos? I don’t think it was implemented into DashingDon, or at least it wasn’t for a good while. I could start using this in a future update as a semi-save system.

Also, just to be sure I haven’t made a schoolboy error- do I need a special line of code to activate the save system in CoGDemos, like DashingDon? I might have used it the first time and then forgot about it.

Don’t want to stress you out! I could ask some of the testers in the forums and patreon if they encounter the error in my game too, as the other games I have checked seem to be fine. My computer may have decided to hate me beyond logic and reasoning.

Sorry for the long post, don’t mean to pile it on!

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