I’ve never really understood the rationale of not having a back button. It seems contradictory to be so controlling as to how a player should experience a game meant to be grounded in the idea of freedom of choice. Obviously there are constraints as to how free these choices can really be, but those constraints are generally due the complexity of creating a world truly governed by player agency.
To say a back button ruins immersion is also something I struggle to accept. It should be up to the player how they choose to play the game, that is what creates immersion, surely that’s the point of these games? If you’re the type of person who plays to get truly immersed in a world, then back button won’t do much to ruin that. Sure it might be temptation, but if you’re engrossed in the story, it’ll be one you’re able to overlook. It’s not as if using it is forced upon you.
On the other hand, if you’re a completionist who likes to 100% games, not having a back button makes playing these games the way you wish to play them more difficult than it needs to be. Ultimately what should be paramount is creating an enjoyable experience based on player freedom, and that means different things to different people.
Adding this to the Choicescript code will ultimately also be the decision of the author. Should they choose to implement it, fine. Should they not, then I suppose that’s fine as well. But to refuse the option outright (for reasons other than the potential difficulty of adding such a feature to CS) seems to go against the ethos of what I understand this community to be about.
Perhaps I am mistaken, I’ll admit I haven’t been here all that long so that’s definitely possible, but that’s how I see things.