Choice of the Vampire - community input [SEE POST 1305]

I was wondering if there would be more opportunities to learn more languages. I know there is are options to learn English, if you don’t already, or Latin, with high enough intelligence, at the beginning of new chapter as well as some other opportunities during the game to learn French or Spanish. But I think it would be cool to see if you could learn other languages like German or another ancient language like Greek. I just really like “collecting” as many languages as possible and would possible also love to see some more scenes where knowing French or Spanish was shown. :slightly_smiling_face:


I don’t think it’s necessary to add that skill as it sounds like it would be a faff and any scenarios around it can be linked back to intelligence, the character’s literacy and so forth. Our French or Southern characters will know know about Rome from their education and what they would generally be exposed to as kids. Even our Yankee pioneer would know about that type of thing, especially if they could read and had high intelligence as the fascination around technology would make them quite intellectually curious and the basic concepts of classical history weren’t unknown to the general population at a time when opera and popular culture were very much informed by classical ideas. Such characters would also know some Latin maxims (like Carpe Diem) just from that exposure, even if they didn’t know the language.

I must say I do like how you’ve merged Latin and Greek together with the whole ‘mosquito’ thing in St Louis. I would say though, that since you’ve allowed that, it would be consistent if the same characters who know meaning of the Greek nickname, are able to read the Greek in Silas’ letter. If you were worried about the loss of poignancy around that I imagine there would be an other way to draw it in.

i think depending how you view it too, i mean from the pointview of an immortal vampire maybe they can see any knowledge of humans as lore or something like that, id rather have something like a list of people i want to take revenge for clothos death, that will be more funny (jess will be first and his maker too) and i kinda hope when we can kill one of them do it slowly like they do clotho if she is turned by our mc xD

Yeah, it would be nice to learn German in particular, out in the St Charles Parish, especially if the character already knows French or is generally the more streetwise, common people type than being more inclined to hang around with the French gentry.

If you start with a German background you already know how to speak German.:grin:

You can learn Spanish in New Orleans by feeding with Estefania? Not your broodmate Jesse but the other vampire that moves to N’Orleans.


@jasonstevanhill When I created a new character after loading from a previous checkpoint. For some reasons, my new vampire started with the stats of my old Scottish vampire from the checkpoint. It is a nice bug though.

This the stat of the new vampire:

Just hit refresh until the stats reset.

Notably, you will probably be prevented from reaching Vicksburg by a specific set of code.

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Did you find anything useful in reading those seeds?

Spoilers might follow.

What are the requirements for the achievement? I have obtained the debt, however I am unable to press for it.


You’ll forgive me for not knowing the parlance but from playing through the game numerous times it was only possible to keep the Independence and Hubris figures in the necessary range by having the character skip the first caucus entirely. At the same time I found that Willpower was the only one that worked and the Status level in particular was never enough to trigger the event in its own right (within your specifications I should add). I would also find that the event would sometimes not trigger if the independence trait was in the high to middle 30’s.

As for the aftermath in St Louis, there was little sign that the Partridge business had been uncovered. Instead there was an introductory scene with Bailey acting as though he’d never met the character before, even though they had conversed at the Caucus. Confronting Partidge at the Tribune meeting yielded the same responses that one would have got if the plot had been left uncovered. This felt a tad disappointing, especially as compelling Malloy or Pickering to not stand in the second caucus allowed one to hear comments from Bailey or Lockridge suggesting the Revolutionary/Loyalist causes respectively were on the back foot in some way. I feel this could be fleshed out in some way. Whether it be Partridge or Bailey expressing some gratitude or a mention being made about Harding.

Finally, after the Tribune selection meeting, the game seems to bug out, a pop up will come up saying something or another and it’s impossible to progress any further. Hope that helps.

PS: When Memeskia asks the character about West (when one’s character is West progeny) could it be possible to mention hearing the rumours about West’s madness (as one can discover in Memphis)?

Also you used the female version of Francis. Just a small thing but worth correcting. ps

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I’m not sure if this has ever been asked but I was wondering about the dominus and background choices. I was wondering why West is only available for a few of the backgrounds? Specifically I wanted to play a Scottish character with West as the maker but just realised that wasn’t possible.

It’s been literally ten years since I wrote that code, but I think the logic is that–for people who are “useful” instead of “lovers”–certain backgrounds didn’t make sense. In your proposed situation, why would West need a laborer/laundress? He wouldn’t; therefore, the background isn’t available.

Also: I now need to figure out how to include this.


You have to have discovered Harding’s plan as well.

You also don’t actually need the debt if your rapport with Carothers is high enough; but if your rapport isn’t high enough, you can get it either by trading in the debt you have, or by indebting yourself.

That’s why this is a beta. :slight_smile:

Can you give me some specific instances of:

where you would have liked to discuss that stuff, and with whom?
where you would have expected those moments to have been recalled?

And yes, if you hit moments where characters know you that shouldn’t, or don’t know you but do, please call them out and explain how you did that, so I can track down the logic bugs.

That said, I do see how you can speak with Bailey in the 1877 caucus and met_bailey isn’t set to true. I also found a few places where Pickering is referred to as Partridge. Fixing.

Yes! Will do.

Ok, new build pushed with those fixes.

It’s hard to say where the Perfidy comments could be mentioned because it’s rather hard to ascertain, as a mere player, the consequences and general publicity such an act on the character’s part would have in the circles of the Society. I suppose, when one arrives in St Louis, it could be good to have either Bailey or Aichinger mention it in a congratulatory fashion and perhaps offer some form of explanation. Certainly when we meet Partridge in the city for the first time, perhaps some gratitude and an explanation could be offered then. Even the new Governor from across the Atlantic might have a few words on the subject too.

In terms of what else could be fixed I was wondering it struck me as a tad odd that when a character increases his perception, or his connections to the criminal underworld (streetwise) or intelligence beyond the checkpoint just after leaving St Louis leads to the character becoming more anachronistic. I would have thought that improving one’s skills in such things would actually make one more aware of the surrounding world.

Another thing, and it might seem minor is on the ‘Ms’ prefix for some characters. I think it might be a tad early historically for, Mary Shelley to be referred to as Ms when she was Mrs, or our American Indian character to be using it say or Dido or even Malloy (the bearded lady too) as professional women of the period often used Miss or Mrs professionally regardless of actual married status in the 19th and right into the 20th Century (and even now of course).

And finally, perhaps there might be some place for the fleshing out of different Vampires attitudes on homosexuality? Of course a concubine or ‘playmate’ as it were of the Dominus has a certain enhanced status in the Society, regardless of sex. And there are hinted relationships, such as between Stone’s Delfino and a certain Senator which are hardly regarded as unhealthy. But as Pickering, Samantha, a certain Louisville denizen and others carry certain racial and religious prejudices into their immortality and plenty others fall short of the Ancient ideal of looking above, the affairs of mortals, it might be good to add a few bits and pieces, here and there on the subject.

When i Designate an heir to hide from modern bureaucracy, i had ask Samantha Withers if she could help me get a Lawyer, and i Got this.



Now, i assume its supposed to say something like M"s. Wither explained my needs to you right?" Yet i don’t get that.

Also, though i would have no idea what could cause this, Whenever Thomas attacked Franklin while we are at St.Louis. I .having started a cult, try to recruit him. Yet this cause the tab the game is in, to lock up. where as i have hit the next button and it hasn’t go to the next page, nor can i change my choice. I wasn’t able to get a picture of it though i will try to replicate and get an image.

It’s been a while… It seemed to me that when I get the debpt in the second occasion, I cannot get the stat. The first occasion was a different story.
Oh well.