Choice of the Vampire - community input [SEE POST 1305]

In truth my interest derived more from intellectual curiosity than anything else. On another note, and I know that it’s been some time since you released the game, but do you know how to obtain the Governor’s Favour achievement? I must confess it’s vexing me a tad.

It seems I was in the middle of posting this suggestion regarding shape-shifting but either fell a sleep before or just completely forgot to post it. Hope it’s not too late now:

Vamps could use Shapeshift in order to trick or fool superstitious humans. We’ve seen how the church responds to such displays but what if you used your powers to manipulate those outside of it such as shamans or occult secret societies.

If it’s possible to communicate in animal form either with speech or telepathy (i’m assuming high level charm might do this) it would also be great to use in concealing their identity from whomever they are speaking to.

Some specific scenes where we were spying or following someone in V1 and V2 could use shapeshift as an alternative to stealth. For example it could be used as an option to spy on Pike’s kkk meeting in his study. Maybe morphing into a cat to sneak into the study or a bird and sit by their window. You could do the same when following the vampire who blows up the depot too.

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Thanks for your suggestions. However, in V1 and V2, the PC’s SS isn’t high enough to change form.


You never answered my question.

Maybe a way to a player found lore books to enhance powers or lore. That gives insight and something more to do with time to people that are more lonely and not focused on political parties.

That could open concepts of trying to steal books and relics from other vampires or Wilson. that could be a way to maximize a reason to why pursue him because he has a tangible important object of reward.
Of course, nothing that needs lots of working but a small bonus with flavor text could be a well-received addition

I was wondering if Estefania is gonna show up again? I thought since your able to kiss her, its possible to start a relationship with her maybe in book 3 if she makes a return.


Yes, I just finished writing a scene with her for 3.


Sooo glad to read this is alive! :heart: Or is that undead? :thinking:

All I hope from this is to be able to find someone like Silas and make what’s-her-name-again pay for refusing me when asking to turn him - and of course continue to search for a (potentially utterly false?) cure, as my favourite vampire is one not happy with being one and behaving quite un-vampirelike. :grin:

Also, my vampire she could not care less about the politics of these undead stiffs, so yes, more non-political stuff, please? :relaxed:

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Sorry I never saw the edit.

Yeah that’s the scene you either forget her, cherish but learn a lesson or tend the fires of your rage.

I’d have liked a choice that is a combination of acceptance on the outside but tend the fires on the inside. The tend the fire choice I read as doing it openly like not attempting to hide it.


Interesting. I very much intended that as a “keep quiet about it.”

Let me think on that.

For me it is the “You’re inconsolable.” Line that reads like others cant console you like your angry on the outside as well as on the inside.

@jasonstevanhill During the Overstreet soirée there’s a conversation about Shepherds and Wolves which a francophone character of sufficient intuition can ascertain refers to the vampiric debate on the subject. Wouldn’t it surely make sense to add the Shepherds and Wolves stat at this point in the same way that it is when the Quaker character brings it up before he’s exiled from Vicksburg?

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That’s a great catch. Fixed!


Ok, I’ve posted an updated, combined version of V1 + V2, with a variety of new content.

If anyone’s interested in playing, PM me and I’ll send you the link.

One path that needs continuity-attention in particular is to go to St. Charles, employ Anselm, and then bring him with you to Vicksburg.


Just pushed a new version with another new scene.


St. Charles, is that the West route?

You don’t have to be West’s progeny to go to St. Charles. You can also get there if your maker is pinned, and then you either flee from or kill him.

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Nice gonna try that now.

Is the river pirate scene the new one? I do not remember that one. I liked it! :slightly_smiling_face:

You should not be getting the river pirate scene.

How much wealth do you have?

And: sorry that you saw that.


I hope that you are kidding me… I laughed my butt off!!