Choice of the Vampire - community input [SEE POST 1305]

@jasonstevanhill Theres a bug when choosing a frenchman/woman regardless of which dominus

  1. when embrace out of utility the intelligence stat is 2
  2. but when embrace out of affection the intelligence is 1

that’s all

That’s because they get cash instead.

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oh i see seem a bit redundant to me

It’s meant to be a wealthy background. In the case of an embrace of utility that’s covered by the cash given by said option, but the embrace of affection gets extra status/streetwise/charm/perception instead, so the money replaces a background point (intelligence). The same thing happens with the entrepreneur, who loses a point of finance.


Huh well you learn something new everyday

Say when talking to Rebecca during the 2nd memphis election did you find yourself suddenly talking to Abigail? after selecting a choice folrom Rebecca

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Yeah I’ve noticed that glitch. When one clicks on the ‘do you know anyone else who could have stood for election but didn’t option?’. Also chatting to the leper in the reception takes one straight to the end of the night, rather than allowing one to mingle a bit more.

Pouring through the code, I don’t see either of these bugs. Can you give me some more specifics?

I sympathise with you, the code is like treacle sometimes. As for the leper, there’s nothing I can screenshot as such apart from what I’ve already described. The screenshot is the ‘talking to Ashmore again’ one. The option highlighted takes us to Coffin and her dialogue options. And again, takes us to the end of the night when Coffin’s dialogue runs out.

A further point I notice is that the leper comes to Memphis for one of the Governor’s visits. Mentions his offspring getting wracked by West. Maybe we could get the chance to chat to the fella afterwards? Otherwise we don’t hear from him between the Memphis caucus and the fair at the end of St Louis. There’s a couple of things where he writes to the character about the possibility of east St Louis flooding in the code, but I’ve never been able to access those.

Also all the horse play with Jesse in St Louis, doesn’t work at all, in that it bugs out and just skips to the horse losing. Ditto with the Draper encounter. And I’m afraid to say, the story lacks any continuation to the Jesse of Memphis, who involves himself in the mysteries of the Masons and absents himself from the second caucus, under a veil of great mystery. None of that is followed up on. It’s back to Jesse of the first instalment.

Also in St Louis, it’s explained how the different vampires have different territory. It’s also mentioned that ‘Eliot pays little mind to this set’. Where precisely does he feed then? Anywhere he likes that isn’t claimed or does he have a pass to do whatever?

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Found it. The screenshot did the trick.


@jasonstevanhill Me again. I think this is the first time, beyond asking the Dominus about it, we hear about vampire territory. An area where only one vampire can feed. Would it be possible for a character to learn about territories at this point then? After all if one is told one piece of land is off limits for other vampires, then it stands to reason that a larger area could be off limits too:

Also, if we ask Timmers about Abraham, could there be an option to discuss that encounter with Rios at the Fair? Malloy’s dominus too. The question of the revolution is mentioned in passing. It’s obvious she supports it with the Cuba business. It would be nice to ask her directly though.

More definitively on the heresy of Abraham, we’re told that Rios gives lessons to the character over the subsequent years in New Orleans. But when the topic comes up in St Louis, all the character seems to know is a vague idea about Abraham and the Bible showing vampires as the guides of the mortals. It would be nice to see this expanded upon a bit and know a little more about what Rios tells the character in New Orleans. Maybe a couple of brief encounters on the subject could be sprinkled into New Orleans. Depending on relationship a chance to press Rios to expand on the subject a little more. Something like that.

Possibly trying to combat anti German sentiment in St Louis should earn a relationship bonus with Aichinger. This is just before the latter asking the character to investigate von der Ahe (those American English Papers are still wrong; the German papers of the city show the proper grammar).

Edit: There’s a possibility of getting Ashmore to assist in doing something about Memphis debt. In exchange for a debt, naturally. The request mentions asking her to see about wiping some of it off, giving the city more leeway, etc. However, this only manifests in getting a better offer on selling one’s bonds. There’s no announcement that the city as a whole will be under a little less pressure or anything like that. Perhaps an event could be done for this?

In the below for the first thing, maybe ‘our’ is better than ‘my’? Since we’ve established this character doesn’t feel American, the character could feel a greater kinship with all black people including Muffi, whom I’m sure would be leaving a great impression on a former slave character, and would therefore see her as a sister in the struggle. If we stuck to ‘my’ I’d suggest Muffi would recommend the character broaden his horizons to the wider struggle.

On the second highlighted bit I don’t think a character would growl here. Amusement would probably be a better reaction.

Perhaps some dialogue here for a slave/black character who invested money and feels stupid.

EDIT: Also had a situation where my character had 62% Hubris and 88% compassion at the end of Memphis and YET decided to kill Franklin at the end of Memphis. It doesn’t make sense with the high levels of compassion, and if anything the hubristic combination would make the character more likely to leave Franklin alive and, think nothing bad will happen from it.


@jasonstevanhill Just thinking today about how we can change the name of the character in St Louis. Since a main reason for doing so is to reduce one’s notoriety, can one have the option of adopting a new name and continue to use one’s old name within the confines of the Society? Thereby, the mortals think the character is a different person, whilst those vampires in the know, are in the know.

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Just wanted to check if there’s a bug when you ask Estefania to teach you Spanish when you try to increase rapport with her.

*if speaks_spanish = false
*if (false) #Ask Estefania to teach me the language of her mortal people.
*if rios_rapport > 40
*set speaks_spanish true
*set pitch “language”
*set the_conquistadors “the Conquistadors”
*set my_heart “my heart”
*goto why_who

My character doesn’t speak Spanish and has excellent rapport with Estefania, however, when I try to cultivate relations with her, the option to learn Spanish is not there.

That’s because the option have been removed and it’s not a bug

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Yeah, whenever you see *if(false) that means the option was dummied out. There are a few choices like that through the game, think of them as cut content.

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Would also like to check how to get the Governor’s Favor achievement.

  1. I select the choice “Me.” to be the Senator of New Orleans when first introduced to Overstreet.
    *set overstreet_rapport %+20

  2. I dazzled Overstreet with my skills in playing the pianoforte
    *set overstreet_rapport %+25

However, I still did not get the Governor’s Favor achievement, could anyone please advise.


I was only able to get it once and it gave me status 4 so I guess you need status 3, I also got along with Withers and the governor’s offspring (I don’t remember her name) but I’m not sure if that is need
I also took one of the aspiring senators out of the competition

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But the Governor’s Favor achievement can only be achieved before departing to Vicksburg right? Isn’t that before meeting her offspring?

it’s before departing Memphis.
I thought it was clear since one of the requirements was to run for senator.
the two actions you put before are also necessary to get the achievement

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If you want to get the achievement before going to Vicksburg, you need to:

  1. Have Status 2.
  2. Have Creation 3.
  3. Invest in the latest inventions.
  4. Say “Me” when she asks who should be senator.

You can still get it before St. Louis if you don’t fulfill requirement 1 OR requirement 3, by capturing Wilson and sending him to Withers. This option is unlocked by either having Lore 3, or knowing about stakes.

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Another way to increase your relation with her is by having your character be named some variation of Theresa.

It is, but I like being thorough.