Choice of Rebels Part 1 WIP thread

how do you get into code ? i want to have look at it too ?

Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it…


Not enough blood to keep raining down fire I’d imagine.

A theruge is like a fighter jet. Once they have located a target they can refit and keep coming back for more especially if one can keep marking the target. One theruge can just keep hovering in the vicinity. These guys can make a mountain float indefinitely and crush an entire city under another.

It just makes them seem incompetent and significantly less powerful than I first imagined.

They would still have to find you again, and the trees likely conceal you from their wozard vision

Well there is reportedly a blood shortage affecting provincial theurges. That and the Hegemony seems to be Fascist, but Inefficient under it’s current leadership, which is probably why would-be rebels like our outfit even stand a chance in the first place.
To put it this way I think the current regime favours luxury blood spending for its nobles over properly equipping their fighter-jet, flyboy theurges.


You can be my wingman anytime, anypotaktos.


GAH! so much temp stats… Headache just imagining trying to code through that. I’m more impressed in game now.

Well, both of those require the same special trick er, quantity of blood as upholding a Ward or making yourself into a lich ahem, other extremely high-blood-consuming things like, say, changing the weather over the whole Westriding for a season. It’s not something a pair of Theurges could do on a lark.

Less dramatic large area effect spells are also blood-intensive, though obviously not on quite the same scale as mountain-tossing. The Hegemony’s willing to spend that quantity of blood to reinforce the taboo on sabotaging Harrowers with a little local quake – but not to send it out with Theurges whose job isn’t to try to wipe you out (blowing up all the trees they can see might only kill half of you anyway) but to kill as many as they readily can, keeping you demoralized and scared until the ground troops can get in and do a thorough mop-up job.

At least, that’s how I’ve been considering it. I’m open to the argument that it’s tactically dumb, though.


I’m curious to see how a guerrilla fight against theurges would work. I can only assume we are going full Mao/Castro/Vietcong until the country side is significantly riled up?

Its certainly hard to imagine a force that is inferior both numerically and technologically inferior trying to fight an empire on its “home turf.” I’m curious to see how you pull it off.

I also expect the next chapter to end with our capture.

It should be a lot of fun!


I imagine they must store their blood supplies somewhere. Hitting those armories would be rather a good bet. (Though it has certain inherent difficulties if they are in fact guarded by theurges.)


Even funnier to me because Evil Gandhi is rebelling Pacifist style against Hegemony… She is brave as hell lol. And stupid


Tactics is often in the eye of the beholder and if you want to show them making a mistake that will be used narratively down the line that is fine. The other possibility is that they are holding back on purpose but that makes less sense as anarchy increases.

My point is they found you. You can only travel so far from that point encumbered as you are in the woods even with mules. Not sure how fast the theruges fly or where they are based but thier kill box has just been narrowed from “the entire forest” to 4 square kilometers.

The objective is to round the lot of the rebels up and harrow them. So the theruges use their big voice and some scare magic and say “Guess what? It is over. One of us will be watching 24/7. You cannot escape. If you continue to resist any who live will be harrowed without exception. Surrender now and we’ll spare the children. You have 1 hour to decide. After that I will set the entire forest around your column on fire.”


I dont have children and have 43 warriors we could runaway just fine .

Mara, they can fly… You can’t out run them. Your 43 might not even be worth rounding up. If they found you they would just burn you all alive.


Well, if she causes enough trouble I’m sure they’ll want to take her in alive, to be slowly killed.

If they could. My point here is that the rebellion’s continued existence atm is predicated on not being found by the theruges. What is concealing them is the fact that the Wendward forest is vast a nearly uninhabited. If they found out where in general your band is located the jig is up. They can keep coming back to the same small area with impunity and even more so if they use a rotating watch of one theruge to mark you.

The only way to get around this imho would be to scatter in every direction immediately upon detection and then linking up again if a theruge isn’t following you at a predesignated area. That would probably take a couple days and relies on everyone being willing to commit suicide by theruge if they are the one followed. Of course at that point the theruge could just swoop down on his target and torture the rally point out of them and keep repeating the process.

It is even more unbelievable to me that you could escape unscathed unless it was on purpose.


I mostly agree with your point, which is why I think the blood shortage must be worse than we realize.

Even before our rebellion it was bad enough that they were harrowing more often than Helotes could remember being harrowed before. Even just maintaining flight and invulnerability (which is said to be more expensive and short lasting during the first harrowing) would probably drain a thurges belt of vials pretty quickly.

The only way to power a full magic offense would be more harrowings which would risk making things much worse.

The safe bet is to keep the rebels contained until a cheaper and more thorough ground force can be mobilized into the woods. Just enough magic to keep them scared.


I wonder how well aetherial blood even keeps.


Some people believe those are the same thing.

Until the expiration date printed on the bottle. After that, it’s about five days, give or take.