Choice of Rebels Part 1 WIP thread

“In unrelated news Fred, Bronday the first will forever be honored as the day Strategos Nomiki’s daughter was born. Do you know what they decided to name her Fred?”

“No I don’t Bob, what did they decide on?”

Alice Star!


The traitor is obviously the player, only a Kryptast could get multiple choices for his past during infiltration, unlike the singular pasts we’re all stuck with in real life.


@Havenstone does Strategos Nomiki actually have a daughter?

Hmmmmm! A daughter! Hmmmmmm… :smirk:

@WulfyK, no. The Bronday pun is based in pure rumor.

@Abyss, I get that you’re Eevil. But there’s no need to be creepy.


Nomiki have a daughter? And if have! how old she is? And! This is pure strategic information! :smile:

Take a seat right over there…

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Are there brownies?

Can I get some brownies too?

Thalsday the second, and all the stable boys are wondering, “why do Karagonds always have horses?”

Answer: Because their car a gone!


I click “like” only because Discourse hasn’t got around to designing a “groan and gouge out my eyes at ghastly pun” button. I’m sure they’re on it.


That’s very punny its the best joke I’ve heard all week. -Sarcastic face-


For your sake I hope so, for every pun you “like” two more rise to take its place @Havenstone. You can not hope to outlast them. Also @faewkless brought a tear to my eye and I’m proud to be an inspiration to everyone.

Why is The Harrowing necesarry ? because the path is too Narrow to offer any more choice you Kryptas-Fascist. :smile:

This game make me very kurios


It’s been a while since I’ve read thread, so Havenstone might have proven this wrong, but personally I don’t actually think there WAS a kryptast to begin with, and if there was, it certainly isn’t Breden. Kryptasts have WAY better things to do than inciting an insignificant group of heliots in an insignificant backwater town to rebel - and I don’t think anyone would even have talked about rebellingcwithout Breden.

I find it more likely that someone simply decided to rat you to the hegemony for their own gain (or to escape punishment), and then continued to sell/give them information after the rebellion started.

Central element in the theory that Breden is the Kryptast is that the Hegemony periodically instills some additional fear in the oppressed classes by ruthlessly crushing a rebellion. If some part of the population in the cities is becoming more restive then, in the absence of any naturally occurring rebellions, the Hegemony may well have decided that it would serve their purpose sent an agent to foment one of their own making.
Making sure any such “rebellion” occurs on the periphery would allow them to both send a clear message to any would be rebels in the more valuable parts of the Hegemony while simultaneously assuring such a “rebellion” is isolated, easily contained and not able to cause any significant damage.

…That REALLY doesn’t sound very smart (of the Hegemony, I mean). It seems like there have been enough rebellions in the last century (there’s been at least the yeoman rebellion, that Sarcifer archmage guy, and the multiple Shayardene pretenders), and that’s just in Shayard.

Assuming that the Hegemony is instigating rebellions, then if those rebellions weren’t manufactured by the Hegemony, then they’re goddamned idiots for trying to make more, and if they WERE manufactured by the Hegemony, then some of them seems to have been TOO successful, and the Hegemony SHOULD have learned NOT to make people revolt, damnit.

The hegemony doesn’t really like (or made) any of those rebellions as they actually give people hope. Those brigands were successful enough to actually be a threat. Not just an excuse to turn a helot village into a half thousand liters of aetherial blood. They don’t like rebellions they like crushing rebellions.

It keeps helots afraid of the harrower, the nobles afraid of the helots, the merchants afraid of brigands, the Karagond goods above everyone else’s, and Theurges fat on blood for their thirsty wards.

Of all those things, only the yeoman rebellion was one of the lower classes they could afford to ruthlessly stamp out. The Shayardene pretenders seem to have mostly noble support and we know the Hegemony for the most part treats nobles with kid gloves, or at least prefers to quietly make them vanish, as opposed to ruthlessly torturing and publicly harrowing them. The arch-mage is an isolated case and one they have not been able to apprehend as of yet.

As most humans apart from theurges and powerful nobles who can afford regular theurgic treatment seem to live the standard lifespan the Hegemony would probably prefer to viscerally demonstrate its particular brand of ruthlessness once every generation, meaning 20-30 years, or so to keep the lower classes (and the very few people in the administration who might favour appeasement and reform) properly cowed. I don’t know how long it’s been since the yeoman rebellion, but it could be a generation.

Otherwise it’s certainly possible they feel they need their own ongoing “war on terror” to keep both potential reformists and the lower classes down.

But our “rebellion” hasn’t reached that stage quite yet. We’re a minor nuissance to some provincial nobles at best at the moment. Only if we survive the final chapter of this game does our little rebellion stand the chance of morphing into a genuine threat to the Hegemony.