Choice of Box: Help/Resource Site (Updated 04/22/16)

sitting here Tennessee taking my 34hr break and was trying to work on the site but signal keeps dropping out on me so will not be able to do much this weekend. Will try again next weekend. Sorry folks. Guess it’s a good day to just write on my game. :slight_smile:

The rain finally stopped so was able to pick up signal. Have added the following WIPs
Tempus Fugit by K.L. Kaier
Zombie Exoduis: Safe Haven by Jim Dattilo
Guenaver by Jean Townsend
The Replica Trilogy SharpOne
The 6th legion by Vincent Pietersen

You can help speed up the process by submitting your wip to me, will be more then happy to place up here.

I also have all the, I believe, CSComp entries from 2014 and 2015 up.

Out of time for this week. Have a great week.