Children of the Gods (Important poll #12306)

Yes, that happened to Arakne, because she was better than Athena doing tapestries

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Sure but the things the mortals actually were better at tended to be fairly trivial, like the weaving example the other poster mentioned.

Didn’t Diomedes beat several gods, including the god of war during the Trojan war? Though I guess he had a comparatively happy life compared to most who best them… and Ares isn’t the best fighter…

And won’t my mc enjoy reminding him of such “incidents”. One in-game reason why taking and actually paying attention to AP Greek Mythology may be worthwhile.


I thought your mc was trying to get into his pants? Or maybe you’re a sadist…

Ares, by his own behaviour will definitely be a rivalry-mance. So nothing like getting the big guy a bit worked up first with some snarky banter to get him all hot and bothered.

I have a whole encyclopedia for Greek mythology. Looking to seeing what happens!

It’s almost surreal to see the joke about Zeus possibly giving his child a Viagra pill randomly revived once more. :sweat_smile:

Putting the joke about the pill aside, @Rohie did say that Zeus’ children got one of the cooler weapons out of all the Bearers, so who knows what the pill is even capable of (or how the Bearer is supposed to use it).


Even though there seems to be a genuine desire with Poseidon and Hades to bond with their child (not sure about Zeus, but I think he at the very least cared about Priscilla, which may play some role in why he’s interested in the Bearer, regardless of who their actual father is), very little about the situation feels like they’ll be able to fully give their Bearer child a stable family experience.

With Zeus, the Bearer has a father who comes off as aloof in the beginning while expecting quite a bit from a Bearer who just learns they’re his kid. Even if the Bearer does genuinely want to get to know him (and he possibly having some honest sense of affection for them that goes beyond the fact they are the Bearer), they’ll likely have to deal with Hera the most out of all the Bearers due to her natural hatred of the children born from Zeus’ affairs (though I’m still a partial to the idea that she has more hatred toward a Bearer NOT being his child, since his affections for a child who is not even his could come off as even more of an insult to injury for Hera).

With Hades, things feel arguably the most complicated on a familial level. You have a father who seems to genuinely care about your wellbeing and wants to make up for hiding the fact that he was your father. But the lies and his disappearance in general are reasonable grounds for why some Hades Bearers may question how much Hades honestly cares, if he can really be relied on, making some of his children possibly REALLY hesitant about trusting him. As if that’s not complicated enough, aside from the fact that Hades is possibly on thin ice with the other Gods, whatever he’s got going on with Persephone and Athena now gets 3x as complicated since Priscilla gets added to the mix. And the make things even MORE complicated, the Bearer own relationship with Demeter and Persephone become effectively more awkward and complicated due to their origins.

With Poseidon, things do feel honestly less complicated (especially since the Bearer doesn’t have to kill Saxon to get him as their father, making them truly innocent to Sage’s accusation of them being a murderer ). But he probably has the least ideas of how to handle being the father of the Bearer and seems very on the fence about the Bearer’s presence in general. And we haven’t even gotten into if Amphitrite will play a role in the story and how she possibly feels about about Priscilla and the Bearer (though again, family life does feels less complicated with the God of the Sea).

Only for Damon, but that mainly because he’s one of the Bearers who has always really wanted to meet his mother. He probably wouldn’t care about getting answers at first; he’d just want to hug the woman tightly the moment he meets her. A main question that would be on his mind that he’d ask is if Hades and her honestly loved each other.

Other than that (provided that enough time has passed), he’d probably deal with Priscilla in a calmer manner than he did with Hades after his reveal of being his father (not that he outright exploded at Hades, but the reveal of him being his father causes a pretty bad rift between them, that causes Damon to need more time because his feelings toward the man become a great deal more complicated). He’d probably be upset with some matters, but end up saying that he feels that Priscilla and Hades probably didn’t want him to have to deal with their mess. But that, when all is said and done, that’s exactly what has to happen; he has to deal with the mess that the God of Underworld and the Prophet left behind.


This is going to be a great game!

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It is. And like all great things, we have to play the waiting game

Honestly, I’m just sitting here ready to pay Rohie for all her hard work


She should get a Patreon then: SHUT UP & TAKE MY MONEY!!!

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What’s a Patreon? Don’t know what that is.

@lokidemon007 Patreon is a website that allows content creators to get paid by their peers, fans, and the such for stuff they create. It’s an artist’s long-term funding on the internet. It’d usually on a monthly basis, with tiers and rewards depending on the amount “pledged,” or paid.

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If Rohie reads this, let us hope she doesn’t feel like we’re “Patreon-izing” her amiright?

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So…while the wait game continues, would your MC turn against Olympus or play as their champion during the whole war

I’m playing as the champion.

Burn Olympus down for lolz

In theory, my MC’s playing as the champion. One of the biggest issues is how out of his element he feels he is. He went from living on the run to living on Olympus and (as I see it) expected to treat this all as normal–within less than a week, at that. Not much of a chance to feel at home there, which I suspect was intended.
I’ve written before about how conditional it was. For Evander, his main issue is trust. At best, he trusts maybe half of the gods. (In this sense, it’s variations of a lack of outright hatred, an assumption that they won’t screw him over too hard, and/or generally liking them.) He’s also something of a realist and knows that betraying the gods probably won’t end too well. No clue if it goes both ways.
Therefore, his style will end up more teamwork-oriented. He has a feeling that he’s expected to be the winner in a contest he doesn’t know much about, among demigods that may or may not actually like him, for gods who might just see him as a plaything or a means to an end. He needs all the help he can get.


Undecided, still know little to nothing about being turn against Olympus

My MCs will give Olympus a chance.

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