Children of the Gods (Important poll #12306)

I killed Saxon and Poseidon was my father and Wit was the my highest stat, shouldn’t he only be the father of you spared Saxon?

It is a bug, fish dad is the only dad in current version no matter what you did. That would be fixed soon.

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Is she going to take offense if your name is Nyx as well? Hearing that another was named Nyx would be a perfect excuse for her to investigate the other being…


gonna have to start referring to Poseidon as fish dad now

@Rohie we need the FAQ updated where it says Poseidon (aka Fish Dad) :grin:


Depends on which MC I am playing, the knight in shining armor or the poor kid scraping to get by doing what needs to be done to survive another day. Why have one MC when you can have as many as your imagination allows? XD

So a thrid option! BOTH! XD

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WAIT so you can become a child of hades but not one of zeus because of the bug right? Cause I really dont wanna be percy jackson in this story

Only Poseidon can be your dad…Hades and Zeus can not be your father at this time due to technical issues…damn bugs >.< XD

Can we just pray the bug way? Which god do we pray to for it?

Wonder how much we can change the circumstances around the prophecy…


How cool is the ship name for Saint/Santiago being Saintiago :joy:


As much as I like Santiago, I wouldn’t want him as a brother.

Fair point, given the lack of witnesses to actually describe what exactly transpired, but I doubt that all forensics point to self-defense, confrontation certainly, but solely self-defense? Considering that there isn’t any visual and/or audio proof of the beginning of confrontation, nor are there any testimony from witnesses that observed it, one could easily claim that the defendant was the assailant in the first place.

I take it that abandoned factory doesn’t have any functioning camera nor recording electronic devices on their rooftop where this ‘supposed’ crime took places?

Sure you could claim that but normally if it’s just an unfounded claim then the presumption of innocence would protect whoever it is you’re accusing from any legal consequences, unless you or the prosecution can find some corroborating evidence. Push it too far though and you may even be the one to find yourself on trial for slander or defamation.
If the Gods proceed with a trial on such seemingly spurious claims then it is likely that we are to be “tried” in a kangaroo court that presumes we are in fact guilty until we manage to prove otherwise, or, and this is likely the only real purpose of the sham, strike a rotten “deal” where we agree to give up the title or the reward, or accept a lesser reward or something.
Again the old Greek Gods aren’t the types to care about a couple of murders, what they do care about is loophole abuse and wiggling out of promises made. Honestly if I didn’t know any better I would think they are the model many modern law-firms seek to emulate. :unamused:
In other words it seems likely that the Gods here love a good Cardassian Trial. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Will the trial on Olympus use a lot of human law stuff? Like a case of ’ oh humans learned it from us.’ I’m just wondering because it seems so from what I skimmed.

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Gods justice was never justice at all. In fact humans invented justice to stop depending god sights. Like you probably same as me had to endure historical laws in first year of college . For greek and romans existed Fas and then the Ius. Fas is the old divine based right cruel and based in destroy the supposed guilty. Thats Zeus system based in sobrenatural events accuse is presumed guilty and has to proof otherwise.
Ius born when humans though well we are humans and have no super powers so why we don’t create a system based in logic and real facts. One that only focused in truth and not in revenge.
So any desire to use ius defense in a Fas trial is stupid and unacceptable. We should make a fas association. Probably based in the fact they go against their sacred duty so we as our honor and essence user we had some sort of IUS MALECANDI over simply demigods. Yeah some sort of medieval stile of privilege should work as a charm.


Except there usually isn’t actually a way to prove anything under Fas rules except through “divine intervention” or in our case I suppose the “essence ex-machina” my mc so loathes might suffice.

But we all knew it was heading there all along, a good really old-fashioned “trial” where we are guilty until proven innocent, but perhaps forget that last part as often there wasn’t in fact a way for the defendant in those things to actually prove themselves innocent, they just had to throw themselves at the tender mercy of the court and meekly accept whatever fate they had in story for them. So yes, you’re probably right in that we’re going to have a fas based trial, which, like I said before probably means accepting whatever rotten deal the Gods want to shove down our throats.
The most probable ones are likely to be forsaking the immortality reward and/or giving up the “Hero” title to Aeson and agreeing to be the good, little meek sidekick. :wink:

Otherwise as I recall the most modern examples of (de-facto) fas based trials were the witch-hunt ones, where you were thrown into the water with weights attached to you and if you floated or hovered you’d be executed as a witch and if you just drowned guilt or innocence wasn’t conclusively established either way but you’d end up equally dead for it.

Of course we’re dealing with the old Greco-Roman conceptions of “Fas” here not the early Christian ones, which were fundamentally different, not that it matters much to our poor mc’s as you can’t win under Fas “rules”. Under the Christian ones my mc could simply be condemned for transgressing against the laws of heaven for even having homosexual urges. :sweat_smile:

Still they can’t pretend their court is going to be anything other then a farcical kangaroo one.:sweat_smile:

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They even won’t try to pretend lol. We will have Nemesis and Zeus there in a big throne calling us things while a chorus of tragedy woman sing our sins. No proofs because gods have seen magically the event. I would with Mara directly admit the fact and say My essence part vibrating when i meet the seeker and demand his blood he was disloyal and tainted to his part of me so to avoid the tainted and treacherous will spreading I killed him. No traitorous soul should life and like i have half of essence I killed him.
Zeus believe in prophecy and that i am the essence and even if he wants kill me he won’t do that in a fas trial. Because undetermined my authority as essence is undetermine his as Essence.
All fas zeus trial will be I as god and partaking in essence has seen in your heart mortal so thats why i condemn you. But We are essence so with that in a twisted idea equal to him so no way they condemned us for killing a peasant. They will accuse us to kill something more strong like a god or treason.

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With regards to the trial, couldn’t one also argue that your SO/friend died as a result of the Council’s negligence/failure to properly look into the possession of the Seekers and that it was unfair that you be held accountable for Saxon’s death because the Council was never held accountable for _________'s death?

Council are not punible as like all trully soberains are beyond normal law Zeus and council only are punible by themselves or by Fate

I disagree, though it’s true that their track record might suggest otherwise. In a case that looks as though it’s already going to be built on circumstantial evidence, at best (unless Rohie has something up her sleeve :~0), I don’t see why the Bearer can’t bring up their treatment at the hands of the possessed seekers as a potential argument. I.E, even if you are guilty and plead accordingly, it’s not a stretch to say that it was the Council’s negligence that pushed you to such extremes. My MC won’t be admitting that she killed Saxon without damning evidence, and she certainly doesn’t see the dagger as such. Though, since it is was your weapon, perhaps it might substantiate the accusation to a certain extent depending on whether or not there’s something on it that indicates it was used by you particularly.
And painting themselves as quintessentially blameless deities, that never, ever have to be held accountable isn’t going to do them any favours, either. Who’d be willing to trust them? Why would any accusation hold any ground whatsoever, if that was the case? No, I think the Gods are far subtler when it comes to shirking petty moralities. How would they openly deflect such an accusation by the Bearer, no less, in what is very likely to be a public hearing?

We have fas judges in old greece and mythology so I certainly could say gods and god send kinds are ABOVE LAW .That’s why Ius was created. Gods are BEYOND our comprehension, they don’t give a shit you trust in them or not They are. Gods are not a democracy my friend they are a damn hard Theocracy. So any attempt of acussing them of negligent would end with you in the Tartarus. It is like you where judged by Inquisition tell them it was their fault you will end in the pire before you could say demon