Children of the Gods (Important poll #12306)

Chipper up, old Chap. It’ll be worth the wait.


For three chapters, I think it’s well worth the wait

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(I’m not really impatient for the update but the oppotrunity for the gif was too good to pass up :stuck_out_tongue:)


You could also have used that one “It’s been 84 years” from Titanic. xD

Really looking forward to the update Rohie, but take all the time you need. :smiley:

Hahaha, that’s a funny joke there. If. That’s like saying there’s a chance she won’t be evil



I can never bring myself to play as an evil character. Call me boring, but whether it’s called good, pure, light side, or paragon, my character can always be describe as such.



I tried several times doing a Paragon playthrough I got 28 renegade. I even create Hitler Shepard for it… But I can’t, Each time I reached the stupid jellyfish option I have to choose it. Or shoot Conrad Punch the reporter… I am renegade … Also male shep is terrible boring

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I never finished the third Gabe. I was halfway through it when all my saved data for all three games got deleted. I haven’t been able to make myself play them ever since, as I don’t want to have to relive the fate of Mordin.

Edit: Who the hell is Gabe, and why does autocorrect keep changing the word game into his name?

Gabe is a game ? XD :wink:

Yah, that’s about right. The only renegade thing I’ve done in the games were two interrupts, once in ME2 with the preaching krogan who wouldn’t shut up, and once against that damn ninja Kei Leng, but that bastard killed Thane

No! Don’t remind me of Thane! It’s bad enough remembering Mordin!


Really, I might be willing to play as a renegade just to make sure Wrex died in the first game so that Mordin survived the third game

I swear, if @Rohie decides to put us in a situation like with Mordin, I’ll never forgive her.

The only renegade option I remember doing is the interrupt to do shots with Vega and your crew in ME3…

I think the world has enough evil without adding the Big Bang itself into the mix XD

Also, would I be right to assume that, since we’re already up to chapter 7 and we haven’t done a single trial yet (I’m assuming there’s a maximum of 12 trials +1 for Hades), the Children of the Gods will span multiple games? Would that be too spoilery, @Rohie?


We are (in my mind) very early on in the game. I see chapters 1-4 as laying down the foundations. It hasn’t even started yet. There are so many more chapters to go through, I hyperventilate thinking about them all. I mean, we’re not even in part two of the game yet (we will be soon see: CH 8) which is when the Trials commence. The Trials and uncovering the overall plot take up a big chunk of part two, and part three focuses on the aftermath and the war.

It will be a very long game. :sweat:

P.S. I can’t tell you how many trials there will be, spoilers and all, but I’m not planning for twelve.


So this might turn out to be a mammoth game like Magikiras, which i believe has over 1,000,000 words?

Aw… I didn’t expect the war to finish within the game. It seems like such an epic event with so much hype going into it. I thought it would have its own game :open_mouth:

Then again, I guess it’s effectively Game Over once Lavei wins immortality and becomes one with the Force…